How do you find similar heritable characteristics?

How do you find similar
heritable characteristics?
Phylogenetic mapping will help you
answer our initial question: are birds
and dinosaurs related?
Created by K. Snyder as part of a project for
Seminars in Science Class: The Link
between Birds and Dinosaurs
What is phylogenetic mapping?
• It is a way to
at organisms that focuses on
patterns of similarity among heritable characteristics.
• These characteristics include such things as bone
structure, muscle anatomy, color patterns, intrinsic
behavior, and DNA sequence.
• Remember, we need to keep our goal in mind as we
do this. Do we see similarities between dinosaurs and
• Let’s look at an example
– Think back to our study of the members of Kingdom
– We’ll limit our focus on the characteristic of “limb
Vertebrate Tetrapods
• Every animal in the group we have selected is
a vertebrate and also a tetrapod.
– A tetrapod is a vertebrate who possesses limbs
equipped with hands and feet. (tetra = 4, pod =
• Of the following organisms, which reproduce
by means of an egg with an amnion?
– Salamanders, crocodilians, lizards, humans, and
– We will find out using by creating a cladogram.
Compare these two organism based
on their limb structure
Lizard (Komodo Dragon)
Compare these two skeletons.
• Are these vertebrates?
• Do they have tails?
• How many limbs do they have?
• The lizard is a tetrapod, and the shark is
Now, compare crocodiles and birds
• How many limbs does each vertebrate
• These are both tetrapods, as is the lizard
on the previous slide.
This is a cladogram & provides another way of
looking at the information we have been discussing
We next look at
amniotic eggs.
We looked at
Let’s recap
• In the example, we were reminded that all
vertebrates possess a backbone, or endoskeleton.
• Not all, however, possess limbs.
• Of those who possess limbs (four limbs to be
exact), only some reproduce by means of an
amniotic egg.
• What does this show? That birds, crocodiles,
lizards, and humans are more closely related to
each other than they are to salamanders and
Why is that important?
• We are trying to determine if birds and dinosaurs
are related.
• We need to look at the heritable features of
dinosaurs, and where they fit on the cladogram
we just viewed.
• Ask yourselves these questions:
Are they vertebrates?
How many limbs do they have?
Are they amniotes?
Is there fossil evidence of their nesting behavior?
Where do we go from here?
• More specific focus on characteristics to hone in
the cladogram.
Shape of the neck and vertebrae that comprise this
Body position and orientation
Pelvic structure and orientation
Tail structure
“hand” and “foot” structure”
• Dingus, L. Rowe, T. The Mistaken Extinction.
New York: W. H. Freeman, 1998.