
Poetry is the most musical
of literary forms
Speaker- character who
tells the poem
Imagery- writing that
appeals to one or more
of the five senses
Metaphors- describe one
thing as if it were something
› Her eyes were saucers, wide
with expectations.
Personification- gives human
qualities to something
› The clarinet sang.
Similes- use like or as to
compare two unlike things.
› The icy water was like stinging
Alliteration- repetition of consonant sounds at the
beginning of words.
› Feathered friends
Repetition- repeated use of a sound, word, or phrase.
Assonance- repetition of vowel sounds in stressed syllable
that end with different consonant sounds.
› Fade and hay
Consonance- repetition of final consonant sounds in
stressed syllables with different vowel sounds.
› End and hand
Onomatopoeia- use of words that imitate sound.
› Pow!
Rhyme- repetition of sounds at the end of a word.
› Thin skin
Rhythm- pattern of strong/weak beats and pauses.
Lines- help poets add natural pauses by breaking up a
poem into many parts. A capital letter is at the
beginning of a line.
Stanza- arrangement of groups of lines to create an
appearance on the page or to organize thoughts. There
is a blank line between stanzas.
Meter- rhythmical pattern (the arrangement and number
of stressed and unstressed syllables).
Rhyme scheme- pattern of rhyme in a poem. It is written
in letters; aabb is a stanza whose first 2 and last 2 lines
› End rhyme- occurs when the end of lines share the same
› Internal rhyme- a rhyme occurs within a single line.
› Rhyming couplets- a pair of rhyming lines that usually have
the same meter and length.
Lyric/ballad- a songlike narrative
poem, usually featuring rhyme,
rhythm, and refrain
Sonnets-14 line poems with a formal
tone that follow a specific rhyme
scheme and stanzas (Pertrarchan abbaabbacdecde with 2 stanzas
or Shakespearean –
ababcdcdefefgg with 4 stanzas)
Odes- formal tone, written for the
single purpose of celebrating
Elegies- formal poems that reflect
on death or serious themes
Narrative- tells a story. Has elements of short
stories like setting, plot, and characters.
Epics- a long narrative poem that tells an
exciting or inspiring story about a hero and
Free verse-no strict structure. No regular meter,
rhyme, line length, or stanza.
Limerick- humorous 5 line poem with a specific
rhythmic pattern and an aabba rhyme scheme.
Concrete- the words are arranged on the page
to form a shape that suggests the topic of the
poem. It is lighthearted with a loose structure.
Haiku- a 17 syllable poem (the first line has 5
syllables, the second has 7, and the third has 5).
It is delicate, unrhymed, about nature, and