File - Sarah M. Brothwell

FALL 2012
Mondays from 7:00pm- 9:40pm, 213 Norton Hall
Office Address:
Office Hours:
Abiola Dipeolu, PhD
402 Brady Hall
By Appointment, 1/2 hour before and after class
Lapan, R. T. (2004). Career development across the k-16 years: Bridge the present to satisfying and
successful futures. Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.
Niles, S. G., & Harris-Bowlsbey, J. (2009). Career development interventions in the 21st century (3rd
ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall.
Osborn, D. S., & Zunker, V. G. (2006). Using assessment results for career development
(7th ed.) Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.
Other readings as assigned throughout the semester.
NOTE: You will be required to pay a nominal fee to complete one or two career assessments.
Information concerning actual costs and directions for taking the assessments will be provided in class.
Course Objectives
Students completing this course will be expected to:
Develop an understanding of the social and psychological implications of work;
Acquire an understanding of the major theories of career development;
Learn application of specific techniques utilized in career counseling;
Develop an awareness of career development related to diverse client populations;
Gain an understanding of how the National Standards for School, Rehabilitation, and Mental Health
Counseling Programs apply to career development;
Become familiar with the Career Counseling Competencies of the National Career Development
Association (NCDA);
Review the National Career Development Association Ethical Standards;
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Become familiar with instruments utilized in career counseling;
Be able to utilize career-related websites effectively;
Develop an understanding of the decision-making process;
Gain an awareness of career development as a life-long process.
Develop an understanding of the social media as a powerful networking tool.
Socialize into the career counseling profession through participation in the state career development
Course Requirements
1. Attendance and Participation (5 points)
Active participation is expected of everyone in this class, including involvement in simulated
counseling and cooperative group learning experiences. It is also expected that each of you will come
to class prepared to discuss pertinent topics and complete assigned readings. Points cannot be made
up if a class is missed.
2. Most Growth Careers (10 points)
Students will sign up to review a career identified as a growth career. You will need to use resources
detailed in class (i.e., O*NET and the OOH) to find specific information related to that particular
career, which you will then report to the class. You will need to take turn to share a summary of your
findings on facebook, and then hand in a paper with the required information for grading purposes.
Further guidelines will be provided in class. Due October 1st.
3. Website Review (10 points)
Each student will review a career development website and be prepared to share information about the
website with the class. Sign-ups for the websites will be handled in class early in the semester. You
will be expected to write a brief summary, following guidelines provided. You will make copies
available to your classmates for their professional portfolio. Please note: The website should be
career development related, not college preparation sites such as financial aid. Due November
4. Career Development Tool: Social Media (10)?
The use of social media has become part of the fabric of American society and culture,
effectively changing people's experiences of work. Though it was established to help students
keep in touch after graduation, but now social media effect goes beyond this benign usage.
Specifically, facebook has created a boundaryless global society by transforming the private
into the public and it’s also shaping the way people envision their careers. Thus, the use of social
media is slowly becoming a powerful career development tool. As a result, we will be incorporating
the use of, for instance, facebook into this class to further refine our usage for career development
purposes. Toward this end, each student will be required to participate via NYSCDA facebook page
by joining the organization. The annual dues for student membership is $25, expected to be paid by
the second week of class. Students’ participation will be through assigned groups, which is based on
program of study (i.e., school, rehab, and mental health counseling, etc.). By using the facebook
platform, we will be learning the social etiquettes of using this medium, and how to be professional
throughout our interactions. For instant, student will take turn to share the summary of information
from the The most growth careers and The website review papers via the facebook platform before
turning the final paper in. Discussion of what others think of the paper will immediately follow. Your
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participation in the discussion will be a major part of your grade. Other activities to be completed via
the facebook will be announced later in the semester.
5. Oral Presentation (Group Project) (15 points)
Each student will be assigned to a group based on their program of study (i.e., school, rehab, and
mental health counseling, etc.). Each group will be required to prepare an oral presentation for the
class based on their experience using the social network site, i.e facebook. The presentation will
involve sharing the positive part of the experience, plus the not so positive aspect of the experience,
and how this could be improved in the future. You will be expected to use specific examples in your
presentation, and share what could be added to target professionals from your assigned group. You
will also be expected to answer the question, how do we use social media to help advance our
professional goals, and help our clients/students do the same. This is expected to be a 20 minute
presentation. Each group is expected to chose a theory and include how the theory will be affected by
social media, use a rationale for your presentation based on current literature on the use of social
media for career development purposes. Your classmates will complete an evaluation at the end of the
presentation, which will be considered in the overall grading. All presentations will be made during
the final two class sessions, depending on the number of groups. Due December 3rd.
