CSDA Board of Directors Meeting
July 9th, 2013
Meeting Minutes
Dr. Steven Golightly
Matt Brega
Iliana Rodriguez
David Oppenheim
Lisa Bispham
Megan Greene (absent)
Kathy Sokolik
Dawn Mayer
Maria Carlomagno-Brice
Janet Nottley
Jamie Murray
Vic Rea
Adele Hendrickson (by phone)
Marie Girulat
Terrie Hardy-Porter
Michael Welty
Lisa Mendenhall (by phone)
Los Angeles County CSSD
Alameda County DCSS
San Mateo County DCSS
Santa Cruz/San Benito Regional DCSS
Glenn County DCSS
Lassen County DCSS
Napa County DCSS
Sutter County DCSS
San Bernardino County DCSS
Central Sierra Child Support Agency
San Diego County DCSS
Sacramento County DCSS
CSDA Accountant
ADP Representative
Welcome and Introductions
Terrie Hardy-Porter welcomed the CSDA Board of Directors and began a
round of introductions.
Action Items
a. Approval of June 2013 Board Minutes: minutes were approved
with no changes. Moved by Golightly, seconded by Brega. All ayes, no
b. Accountant CSDA Retirement Plan Review: Michael Welty, CSDA
Accountant, and Lisa Mendenhall, ADP Payroll Services Vendor,
appeared before Board to provide CSDA Retirement Plan detail. Per
Welty, when CSDA pulled away from CSAC, review of suitable
retirement plan (similar to CSAC model) was sought by staff and
payroll vendor. 401k option plan was established. The goal by Board
at the time was to fund twenty-five percent of the plan each year as
the employer contribution for eligible staff. Additional element is the
“safe harbor” provision. Safe harbor provision includes a four percent
match to employee contribution. Safe harbor allows for relief from
testing requirements governed by ERISA (tax standing). Testing
requirements exists for deferred compensation and 401k retirement
plans. Without a safe harbor provision, only two percent contribution
would have been available to the Executive Director position as
opposed to maximum of four percent. Welty reiterated under the
CSDA Board of Directors Meeting
July 9th, 2013
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CSAC model, in 2012, twenty-five percent maximum was available to
the Executive Direction position. Upon separation from the CSAC
retirement plan model, the only way to reach this maximum is to
allow for the safe harbor provision. This includes the Executive
Directors employee contribution. Oppenheim stated while he
appreciates the retirement benefit specific to his classification he does
not want to disadvantage other CSDA employees from maximum
retirement benefiting. Mendenhall (ADP) stated an amendment to the
current CSDA retirement plan can be made to include all employees at
a three percent continuation as opposed to safe harbor. The proposed
new plan would include a twenty-two percent employer contribution.
Mendenhall provided additional background on the current CSDA
retirement plan including detail on social security integration. Using
the social security integration option, as opposed to a non-integrated
option, creates a disparity in current retirement levels for CSDA
employees. Lisa advised retirement plan amendments are allowable
to create parity within all staff classifications. Mendenhall to review
the due date to make amendments within profit sharing
requirements. Under requirement, there may be a need to defer plan
amendments to 1/1/14 as a match (within current plan structure) has
already occurred. Golightly inquired as to why CSDA staff retirement
plan structure is now an issue? Hardy-Porter advised Board members
who were involved in the CSAC retirement plan opt out previously
had this level of information. New Board members were not privy to
this level of detail therefore expert deep dive was needed prior to
annual Board review of retirement benefit. Oppenheim inquired of
Welty if he has a like client whose retirement benefit plan can be
leveraged and shared as an example with the Board. Welty replied he
has no similar client at this as part of his practice. Welty clarified
retirement plans are based on calendar year (not SFY or FFY) and
recommended it may be more practical for Board to take retirement
plan action during the new calendar year (1/1/14). Golightly inquired
if this action can be added into the CSDA budgeting process. HardyPorter augmented Golightly’s inquiry by adding if retirement plan is
adopted as part of CSDA budgeting process, when would retirement
plan rates take effect? Welty clarified the contribution levels occur
effective the start of a calendar year. Welty advised within 401k
private sector retirement plans, differing rate tiers are allowable
within varying employment classifications. Whether or not ADP has
the flexibility to allow for employer tiers is a question to be addressed.
Mendenhall advised from the ADP perspective a third option exists
specific to a non-comparability model. The non-comparability model
is based on employee age and income towards placing more monies
into retirement funding. Oppenheim inquired if there could be a
CSDA Board of Directors Meeting
July 9th, 2013
Meeting Minutes
differing retirement plan rates based on employee hire date.
Mendenhall advised yes, this practice is allowable. Oppenheim
proposed to move forward to research and adopt revisions to the
retirement plan to include a change to safe harbor non- elective three
percent rate for all employees and change the profit sharing method
from an integrated social security model to a non- integrated.
Mendenhall to research allowable aspects and go-forward items for a
report back to the Board via Welty. Board to have additional dialogue
prior to adopting a retirement plan resolution as part of a personnel
items closed session.
c. CSDA Committee Structure Chart- : Minor updates (subcommittee
chair names) discussed with notes taken by Nottley, to be included in
a revised CSDA Committee Structure Chart.
d. CSDA Business Plan-: Hardy-Porter reintroduced the CSDA Business
Plan from the perspective of assigning core responsibilities to each
area based on committee chairs now selected. Hardy-Porter to
provide updated Business Plan copy to all Board liaisons for
responsibility assignment.
e. Stanislaus County DCSS Vital SMART Certificate Request- Tamara
Thomas is seeking Board support and approval to continue
developing and delivering Vital SMART training. The requirement
includes the validation of a professional training organization to
certify training delivered through this program. No cost of the trainer
or training hours, the only cost is for the materials associated with the
training delivery. Rodriguez clarified any County can request the
training, of which the training can be delivered locally. If CSDA
approves, the training will be available to all Counties based on
Tamara Thomas (lead trainer) availability. Murray inquired if there is
a timeframe associated with this request of the Board and any
associated activities. Hardy-Porter advised the training needs
assessment and delivery would be on-going. Brega will announce this
training opportunity to Membership and stated he is supportive of
this program. Brega advised Alameda County DCSS resource Frank
Shipley is available to deliver certified PMP training. Hardy-Porter
inquired if a standardized process will be applied to all requests
received by Board to endorse membership training certifications. The
Board had consensus review and approval of training certification
endorsements requests will be made on a case by case basis.
Rodriguez made motion to approve the endorsement of the Vital
SMART training certification. Seconded by Sokolik. All ayes. No nays.
Treasurer’s Report Murray reviewed unrestricted net assets in
addition to deficits per handout. Within unrestricted (available) net
CSDA Board of Directors Meeting
July 9th, 2013
Meeting Minutes
assets, $20,742.00 designated for scholarships. Oppenheim advised all
County membership dues have been received by CSDA. Murray
informed Board the truing up inquiry raised at the May 2013 Board
Meeting was reviewed with CSDA Accountant. Per CSDA Accountant,
cannot true up per current CSDA tax standing and gap principles.
Accrued vacation (monetary value) liability is included in the July 2013
budget packet per request from Board. Golightly inquired as to why
CSDA scholarships amount increased by $8.00 month to month.
Oppenheim advised interest accrued on total monies available as
included in the scholarship fund.
IV. CSDA Training Update2014 Annual Conference Proposed Budget- Murray reviewed copy of proposed CSDA
annual conference budget for 2014. The 2014 proposed annual conference budget
reflects actuals (known final expenses) from the 2013 event. 2014 cost per person for
full conference attendance is projected at $415.00. 2014 cost per person for single day
attendance is projected at $150.00. Most projected 2014 expenses are close to 2013
amounts. The significant variance is the amount allocated for plenary session speaker
fees and travel. This line item has been increased due to responses received from
participant evaluations which largely sought improvement in attaining motivational
speakers as opposed to program experts. Also from participant evaluations received,
food choices will be reviewed for better options. Golightly inquired as to why the profit
margin is reducing? Bispham advised she was directed to provide a break even margin
as opposed to profit. Oppenheim advised historically $30,000.00 to $40,000.00 was
budgeted as vendor contributions. When statewide automation was completed, the big
three exhibitors were not as engaged as participating vendors, therefore less
anticipated profit. Bispham noted within the 2014 event there is a consideration for LA
CSSD total (full conference) registration as opposed to partial per Orange County
location. Rodriguez inquired if $25,000 is a realistic expectation concerning 2014
conference exhibitor participation. Sokolik advised there is a core group of vendors who
will be engaged in participation regardless of an opportunity to sell, in support of CSDA
and California’s child support program. Hardy-Porter advised membership has been
briefed concerning the increase in event registration cost. Golightly moved to approve
the proposed CSDA 2014 annual conference budget. Carlomagno-Brice seconded. All
ayes. No nays.
 Leadership Institute – Bispham advised the 2013 CSDA Leadership Institute
has sold out completely. One CSDA scholarship has been granted for a LCSA
institute attendee.
 2013 Legal College – Bispham advised a total of 125 spaces are available for
2013 Legal College attendance. Thus far, the maximum has not yet been reached
via registration however the event will be marketed during the July 2013 CSDA
Membership Meeting. The CSDA 2013 Source Book is available and selling well.
