Effects of Parenting Styles Through Culture

Effects of
Parenting Styles
Through Culture
By: Gaby Maldonado,
Daniela Blosch, Glade
James, and Shokofeh Sisan
 Values
effect parents behavior
 Parents
must first understand their child
and then provide guidance
Parenting Techniques and the
Effect on Infants Through Culture
 Parenting
patterns affect infant emotions
and vice versa
 7-9 months most crucial time
Major bio-behavior shifts
Changes take place in the frontal lobe as it
becomes more involved in planning and
carrying out deliberate actions
 Infants
respond to parents expressions
and actions
Proximal VS Distal Parenting
 Proximal
Parenting: Being physically close
with baby, spending most time holding or
touching baby
 Distal Parenting: Involves keeping some
distance from baby but providing toys,
talking face-to-face instead of
communication by touch.
Cameroon VS Greek Mother
Study of 78 mothers and their 3-month olds
Cameroon mothers constantly held child and
Greek mothers used objects such as toys or
bottles half the time.
Developed into less self-aware but more
compliant toddlers
Developed into toddlers self-aware but less
obedient toddlers
Same test done on Costa Rican mothers and
German fathers
Pedagogic Model - Sigel
 Children
learn to feel emotionally
independent from parents
 Develop interactive skills
 Develop language skills
 Parents
place infant newborns in own bed
and often own room
 Parents
 High
relatively tolerant of separation
responsiveness to burps and hand
movement as if conversational.
Pediatric Model - LeVine
 Protecting
health and survival of infant
 Mothers and infants sleep together
 Respond rapidly to crying
 Don’t view infants as capable of
communication or understanding
 Don’t engage in face to face interactions
Result in North Americans
 Become
more talkative and active
 Experience high peaks of excitement,
higher levels of arousal
 Become stimulus seeking
 Learn to cope with being alone
 Possible differences in brain structure due
to more stressful events
Result in Kenyans
 Cry
less as infants
 Become quiet children
 When older are respectful and selfdisciplined