How to calm down? :
Calm your body
STEP 1. Breathe slowly. Breathe in through your nose for three seconds, hold for
five seconds, and breathe out through your nose for three seconds.
How to calm down?
Calm your body
SEPT 2. Release tension in your shoulders. Slowly roll your
shoulders back three or four times, using as much range of
motion as you can. Then roll them forward. Repeat as often
as you need to.
SEPT 3. Tune out. Lie flat on your back and close your eyes.
You can listen to soothing music, or simply enjoy the silence.
Imagine every part of your body relaxing with each exhale.
Start with your toes, and move up through the muscles in
your legs, core, arms and neck. As you breathe, visualize
them becoming one with the Earth or filling with light. Try to
be as still as possible.
How to calm down?
Calm your MIND
STEP 1. Stay positive. Cultivating a happy attitude can help
you remember the good times and let go of things that are
beyond your control. Remember: you aren't here to master
everyone and everything into perfect behavior or functioning;
you're here to simply master your own behavior and
reactions. Remind yourself that you're not the only person
dealing with these issues when something difficult challenges
your sense of calm. Others feel similar emotions and are
trying to anchor their fears, worries and anxieties, too.
How to calm down?
Calm your MIND
STEP 2. Stay positive. Cultivating a happy attitude can help
you remember the good times and let go of things that are
beyond your control.
STEP 3. Avoid stressors. Sometimes it's hard to notice when
people, thoughts or events are adding stress to your life, but
the after-effects are there. Here's how to distance yourself: Try
to limit the time you spend around people who "wind you up",
especially if you're highly sensitive to taking on board other
people's emotions and issues.
How to calm down?
Calm your MIND
STEP 4. Try a new perspective. Think about the situation from a different angle
that doesn't result in you being so stressed. Pretend a friend of yours is in the
same situation, and imagine what advice you'd give him or her.
STEP 5. Try meditation or prayer. Even if you're not religious, you can find great
peace through purposely focusing on quieting your consciousness. Find a place
where you can be alone and focus on yourself. Being mindful as a way of life is
very calming and allows you to step aside from stressful events, even as they
unfold, to assess them with clarity and gentleness.
How to calm down?
Calm your MIND
STEP 6. Commune with nature. The tranquility of the great outdoors can help focus
your priorities and give you space to breathe. Water has a meditative quality that
often helps people calm down. If you live in the city, simply close your eyes and
imagine that you're sitting by a stream of water in the woods. Next, try to imagine a
leaf floating on the waterway. Think about where that leaf is going. This is a simple,
but surprisingly effective, way of lowering your stress levels.
A small indoor fountain can help to bring a sense of watery calm to your office or
home environment.
STEP 7. Take control. Convince yourself that you are in charge of your own choices
and perception. You have the power to control the way you feel — don't waste it.
STEP 8. Don't beat yourself up. If you're having a bad day, look at yourself in the
mirror and tell yourself good things. Say, "You are smart, beautiful/handsome" to
boost your confidence. Treat yourself to a special indulgence like a dessert, a little
pampering, or even just quiet time to do a hobby you enjoy.
How to calm down?
Calm your MIND
STEP 6. Commune with nature. The tranquility of the great outdoors can help focus
your priorities and give you space to breathe. Water has a meditative quality that
often helps people calm down. If you live in the city, simply close your eyes and
imagine that you're sitting by a stream of water in the woods. Next, try to imagine a
leaf floating on the waterway. Think about where that leaf is going. This is a simple,
but surprisingly effective, way of lowering your stress levels.
A small indoor fountain can help to bring a sense of watery calm to your office or
home environment.
STEP 7. Take control. Convince yourself that you are in charge of your own choices
and perception. You have the power to control the way you feel — don't waste it.
STEP 8. Don't beat yourself up. If you're having a bad day, look at yourself in the
mirror and tell yourself good things. Say, "You are smart, beautiful/handsome" to
boost your confidence. Treat yourself to a special indulgence like a dessert, a little
pampering, or even just quiet time to do a hobby you enjoy.
How to calm down?
Distracting yourself
Find small physical distractions. Squeeze a stress ball, sponge, or other pliable object
at least 50 times in a row. Finding distracting activities that are tactile and focused will
help to calm you quickly.
Count to 10. Before you say something inappropriate, close your eyes and count to 10.
Count to 20 if you need to. Even count to 100 if it's necessary. This is an easy and
effective way to separate yourself quickly from a stressful situation.
Express yourself in a journal. Try to write logically about how you feel. This is a good
way to confront your emotions, especially if you're naturally inclined to write. And if
things come out in a jumble, don't worry about it. Tear out the sheet of paper and
throw it away. It's the process of thinking and writing that's most important.
Immerse yourself in a hobby. If you like drawing, draw! If you like taking pictures, do
it! Just do whatever you really find yourself easily immersed in, the thing that you
lose track of time doing. Hobbies are a great way to charge your batteries, lose touch
with your worries and resurface feeling whole again.
How to calm down?