Une Entrevue Personnelle

Projet #2: Une Entrevue Personnelle: le 3
Look at your written feedback section and pick 1 area/concept you want to
focus on improving for this project. Explain what it is and how you will
achieve this.
Step 1: Create 10 questions and have them proof read
Step 2: Complete corrections and make a good copy
Step 3: Find a classmate who is also finished and interview each other
****record their responses in French****
Step 4: Take your partners responses and write a summary about them
****start with Voici le profil de __partner’s name______****
Step 5: Record your partners summary using fotobabble and upload it to your blog
Step 6: Present your partner in large groups
Step 7: Submit the good copy of your 10 questions with your partners responses
and the summary of your partner
Include a variety of different types of questions (ex. est-ce que tu, qu’est-ce que
tu, etc)
Include les adjectives/les types de personnalités (ex.physique, artisitique)
Include aimer, the negative, jouer au, faire de and vocabulary from the unit
**Students are able to incorporate the following French skills and
provide specific examples and explanations of their learning: **
Write complete sentences in the correct order
Examples from your work:
Conjugate the verbs avoir, jouer, faire and être correctly
Examples from your work:
Apply the correct spelling, articles (ex. un/une/les) and contractions (au/du
Examples from your work:
Apply statements in the negative correctly
Examples from your work:
Use a variety of different methods to create/ask questions correctly
Examples from your work:
Pronounce words and accents correctly
Examples from your summary:
Areas to Improve: