Un poco sobre mi

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a la clase de
¡¡¡¡¡¡ Chistes!!!!
What do South Americans
call it when a bed blends in
with the décor of a room?
( camouflage; una cama = bed)
What do you get when you put a Spanish
father’s jacket in the freezer?
A Pop Saco
(popsicle; un saco=sports coat)
I will also take jokes out
of other books.
Un poco sobre mi
Sra. DL
Yo soy de
I am from
Mi familia es de
My family is from
Vengo de una
familia grande.
I come from
a big family.
Yo tengo una
familia chica.
I have a small family.
Estoy embarazada, tengo dos perros y mi
hijo y esposo juegan al béisbol.
I’m pregnant, I have two dogs and my son
and husband play baseball.
Yo fui a Weinberg( k-6).
• Luego fui a Bogle Junior high(7-9).
Después fui a Chandler High (C-town;
En 1998 estudié en el colegio
CGCC por dos años. Terminé en
la ASU en 2003.
Desde 2003 he enseñado,
Trabajé por cinco años en
Basha y ahora estoy aquí
en Perry .
In 1998 I studied at ChandlerGilbert Community College for
2 years. I finished up at ASU in
I have been teaching since
2003. I worked at Basha for
5 years and now I am here
at Perry.
Ahora…. Voy a GCU
Now..I am
going to GCU.
La clase
•Agenda/Objectives: On the board. Students will start writing down the objectives weekly at the
top of their agenda sheet.
Warm ups: will happen ever day and the students will write them on their Agenda sheet.
Homework: Mon-Friday: They will write it down every day and I will come around and stamp.
Friday’s will usually be to study or projects. Give them some weekend time for other classes. (this
can always change)
*Studing 5-10 minutes every day will make a big impact on their success.
Absent policy: All extra work will be put on the wall. Easy access for all students. They have up to
one week to turn in absent work.
No late work accepted.
Through out the year: There will be videos, projects, worksheets, quizzes, exams, games, music,
reading and writing through out the year.
Avancemos is the text book we will be using..
commitment needed
EACH week:
Practice vocabulary and grammar
Do all homework assignments
(assigned daily)
Study for exams/quizzes IN
My goal:
is for every student to leave this
class with a good base of
knowledge in Spanish and a
desire to continue on in his/her
foreign language studies.
¿Qué necesitan para la clase?
Supplies list:
• Binder (can share with all your other classes, you just need
a section for Spanish.)
• 5-8 tabs: 1) Warm ups/homeworksheet, 2) Vocabulary sheets,
3) notes, 4) classwork/homework worksheets 5)
• Paper and spiral notebook
• Spanish/English dictionary (optional to have at home)
• Pencils (mechanical pencils preferred) , pens. And dry erase
• Colored pen, marker or sharpies.
• Note cards (3X5) Keep some in back pack but the rest can
be kept at home.
• Keep some artsy stuff at home (posters, colored paper,
glue, markers, etc…) and there is also a wish list. 
Ways Y-O-U can help your Perry Puma learn Spanish
Ask what s/he is currently studying.
Ask your student to TEACH YOU what s/he is learning
Review weekly vocabulary with your student. (It’s fun!)
Encourage your student to come for tutoring.
Encourage your student to study outside of class time.
Encourage them to give you at least 10 minutes EVER DAY of reviewing and studying their notes,
grammar, vocabulary and speaking. 5-10 minutes makes a huge impact on their success
throughout the year.
Encourage your student to utilize the language in everyday situations. (texting,
e-mail, a restaurant, church, etc..). “You don’t use it, you lose it”
Encourage your student to make flash cards, to read aloud, to ask questions, and do whatever
else necessary (i.e. watch movies, read books, listen to music in the target language) to succeed
as the curriculum progressively increases in difficulty.
Encourage your student to have fun with the language. PMA EVERDAY! They can learn many
things that interest them in the target language.
Encourage your student to NEVER GIVE UP and to TAKE RISKS. Everyone who speaks multiple
languages make mistakes. Mistakes are good, that’s how we learn. We all sound silly sometimes,
make grammatical errors, but learning a foreign language is like a sport. PRACTICE, PRACTICE,
PRACTICE. But one shouldn’t practice till they get it right; one should practice until they can’t get
it wrong.
Instructor: Sra. Carina De La Torre-Labbe
Phone: 480-224-2890
e-mail: DeLaTorre.Carina@chandler.k12.az.us or
Website: http://www.mychandlerschools.org/2031201015181055287/site/default.asp
Tutoring is available Monday – Thursday 2:15-3:15
Monday: C212
Tuesday: C220
Wednesday: C221
Thursday: C213
 When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all up hill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest! if you must; but don't you quit.
 Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As everyone of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up, though the pace seems slow;
You might succeed with another blow.
 Often the goal is nearer than
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up
When he might have captured the victor's cup.
And he learned too late, when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.
 Success is failure turned inside out;
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt;
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems afar;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit;
It's when things seem worst that you mustn't quit.
Don’t quit
Thank you for coming!!!! All of this will be
on my website.
 Go to….www.classzone.com for any extra
(by topic- i.e. : definite articles)