V2RP highlights-21 April 2013

Bangladesh Red Crescent Society
Vulnerability to Resilience (V2R) Project
The V2R Project is being supported by a consortium of German, Swedish Red Cross
and British Red Cross. British Red Cross, being led NS, has been providing technical
support with its Country Office located at BDRCS NHQ. The duration of the Project is 4
years (May 2012 to April 2016). The Project has already accomplished the Inception
Phase (May 2012 to December 2012). Action plan for Implementation Phase that
include a four months exist period (Jan-April 2016), has already been finalized.
The project will be implemented with approximately 60,000 beneficiaries in 26
communities under 5 upazilas of Barguna (Sadar, Amtoli and Patharghata) and
Patuakhali (Galachipa and Kalapara) Districts. Each selected community will consist of
an average of 450 families, therefore a total of 12,000 families will directly benefit from
the proposed project. The primary target of the project will include highly vulnerable
people, where women, children, older people and people with disability will receive
special attention. Men, women and children of families that are highly exposed to cyclone
and tidal surges living alongside the embankment/green belt, that have multiple
vulnerabilities, that are unaware of coping mechanism or unable to cope with
prevailing/upcoming challenges, that are at risk of livelihood insecurity and that have the
willingness to do voluntary work for the community will be part of this project.
Key Achievements:
Developed Resilience framework
Based on initial assessment work completed in 30 communities in Barguna and
Patuakhali Districts of Barisal Division, Bangladesh in the third quarter of 2012, it was
determined that the Vulnerability to Resilience progamme (V2R) will focus on three
sectors, namely DRR, WASH and livelihoods. However, if the V2R is to realise its goal of
reducing vulnerability and increasing the resilience of target communities by supporting
strategies that enable them to prepare for, mitigate and respond to multiple risks, then it
is essential that these sector interventions are not siloed, but are truly integrated within a
community-based approach. Using this resilience framework to support implementation,
monitor progress and assess impact against a baseline will also ensure.
Linkages to sector interventions
This framework is not meant to replace the array of indicators captured within the sector
assessments and monitored throughout the course of the programme. Instead, it will
capture an aggregated, overall picture of the impact on community resilience, as well as
ensuring cross-cutting issues – such as ‘organisation’ and ‘connectedness’– that may not
be included within the sector interventions are addressed within the programme.
The framework includes between three and four indicators for each of the six
characteristics – nineteen in all. The third column in the framework explains which sectors
they relate to, i.e. DRR, WASH, livelihoods and/or advocacy. Some of these indicators
may need to be revised following the sector assessments to ensure they are
consistent with the key baseline indicators collected for the assessments. Further,
Vulnerability to Resilience Programme, Bangladesh: Resilience Framework
some cross-cutting indicators may not be included in the sector assessments, and
therefore it will be imperative that they are added to the most closely-linked sector
in the design of the assessment tools.
V2R framework for assessing community resilience
Within the V2R, resilience will be understood as an overall goal, albeit one that is as
dynamic as the communities it relates to.1 Thus, the programme will seek to build safe
and resilient communities, which, while remaining dynamic, increasingly exhibit the six
characteristics of resilience set out in Figure 1, as measured through the associated
indicators. The framework also outlines the sectors each indicator relates to, as well as
the cross-cutting issues prioritised by programme staff, including gender, climate change
adaptation, governance and conflict and environmental management.
Figure 1: V2R Resilience Framework
Characteristic: A
resilient community…
Is knowledgeable and
healthy. They have the
ability to assess, monitor
and manage their risks.
They can learn new skills
and build on past
% HHs in target community
taking three or more
appropriate disaster
preparedness measures,
including at least one
involving safeguarding of
assets, in-line with their
community disaster
management plan
% of women and men in
community who can
demonstrate a clear
understanding of early
warning system and (early
action) response
mechanisms, in –line with
their community disaster
management plan
% of HHs in target community
that can demonstrate good
hygiene and sanitation
practices, including in event of
disaster (cyclone or flood)
DRR and
The IFRC resilience approach aims to help build the capacity of vulnerable communities and
individuals to better prepare for, mitigate, deal with, and recover from the effects of crises.
However, life is ever changing, societies are often in flux and communities are dynamic, therefore
community resilience should not be conceived of as a static thing or end point, but a set of
capacities that we are continually seeking to strengthen.
Is organised. They have
the capacity to collectively
identify problems,
establish priorities and act.
Is connected. They have
the relationships with
external actors (family,
friends and neighbours,
government, BDRCS etc.)
who provide a wider
supportive environment,
including through the
supply of goods and
services and information.
% of HHs in target community
actively participating in
sustainable CDMCs, and their
sub-groups (including
users and women’s), and
disaggregated by gender2
% of women in target
community actively
participating in sustainable
women’s group
% of HHs in target community
actively participating in
sustainable – fishermen or
farmer – producer group
which has influence on
relevant commodity price in
local market
% of CDMCs, including at
least one woman, that have a
close, on-going connection to
Union Council or higher
(including UDMC and other
relevant departments
represented therein), not only
in times of disaster, as
demonstrated by meetings,
shared plans and joint
% of HHs in target community
who have sustainable access
to disaster risk information
and relief assistance through
long-term engagement with
BDRCS volunteers (project
and CPP) at unit-level
% of HHs in target community
who have access to higherlevel market (including price
information) through producer
group and/or mobile phone
livelihoods, gender
WASH and
Livelihoods Governance,
WASH and
In terms of sustainability, it will be important to assess this indicator in a look back review
following the cessation of the V2R programme.
Has infrastructure and
services. They have
strong housing/shelter and
sanitation systems, and
have access to improved
water supply and health
services. They have the
ability to maintain, repair
and renovate them.
Has economic
opportunities. They have
a diverse range of income
generating opportunities.
They are flexible and
resourceful and have the
capacity to accept
uncertainty and respond
(proactively) to change.
Number of established, safe
evaluation places within/close
to the community, including
but not limited to cyclone
% of HHs in target community
that have raised their plinth as
a preparedness measure to
protect house during disaster
% of HHs in target
communities that have
improved access to health
care services at the union
level, including first aid in
% of HHs in target community
that have access to clean
water supply (through
adoption of improved water
management and sanitation
practices) that is disasterproofed
% of HHs in target community
with two or more income
generating activities, including
one new activity that is either
adapted to the impact of
disasters or is viable in lean
season (both for agriculture
and fishing)
% of women in target
community involved in income
generating activities
Number of activities at the
union, upazilla and district
levels that support income
generation in the target
community (e.g. food or cash
for work for embankment
% of HHs that have started
saving or investing to be
enable them to withstand and
recover from shocks and
DRR and
and DRR
Livelihoods Climate
Livelihoods Gender,
Livelihoods Governance,
Livelihoods Climate
and DRR
Can manage its natural
assets. They recognise
their value and have the
ability to protect, maintain
and enhance them.
CDMC involved actively
managing embankment, as
demonstrated through
management of forestation, or
CDMC or sub-group involved
in sustainably managing
water resources, as
evidenced through pond
cleaning and rain water
WASH and
and conflict
and conflict
Livelihood and Market Assessment:
The assessment analyses food security and livelihoods in Barguna and Patuakhali districts of
Barisal division, Bangladesh to identify interventions strengthening resilience in relation to
household economies and hazards. Analysis concentrates on 26 communities already identified
by the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) and British Red Cross (BRC) for the three year
Vulnerability to Resilience (V2R) programme in five upazila (sub-districts): Barguna Sadar, Amtoli
(Taltoi), Galachipa, Pathoraghata, and Kalapara. The analysis aims to:
1. Map geographical variation in livelihoods between and within the two districts.
2. Assess the adequacy of livelihood assets, seasonal strategies, and the nature of food
insecurity of different wealth groups in the 26 communities already targeted for the
programme representing any significant geographical variations in livelihoods.
3. Understand local markets in relation to current livelihood strategies and opportunities to
diversify them.
4. Identify major hazards and their impact on livelihood strategies and assets, adequacy of
coping strategies, and food security related outcomes for different groups.
5. Identify support provided to livelihoods and food security by other government and nongovernment stakeholders.
6. Recommend appropriate intervention options to support sustainable livelihoods and increase
resilience to food insecurity in line with communities’ own priorities and feeding into
programme planning.
7. Advise on criteria for identifying target household/producer groups for support.
8. Outline potential risks related to programming and how these might be mitigated in
programme design and implementation.
9. Refine existing indicators for assessing the impact of programme outputs and outcomes on
household food security and livelihoods.
10. Mainstream gender, migration, environment, and climate change into the analysis and
programme design.
WASH assessment: