The Canterbury Tales - Cinnaminson Public Schools

Do Now
#1 – Storytelling
 Why do we tell stories? In what situations? What
makes a good story?
#2 – Medieval Times
 What do you know about the medieval period?
What was life like? What role did the church play in
people’s lives? What problems did people face?
#3 – Love and Marriage
 What do you think most women want? Most men?
Is it something different? Was it the same hundreds
of years ago?
Geoffrey Chaucer
Geoffrey Chaucer
Known as the father of English literature
Born between 1340 and 1345
Father was a wealthy wine merchant
Chaucer received a well-rounded
 Chaucer’s father secured him a position at
court in the household of Elizabeth,
Countess of Ulster, who was the wife of
King Edward III’s second son.
 Important opportunity for a medieval youth
 Would have secured him a successful future
Geoffrey Chaucer
Favored by the monarchy for his diplomatic
 Sent to Italy
 Most likely where he became acquainted with the works
of Petrarch and Dante, which influenced his writing
Published 4 works between 1370 and 1386
The Book of the Duchess
The Parliament of Fowls
The House of Tame
Troilus and Criseyde
First poet buried in the “Poets’ Corner” of
Westminster Abbey
 Supervised construction of this monument
Geoffrey Chaucer
The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer’s
masterpiece, was never completed
 Began in 1387
 Ended with Chaucer’s death on October 25, 1400
Kings and nobles had all power politically.
The Catholic church had all power spiritually.
Most were poor farmers struggling to survive.
Corruption abounded in government and the
Labor shortage due to The Plague
The Canterbury Tales was well-received by
the public.
The work departed from the norm.
 The belief existed that all good literary work was
modeled off of something already in existence.
 Important works were usually written in Latin or French;
Chaucer wrote in English
29 pilgrims plus Chaucer, who is the
Narrator, and the Host
 Leaving from The Tabard Inn outside
 Traveling to the shrine of St. Thomas à
Read The General Prologue and The
Knight’s Tale, Part 1 and answer
corresponding questions.
General Prologue
1. They are going to ask for the saint’s
help and healing.
 2. He possesses the highest social
standing among the pilgrims.
 3. The knight’s son is the squire and his
servant is the Yeoman.
 4. She is friendly and entertaining. She
seems to be working very hard at
pretending to be elegant.
General Prologue
5. She is wealthy and it also indicates a
level of worldliness.
 6. He eats well and has a degree of
wealth. He spurs and possibly hunts. He is
a member of a religious order, but is also
wealthy. His main interest is hunting.
 7. Religious institutions of the time
allowed for many to live a comfortable
lifestyle without requiring a special
devotion from them.
8. Chaucer is using indirect
characterization: he describes who the
Friar knew and how he spent his time.
 9. His uses skillful begging to earn his
living. He cares nothing about what he is
supposed to be doing or what he believes
in terms of the clergy. He is supposed to
be helping the poor and widows.
 10. The Franklin likes food and drink. He
loves to entertain. He’s involved with
community affairs and has been a judge,
a sheriff, and Parliamentary rep. The
Cleric likes books of philosophy.
These men are part of the new rising
middle class comprised of successful,
affluent, skilled workers.
 11. The wives are skilled social climbers
who urge their husbands to run for office.
The fact that the men are stylishly
dressed show that they either agree with
their wives or are being prodded by their
 12. The Doctor watches people’s stars
rather than treating their illnesses in an
attempt to get money.
General Prologue
13. They should all behave with these
traits of integrity, kindness, and
generosity like the Parson.
 14. He is attributing the traits of an
animal to the Miller: those of slovenliness
and cunning. He has traits of loquacity,
belligerence, lecherousness.
General Prologue
*Summoner acts drunkenly and
unintelligently. He will allow immoral
activity to go on, provided he gets paid to
look the other way.
 *Pardoner is dishonest and has tricked
country folk and made fools of the priests
and congregation.
 15. He is concerned that they will be
riding without much to amuse them.
Do Now
What is love? What makes for a good
Courtly Love
The Art of Courtly Love
 Andreas Capellanus
 Eleanor of Aquitaine
Certain rules
 Love comes into a person through the eyes
 Not a meeting of the minds
 Exclusively based on adultery
 Love is always increasing and decreasing
 Jealousy is a good thing
 Makes the men better
 Totally benefits the man
 Go-betweens are used
Courtly Love
Chivalry and Honor
Women are on a pedestal
Constantly tested
Loosely connected with the Church
 Fighting for the Crusades
Loyalty to your lord
Carrying yourself
Must look good
Brave and selfless
Fight in someone’s name
Strong sense of ethics
Not usually what happened – persona
Medieval Romances
Idealized images of how people in the
higher classes behave, especially in love
and war
Love is inspired by perfect beauty and
All characters deal with one another in
completely chivalrous ways.
The settling of a quarrel through a test of
Everyone is perfect
 Fictionalized version of good people
 Creates communities
 Nationalism
The General Prologue
Describe the variety of occupations, the
degree of wealth, the level of education,
and the beginnings of political power
represented among the pilgrims.
 Contrast a corrupt clergymen from the
Prologue with the Parson.
 Select three characters from the Prologue
whom Chaucer seems to be satirizing.
The Knight's Tale Part 1
What do you think of how the two men fall
in love with Emily? Why do authors use
love at first sight in stories?
 Why is the Knight the first person to tell
his tale?
Complete worksheet.
Read The Knight’s Tale, Parts 2, 3, and 4
and answer corresponding questions.
Do Now
Have you ever had to fight for something
you loved or felt passionate about? How
did it turn out? Did you feel the ends
results were fair? Explain why or why not.
Fortune's Wheel
Rota Fortunae
 The goddess Fortuna
spins the wheel at
 Found in Dante’s
Inferno and The
Canterbury Tales
 Used to educate
illiterate masses
 Found in medieval art
and in windows of
I reign
I shall
I have
Sum sine
I am without
a kingdom
The Knight's Tale
Parts 2, 3, and 4
Explain the features in this tale which
characterize it as a romance.
 How did the Knight seem to define love?
 How does the Knight’s story fit with what
you know about him from the Prologue
and with what he values?
 What role do the gods play in this tale?
With a partner, look for instances of
where Fortune’s wheel is found in The
Knight’s Tale thus far. Discuss its purpose
in the story.
Read The Miller’s Prologue and Tale and
answer corresponding questions.
Do Now
Is revenge ever sweet? Does it ever have
any purpose? Or does it only create more
The Miller's Prologue and Tale
 A short tale, usually vulgar, with a quick funny
 The Merchant’s Tale is also an example of this.
The Miller’s Prologue and Tale
Contrast The Knight’s Tale with The
Miller’s Tale.
 Fully describe the character Absalom.
Contemplate Chaucer’s reason for
including such a crude tale and the
response medieval audiences may have
had to the story.
Read The Nun’s Priest’s Prologue and Tale
and answer corresponding questions.
Do Now
Why have authors used animals to teach
lessons in literature? What can they
accomplish that human beings perhaps
The Nun’s Priest Prologue and
Allegory – an extended metaphor in which
a person, abstract idea, or event stands
for itself and for something else
 It usually involves moral or spiritual concepts which
are more significant than the actual story.
 Examples
 Milton’s Paradise Lost
 George Orwell’s Animal Farm
Parody – a humorous or satirical imitation
of a person, event, or serious work of
literature designed to ridicule in
nonsensical fashion or to criticize by
clever duplication
The Nun’s Priest Prologue and
With the treatment and role of women
being an important theme throughout The
Canterbury Tales, explain why it’s
appropriate that Chaucer would tell this
 Explain how the Nun’s Priest’s Tale fits the
requirements for a beast fable.
“Woman is man’s joy” (Page 159)
 Reference to Adam and Eve (Page 161)
 False flatterers (Page 162)
 Fortune (Page 164)
This tale could be looked at as a parody or
an allegory. With your group, take a
stance and back up your position with
examples from the book.
Read The Wife of Bath’s Prologue and Tale
and answer corresponding questions.
Do Now
Make a list of words that you feel
adequately describe the Wife of Bath.
The Wife of Bath’s Prologue
and Tale
What religious attitudes about women are
attacked by the Wife of Bath?
 What is ironic about her anger against
these attitudes?
The Wife of Bath’s Prologue
and Tale
Argues that it is not possible to remain a
virgin, and also support marriage (Page
 Argues the use of sexual organs (Page
 Doesn’t condemn virginity, but says it’s
not for her (Page 169)
The Wife of Bath’s Prologue
and Tale
A contradiction
 She uses the same arguments that men use to
degrade women.
 Says women are good liars (Page 170)
 Nags her husband (Page 174)
 Suffers “through his lust and pretend enjoyment” for
“profit” (Page 174)
Is she a stereotype or is she an
empowered woman?
 Says that all women truly want is control
over their husbands (Page 187)
Examine the debate over the Wife being a
stereotype of women or an empowered
female character. With your group, look
for specific examples of how the Wife fits
your side of the argument. You will then
write your findings on the board and share
with the class.
Read The Friar’s Prologue and Tale and
answer corresponding questions.
Do Now
How often do you encounter people who
are not what they seem? Have you ever
had someone like this in your life? What
were the repercussions and consequences
of this person’s influence? Did the person
ever experience hardship because of his
or her actions?
The Friar's Prologue and Tale
Medieval exemplum – a dramatic part of a
sermon that illustrates the central idea; a
tale of immoral behavior with a moral
 Common theme of a corrupt political
official getting what he deserves
The Friar's Prologue and Tale
In what ways can this tale be considered
an example of a fabliau?
 Why is it ironic that the Friar accuses the
Summoner of avarice?
“Nothing good can be said about a
summoner.” (Page 193)
Uses spies (Page 194)
Could be bought and bribed (Page 195)
“Despised” title (Page 196)
Agrees to terms with the devil (Page 199)
Summoner is taken to hell (Page 201)
Write your own version of The Friar’s Tale,
attacking a modern day celebrity or
political figure for their actions.
Read The Summoner’s Prologue and Tale
and answer corresponding questions.
Do Now
In your day to day life, you most likely
encounter hypocrisy in some form or
another. How do you deal with such
things? Do you find hypocrisy especially
rampant in a particular area (a profession,
a group of people, etc.)?
Also known as Wycliffism
Medieval heresy
 Attacked the idea that religious power came
through hierarchy
 Piety was what mattered
 A holy layperson had as much power as a priest
 True community was about the community of the
Originated in the 1370s or early 1380s in
Oxford with the followers of John Wycliffe
 Lollards were persecuted after The
Peasants’ Revolt in 1381
Was considered a threat to the
government and the church
 Protests against the wealth, the power,
and the pride of the clergy
 Discredited transubstantiation
 The belief that the Eucharist actually changes into
the body and blood of Christ
Favored consubstantiation
 The belief that the body and blood of Christ exists
alongside the Eucharist (bread and wine). The
bread and wine does not become the body and
The Summoner's Prologue and
Based on the definitions you’ve received
so far (fabliau, exemplum, allegory,
parody, etc.), what genre do you think
this story fits into? Why?
 What has happened to the friendly feud
between the Summoner and the Friar?
Work with a partner to list other instances
of political or social movements that grew
out of distrust for the social climate.
Think of history, throughout the world and
in America. How did these upheavals end?
Was change granted? Or was the
movement shut down by the people in
Read The Merchant’s Prologue, Tale, and
Epilogue and answer corresponding
Do Now
The tales we’ve read deal a lot with
relationships, namely love and marriage.
In your experience, what are some of the
issues/events that can doom a
relationship? Are there certain things that
can doom a relationship from the start?
The Merchant’s Prologue, Tale,
and Epilogue
This story is another example of a fabliau.
 A short tale, usually vulgar, with a quick funny
Love triangles
 The Knight’s Tale
 Emily is compared to a lily and a rose.
 Page 22
 The Miller’s Tale
 Alison is compared to honey and apples.
 Page 67
 The Merchant’s Tale
 May is compared to the month of May.
 Page 255
The Merchant’s Prologue, Tale,
and Epilogue
Why would the Wife of Bath approve of
May’s behavior?
 Do you feel sorry for January in the end?
Was he better off not knowing the truth?
 What does this tale tell you about the
standards of beauty in Chaucer’s time?
Compare and contrast the love triangles
found in each story in your group. You will
write your findings on the board and share
with the class.
Read The Franklin’s Prologue and Tale and
answer corresponding questions.
Do Now
What does it mean to have honor? How
important is a person’s word in our day
and age? Is it still important?
The Franklin’s Prologue and
How does Dorigen fit into the medieval
concept of womanhood?
 Why would the Franklin, a member of the
middle class, tell the story of the nobility?
Contrast the description of marriage in
The Franklin’s Tale with the description of
marriage in The Wife of Bath’s Tale.
Read The Pardoner’s Introduction,
Prologue, and Tale and answer
corresponding questions.
Do Now
In our current society, greed can be hard
to define. What do you think some of the
fundamental differences are between
being greedy and merely being ambitious?
Is there any difference at all, or is the
want to be successful just a natural
human inclination?
The Pardoner’s Introduction,
Prologue, and Tale
Explain in detail the moral lesson
conveyed in The Pardoner’s Tale.
 Give a full character description of the
pilgrim Pardoner.
This tale warns against such vices as
avarice, gluttony, sloth, and most notably
greed. Write a modern day exemplum
that places money as the root of all evil.
Include characters, dialogue, and make
the moral lesson clear.