
Review for AP Human Geography
Be able to explain, define or identify the following:
 Geography pertains to the evolving character and spatial organization of earth's surface.
Why is the word “evolving” important?
Thomas Malthus: What year and during what time period did he write his theory and what
was it?
World Population Distribution
Where are the concentrations?
Where is the fastest growth occurring worldwide?
Crude Birth Rate
Why is this a problem?
How are these rates reported?
Why is China's crude birth lower than ours?
Crude Death Rate
How can the U.S.'s crude death be "high"?
Where would you expect to find a high crude death rate?
What is "rate of natural increase"?
What is “net migration”?
What is the equation to show a country’s total population change in one year?
Population growth can also be predicted by total fertility rate. What is this?
Arithmetic density
Toponyms; where do they come?
Physiological Density
Agricultural density
Cultural ecology……this is the study of the relationship between the earth and humans; the
outcome of this relationship is the cultural _____________ Related terms: possiblism and
environmental determinism.
 Comparing the types of religious architecture
Latitude and longitude; what all can they tell us?
Chain migration, brain drain, internal migration
Map projection and distortion
Map scale
Robinson projection
Mercator projection
Carrying capacity; what is it?
Demographic Transition Model
Birth Rate
Death Rate
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Where are cultural centers (famous holy sites) for Hindus, Jews and Muslims?
What has been the significance of rivers in world history for early urban development?
Discuss three different examples.
Definitions, examples of, and differences between…
Folk culture
Popular culture
Population distribution in the U.S.
Are we more urban or rural?
Since when?
However, why was it not until after World War II that suburbia started mushrooming?
What does “metropolitan” mean?
 Where would you find these products being raised in the U.S.? In the world?
[These are examples of formal regions, because you can show on a map where the product
is dominant.]
Examples of Transnational Corporations…
These corporations either export U.S. goods and services or import other countries'
In what ways do transnational corporations "look out for themselves"?
Where were the early cultural hearths?
In the cultural landscape, how can religion affect food production?
In the cultural landscape, how can the environment affect housing types?
What is a Cultural Trait? Cultural Artifact?
Nation-state definition and examples:
What is a Formal region
Clashes between groups: What are the causes?
What data and inferences can population pyramids show?
a Functional region?
a Vernacular region?
Guest workers in the U.S., in Europe and elsewhere…where do they come from? How are
they treated?
Push /Pull Factors-Know the difference
Sun Belt vs. Rust Belt: Why is the former gaining population; why is the latter losing
population? What are the political implications?
Review the concepts behind time zones? When? Why? How many and where?
Relocation diffusion
Expansion Diffusion
Why does language extinction happen? What is a language isolate?
What is the difference between acculturation and assimilation?
What's the difference between a reference map and a thematic map?
Terms to know:
Review the difference between colonialism and imperialism.
What is "self-determination"?
Are there still forced migrations?
Migration-Chain, Voluntary, Gravity Model
Ernst Ravenstein’s law of migration? Friction of distance?
What are examples of the "parts" of world religions?
Centripetal force
Centrifugal force
Distance Decay
Term to know: “Diaspora”
What's the difference between a universalizing religion and an ethnic religion?
What is GIS?
What is a census tract?
How does movement spread culture?
Relationship between patterns of human settlement and natural disasters.
What is GPS?
Examples of uses…
What is the connection between census data and politics?