Persuasive Speech Research
Topic: (What is the general topic of your speech?)
Is cyberbullying an issue to be taken seriously?
Persuasive Argument: (What are you trying to convince the audience?)
Yes, it is and treated the same way as face to face bullying.
Research: (Find information to support your reasons)
Reason: People don’t care because they don’t see the person
“We know from decades of research that teens are not deterred by threat of
formal punishment,” said Dr. Patchin, who has researched cyberbullying for
more than 10 years. “They are more likely to be deterred by relationships
they care about within the schools and what their friends think." Even though
it may not take place in person, the emotional and psychological effects of
cyber-bullying are just as destructive. “Kids that are bullied are likely to
experience anxiety, depression, loneliness, unhappiness, and poor
sleep,”Making the issue worse is the fact that such negative effects of
bullying often go unnoticed, as many victims feel the need to conceal the
fact that they are being bullied because they are embarrassed or afraid of
further bullying. Continued verbal torment can lead to social and emotional
developmental problems, extreme anxiety, and even suicide. Verbal,
physical, and cyberbullying all have detrimental effects on the personality
and esteem of the individual. The person being bullied may struggle with
depression, anxiety, trouble sleeping and eating, loneliness, and decreased
achievement in school. Often times, these effects will continue into their
adult life, leading to increased drug abuse and decreased social stability.
How it will support my argument: Kids will not listen to punishment and it
does not matter to them because they don’t think they’ll get caught. Also,
because it’s online they don’t interact with the person face to face and don’t
see how their words hurt.
"Should Cyberbullying Be a Crime?"
Elbert Chu,
27 Apr. 2012. Web. 23 Mar. 2015.
Reason: Teens think they can get away with it easily (they can)
81% of teens say cyberbullying is easier to get away with
20% of kids cyberbullied think about suicide 1 out of 10 attempt it
4500 kids commit suicide each year
49% of teens report being cyberbullied in the past year
95% of social media-using teens who have witnessed cruel behavior on social
networking sites say they have seen others ignoring the mean behavior; 55%
witness this frequently
Cyber bullying is a very serious matter. Students have taken their own lives
because they felt pressured, embarrassed and felt they had no other
alternatives. With so many technology devices available and the cyber world
virtually unsupervised, there is a lot of room to someone to act maliciously.
How it will support my argument: Over 50% of teens believe they can get
away with cyberbullying and many do. 4500 kids-teens actually commit suicide
because of cyberbullying, but no actions have been taken to stop this. Maybe
if teens realize what they are doing, they’ll put a stop to it.
"Cyberbullying Rampant on the Internet."
Cyberbullying Stats Show Massive Occurance Rate.
Cyberbully Hotline, n.d. Web.
12 Mar. 2015.
Reason: Cyberbullying makes an impact on both the victim, and the bully.
Cyber bullying can be very damaging to adolescents and teens. It can lead to
anxiety, depression, and even suicide. Also, once things are circulated on the
Internet, they may never disappear, resurfacing at later times to renew the
pain of cyber bullying.
Many cyber bullies think that bullying others online is funny. Cyber bullies
may not realize the consequences for themselves of cyberbullying. The things
teens post online now may reflect badly on them later when they apply for
college or a job. Cyber bullies can lose their cell phone or online accounts
for cyber bullying. Also, cyber bullies and their parents may face legal
charges for cyber bullying, and if the cyber bullying was sexual in nature or
involved sexting, the results can include being registered as a sex offender.
Teens may think that if they use a fake name they won't get caught, but
there are many ways to track someone who is cyber bullying.
How it will support my argument: Teens can realize that it is really serious
and it can hurt them in the future, because now there is technology to
detect cyberbullying.
"Cyberbullying Statistics." Statistics. N.p.,
6 Jan. 2013. Web. 26 Mar. 2015.