Civil War Test


Civil War Test

37a - rank and analyze the importance of key issues and events that led to the Civil War including slavery, states’ rights, nullification,

Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850, Georgia Platform, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Dred Scott case, and election of 1860

1.) Which statement BEST explains why there are so few records written by slaves about their lives during the antebellum era? a.

It was illegal for slaves to learn to read and write. b.

Only abolitionist leaders wrote books about slavery. c.

Books about slavery were not as popular as other books. d.

Slaves were not willing to write about the horrors of slavery.

2.) What was the purpose of the Missouri Compromise? a.

To allow slavery in Missouri until 1850. b.

To allow slavery in Maine, but not Missouri. c.

To maintain an equal balance between the number of slave and free states. d.

To return slaves captured in free states to slave states.

3.) Which option below was a result of the Compromise of 1850? a.

Owning slaves was forbidden in Washington, D.C. b.

Slavery was permitted in the new state of California. c.

Importation of slaves to all American ports, from Africa, was declared illegal. d.

Runaway slaves had to be returned to southern owners.

4.) The following were conditions of the Compromise of 1850. What section of the country did these conditions benefit?

California entered the Union as a free state

Slave trading was ended in Washington, D.C.

Texas gave up its control over the New Mexico Territory, thus allowing it to potentially become a free state one day a.

The North b.

The South c.

The East Coast d.


5.) Alexander Stephen’s “Georgia Platform” presented to Congress, which influenced them to pass of the Fugitive Slave

Law to benefit the South, encouraged Georgia law makers to approve __________. a.

States’ rights. b.

Popular sovereignty. c.

The Compromise of 1850. d.

Slavery throughout the United States.

6.) How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act change the Missouri Compromise? a.

It admitted Missouri to the Union as a free state. b.

It created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska. c.

It permitted “popular sovereignty” in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska which allowed the people to vote. d.

It changed the requirements necessary for a territory to become a state.

7.) Someone who believed in states’ rights would probably support which statement? a.

National laws are always more important than state laws. b.

The national government has no right to tell states how to operate. c.

States can only pass legislation on issues set out in the U.S. Constitution. d.

Disputes between states should always be settled by the national government.

8.) Which region of the United States believed that the states should be able to govern themselves without interference from the federal government? a.

Southern states b.

Northern states c.

Great Lakes states d.

Pacific Coast states

9.) The belief that a state could vote down, or ignore a federal law was known as ____. a.

ratification b.

nullification c.

popular sovereignty d.


10.) Which statement BEST explains how the Dred Scott decision pushed the nation closer to war? a.

The Supreme Court ruled that, slaves were required to register when they moved states. b.

The Supreme Court ruled that slavery was not a legal right of the southern states. c.

The Supreme Court ruled that the federal government could not prevent slave states in some western territories. d.

The Supreme Court ruled that slave owners had to be financially reimbursed for slaves who escaped on the

Underground Railroad.

11.) Which of the following could be considered to have had the most immediate impact on the southern states decision to secede from the Union? a.

the Dred Scott Case b.

the Election of 1860 (Abe Lincoln) c.

The Missouri Compromise d.

The Kansas-Nebraska Act

37b - explain the debate over secession in Georgia and the role of Alexander Stephens

12.) Which Confederate official was from Georgia? a.

Jefferson Davis, the president b.

Lyman Hall, the secretary of state c.

Alexander Stephens, the vice-president d.

William Sherman, the commander in chief

13.) After the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860, the debate whether Georgia should leave the Union was split. How did Lincoln’s victory change Alexander Stephens’ opinion on secession? a.

He was upset at the election of Lincoln and wanted to leave the Union immediately. b.

He wanted to remain part of the United States and promised to leave the South if it did not. c.

He was happy about the election of Lincoln and wanted a final solution to the slave issue d.

He felt Georgia should stay in the Union and fulfill its obligations to the United States and the US Constitution and fix the problems from within the current form of government.

37c - state the importance of key events of the Civil War to include Antietam, Emancipation Proclamation, Gettysburg, Chickamauga,

Union blockade of Georgia’s coast, Sherman’s Atlanta Campaign, Sherman’s March to the Sea, and Andersonville

14.) Why was the Battle of Chickamauga important to both the North and South? a.

It was a railroad center b.

It was a major recruiting center for the South c.

It was located halfway between two state capitals d.

It had a number of factories that produced war supplies

15.) What document are these items referring to?

 Took effect January 1, 1863

 Abolished slavery in states that seceded from the Union

 Issued by Abraham Lincoln a.