 Annual Conference Committee Update- Murray advised 2013 Annual
Conference Committee debrief occurred in June 2013. Through the participant
CSDA Board of Directors Meeting
July 9th, 2013
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evaluation process, many positives were received and areas of opportunities
were identified. Leadership and motivational speakers were clearly identified as
an event improvement need, by participants. Hardy-Porter advised leadership
track was the highest rated. Awards banquet identified as an area of
improvement as attendees could not hear presenters and could not understand
references made. Given timing of the annually elected CSDA Board seats,
dialogue was held concerning the VP and past president roles within conference
planning and delivery. Recommendation was made to allow for a more robust
role by the planning committee in assisting with plenary and awards banquet
development. Girulat made motion to accept page two of the annual conference
committee recommendations. Rea seconded. All ayes. No nays. Bispham advised
as part of the 2013 CSDA annual conference the Mobile App was well received.
Unique Mobile App users totaled 629 (individual devices).
Oppenheim requested dialogue be conducted during the August 2013 Board
meeting to identify initial contracting needs and subsequent event changes for
the 2015 annual conference.
2014 Legal College- Concerning the 2014 Legal College development, Bispham
advised (in general) pricing has increased for event space and room rates. As
California’s economy continues to improve, vendors are elevating costs. Multiple
options included in the proposed 2014 Legal College site location and cost
spreadsheet (4 total), reviewed by the Board. Golightly inquired as to why the
college is again being facilitated in Northern California. Board advised three year
cycle previously agreed to for college rotation. This results in two years of
delivery in Northern California and one year delivery in Southern California.
Brega made motion for 2014 Legal College to occur at Embassy Suites San
Francisco Airport, San Mateo County. Seconded by Mayer. All ayes. No nays.
State Budget Update
Oppenheim reaffirmed SFY 13/14 budget passed by the State of California. As the
economy improves it is noted other Department are starting to formulate major
initiatives, funding restoration, or monies augmentation. Oppenheim would like to see a
strategic conversation engaged within CSDA membership concerning financial requests
which help to achieve programmatic improvement. Oppenheim suggested monies for
subsidized employment for NCPs may be an initial area of focus and would be consistent
with recent Cal WORKS budget changes (removing barriers to subsidized employment
as part of Cal WORKS grant). Board agreed NCPs are the missing population as the SFY
13/14 budget inclusion was geared towards Cal WORKS recipients. Dialogue ensued on
the topic including ensuring the story of why and how NCPs employment ties into CPs
receiving Cal WORKS grant and a true (family) escape from poverty. Rea suggested this
initiative be tacked into the CSDA Emerging Issues Committee. Oppenheim is seeking
Board and membership input on budgetary related initiatives that need funding for
programmatic impact and improvement.
V. Affordable Care Update
Sokolik advised clarification was received from the Federal level concerning NCPs
ordered to provide medical support however not providing. A hardship exemption will
CSDA Board of Directors Meeting
July 9th, 2013
Meeting Minutes
be offered under this circumstance to ensure a CP will not be penalized. Additionally,
the Federal level confirmed child support obligation intercepts will be honored before
ACA fines within tax refunds. The employer mandate implementation delay caught all
ACA Workgroup members off guard. There will be a gap in coverage concerning the
individual mandate if the employer is not providing or under providing. Hardy-Porter
clarified there is no need for employer training or outreach given the implementation
delay. Additionally, no major current changes to child support program given CPs can be
exempted if a NCP was ordered to provide medical support. On the table as an unknown
is the question of “affordability”. No ACA Workgroup meeting date is currently set.
Sokolik and Oppenheim are to receive the CSDA HMS ACA analysis report on 7/10/13
by 5:00pm, submitted by the vendor.
Sokolik advised the HMS ACA analysis report and supporting documents will be
updated to CSDA Web site. ACA Phase II is identified as a CSDA, AOC, DCSS outreach and
training initiative, post HMS analysis receipt. Oppenheim advised he received a question
from DCSS as to whether CSDA will co-train on ACA (with DCSS). Sokolik advised CSDA
involvement was dependent on final analysis and available CSDA/LCSA resources.
Oppenheim suggested an intermediary strategy is to level set via a second ACA forum, to
be delivered to membership and interested stakeholders prior to September 2013.
Given the Federal and State levels are rolling back, the ACA implementation landscape
of implementation. Board dialogue engaged around IV-D and IV-A partnership to
ensure Client awareness of the exchange options and mandates. Sokolik advised a
California exchange Silver (level) variant plan exists which provides subsidies to
qualifying individuals to assist with out of pocket expenses. If signed up for the silver
plan and income is at a certain level, out of pocket expenses will be paid via assistance
(additional subsidy).
A Board of Directors closed session was convened to discuss CSDA personnel items.
Refer to Confidential Closed Minutes maintained by CSDA Board Secretary.
Meeting adjourned by Hardy-Porter.