Study Guide

Unit 9 Review Sheet
Your knowledge of Pythagorean Theorem, Right Triangle Trigonometry (SOH-CAH-TOA), and
Special Right Triangles will be important in this unit.
You should also be familiar with properties of triangles (Unit 3) and quadrilaterals (Unit 5).
Remember to always show at least 3 steps for each problem (formula, plug in, simplify)!
Section 11-1 Area & Perimeter of Rectangles:
 Know the formulas for area and perimeter. Be prepared to use Pythagorean Theorem!
 Know the properties for adding and multiplying radicals, and properties of rectangles from Unit 5.
 Additional Practice: Use pg. 425 Classroom Exercises #3 – 13.
Section 11-2 Area of Parallelograms, Triangles, & Rhombuses:
 Know the formulas for area of each. Be prepared to use Pythagorean Theorem and Properties of
Special Right Triangles!
 Know the properties of parallelograms from Unit 5.
 Additional Practice: Use pg. 431 Written Exercises #1 – 20.
Section 11-3 Area of Trapezoids:
 Know the formula for area of a trapezoid. Be prepared to use Pythagorean Theorem and apply
Properties of Special Right triangles.
 Focus on properties of isosceles trapezoids.
 Additional Practice: Use pg. 436 Written Exercises #10 – 15.
Section 11-4 Area of Regular Polygons:
 Vocabulary: central angle, radius or a regular polygon, apothem.
 Know how to determine the central angle, apothem, radius, or side length given a regular polygon.
Be prepared to apply properties of Special Right Triangles and SOH-CAH-TOA.
 Additional Practice: Use pg. 443 Written Exercises #9-12, 15, 16.
Section 11-5 Area & Circumference of Circles:
 Know the formulas for area and circumference of a circle, and how to use in irregular figures with
circles. Also know the formulas for finding arc length and area of a sector.
 MOST IMPORTANTLY, be prepared to express your answer “in terms of π” or use calculator π.
 Know how to find the area of the shaded region by applying area of multiple shapes and
 Additional Practice: Use pg. 447 #1 – 12; pg. 450 #26.
Section 11-7 Ratio of Areas:
 Given two similar figures with scale factor a:b, the ratio of the perimeters will be a:b and areas will
be a2:b2.
 Additional Practice: Use pg. 458 Classroom Exercises #1-12.
Application Word Problems & Situations
 Additional Practice: Use pg. 427 #27-30; pg. 449 #12, 15.