Declaration of Independence b.

Gettysburg Address c.

Bill of Rights d.

Emancipation Proclamation

16.) Which Battle does the quote below represent?

“That was a very important battle for the North. It was the turning point, which allowed the Union to begin winning the war.” a.

Gettysburg b.

Antietam c.

Chickamauga d.


17.) What was the bloodiest one-day battle of the Civil War? a.

Gettysburg b.

Antietam c.

Chickamauga d.


18.) What was the purpose of the Union blockade on southern ports during the Civil War? a.

It kept the Union from easily importing and exporting materials and resources that would help their cause b.

It kept the Confederacy from importing and exporting materials and resources that would help their cause c.

It kept food from the POW camps d.

It kept Spanish fleets from Florida from setting up camp in New Orleans

19.) What Union general might have said this?

“If the people of Georgia raise a howl against my barbarity and cruelty, I will answer that war is war, and not a popularity contest.” a.

William Sherman b.

Robert E. Lee c.

John Brown d.

Alexander Stephens

20.) The infamous “March to the Sea” refers to a.

Robert E. Lee’s invasion of Pennsylvania b.

Bombardment of Fort Sumter in the Atlantic coast of Charleston, South Carolina c.

William Sherman’s 6 week destructive march through Georgia, on his way to Savannah d.

Freed slaves running towards the coast from their former owners

21.) After the devastating destruction caused by his march through Georgia, why did General Sherman not burn

Savannah? a.

His West Point roommate was from Savannah. b.

He protected over $28 million worth of cotton stored in Savannah and gave the city to President Lincoln as a

Christmas present. c.

He had succeeded in dividing the upper and lower Confederacy and no longer needed to destroy the civilian areas. d.

His troops were tired and restless after participating in the destruction in northern Georgia.

22.) Why was the capture of Atlanta critical for the Union Army? a.

Atlanta was the railroad hub of the Confederacy. b.

To punish the South for seceding from the Union. c.

To get revenge for the lives lost at Chickamauga. d.

It would force General Lee to surrender.

23.) Use the sequence of events below to select the best answer.

Captured by Confederate troops; Hauled off to an overcrowded POW camp in South Georgia; died of starvation and malnutrition. a.

Confederate soldier at Gettysburg b.

Union soldier at Antietam c.

Union soldier at Andersonville d.

Confederate soldier at Andersonville

ELACC6-8RH2: Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.

Use the reading below to answer questions 24 – 25.

My Dear Wife, July 4th, 1864

We have given up our work and fell back 4 or more miles from Marietta, leaving it to the mercy of the Yanks.

We thought this morning, being the Fourth of July, we would have a hopping time [good time] with them but they seem to keep their proper distance. Our men was up on the look- out and on the march all night.

We are in the ditches now in an open field, and they are in line of battle in a hill in another field about a mile off, but we can see all they do. I do not know whether they will attack us or not, but I hope they will for I am wore out marching and digging ditches.

The reason we had to leave Kennesaw Mountain was because the Yanks were flanking us on the left, and we were forced to fall back. The

Yankees army is so much stronger than ours and then they have a corps [group of soldiers] or two they can send on either flank, and then we have to fall back.

Our Generals say when we reach the river 8 miles from Atlanta, there will then be forces to fight us in our works. They say the Yanks can’t flank us any further and it seems we will have a strong position there. ..



24.) From the reading, which of the following is true? a.

The author is a Northern Soldier b.

The author is a Northern General c.

The author Is a Southern General d.

The author is a Southern Soldier

25.) Why does the soldier want the other side to attack? a.

He wants to kill as many soldiers as possible. b.

He wants a break from marching and digging ditches. c.

He hopes to end the war faster and return to his family. d.

He wants to use the weapons that were given to him by the army.

Use the following document to answer questions 26- 28.

26.) According to the advertisement above the reward is for which of the following a.

The return of a missing child b.

The return of stolen clothes c.

The return of missing money d.

The return of a runaway slave

27.) What condition will increase the reward to $300 dollars? a.

The slave is found in Kentucky b.

The slave is found in Ohio and is delivered c.

The slave is found in Georgia d.

The slave is found in Virginia

28.) Who is most likely the author of the advertisement? a.

A Slave owner b.

An abolitionist c.

A free slave looking for his wife d.

The slaves mother

Use the following document to answer questions 29 and 30.

29.) How many Americans were wounded in the Civil War? a.

534,175 b.

469,175 c.

384,175 d.


30.) How many more Union troops died of disease than Confederate troops? a.

413458 b.

125,458 c.

99,458 d.

