Congress Activity - Go to

Congress Activity
- Go to
- Click on “How a Member Decides to Vote” and complete the module
- Click on “The Dynamic Legislative Process” and complete the module
- Open a word document and complete the following prompts. You will be graded on
completion of the assignment, as well as grammar, spelling, etc. You will complete both prompts
on one word document. Submit both prompts, on a single document, to
Prompt #1
In the module “How a Member Decides to Vote,” you casted a vote on a Constitutional
Amendment to outlaw the burning of the U.S. flag. In 2-3 paragraphs, respond to the following
1. How did you vote?
2. Did your vote change from the beginning of the activity to the end of it?
3. Why did you vote the way you did (what was the main reason)?
4. What was the end result of this Amendment in real life?
5. What are your thoughts on this issue? Should it be a right, or should Congress be able to ban
Prompt #2
In the module “The Dynamic Legislative Process,” you watched a series of videos that detailed
the process of how a law is made. In 2-3 paragraphs, respond to the follow questions and
1. What does the “textbook legislative process” look like? Describe the steps.
2. Discuss at least two of the complaints that people have about Congress. Do their arguments
make sense logically? Is the argument with Congress, or how the Founding Fathers crafted the
national legislature?