6. Career Assessments (20 points)
Throughout the semester, you will be reading about various career assessments in Osborn & Zunker
(2006). This textbook will be the basis for the assessment project.
a. In-Class Assessments (8 points): You will be expected to complete 2-4 in-class assessments. Please
note that a number of these assessments are embedded in class activities. (September 24; October 1
& 15).
b. Assessment Projects (12 points): You will select an appropriate instrument to use with a population of
interest. You will be expected to provide a rationale for the chosen instrument. Guidelines will be
provided to help complete the project and share the information with your classmates for their
professional portfolio.
Tentative Schedule
Readings are listed for the concurrent sessions. You may also be asked to complete some additional
readings pertinent to specific topics throughout the semester. Regardless of readings assigned, you will
be expected to complete the readings from Niles & Harris-Bowlsbey, Lapan, and Osborn, et al., as
August 27
Introductions/Review of
Syllabus and Course Req.
Implications of the use of
social media in the future of
career development practice
Social media: young
professionals effect change in
the workplace, K. Altes.
Facebook finds its way into
the workplace. J.
Assignments Due
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September 3
Labor Day/No Class
Social network site discussions
on the implication of the rapid
growth of social media in the
future of career counseling
September 10
ASCA National Standards for
School Counseling programs,
National Career Development
Association Competencies
Introduction to Career
Development Theories/History
Niles & Harris-Bowlsbey:
Chapter 1 & pp. 458-461
NCDA Competencies
September 17
Person-Environment Fit/TraitFactor Theory
Osborn & Zunker
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
September 24
John Holland’s Theory
Self Directed Search
Niles & Harris-Bowlsbey: pp.
Osborn & Zunker
Chapter 1
In Class Assessment
(1st in-class
Most Growth Careers
(2nd in-class assessment)
October 1
Krumboltz’s Theory
Niles & Harris-Bowlsbey pp. 7280.
Supplemental Reading: TBA
October 8
Quiz 1
Niles & Harris-Bowlsbey pp.8597
Negative Career Thoughts and
young adults with learning
disabilities. Dipeolu & Keating.
Negative career thoughts through
adulthood. Dahl, Austin &
Cognitive Information
Processing Theory/Social
Cognitive Theory
Assignments Due
October 15
Brown’s Value Based Theory
ASVAB Presentation
Niles & Harris-Bowlsbey pp.97101
Osborn & Zunker
Chapter 8
October 22
Super’s Life Span/Life Space
Niles & Harris-Bowlsbey pp. 4056
(3rd in-class assessment)
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October 29
Computer Assisted Career
November 5
Career Decision Making
ACCESS Presentation
November 12
Quiz 2
Career Development &
Diverse Populations
VESID Presentation
November 19
November 21-24
November 26
December 3
December 10-17
Career Development
Assignments Due
Niles & Harris-Bowlsbey
Chapter 7
Osborn & Zunker
Chapter 11
Teaching career development
Professionals to work with
people with disabilities.
Website Review
Niles & Harris-Bowlsbey
Chapter 4
Osborn & Zunker
Chapter 12
Niles & Harris-Bowlsbey
Chapter 11
Osborn & Zunker
Chapter 9
Dr. Dipeolu’s article
In Class Assessment
(4th in-class assessment)
Fall Recess
Ethical Issues in Career
Niles & Harris-Bowlsbey
Counseling Assessments: Non- Chapter 14
NCDA Ethical Standards:
Osborn & Zunker
Chapter 13
Assessment Project
Wrap Up
Final Examinations
7. Two Quizzes (30 points)
There will be two quizzes throughout the semester. Each quiz will be worth 15 points (although there
may be more than 15 items). See syllabus for dates.
8. Grading Scale and Requirements
All papers are to be completed using the fifth/sixth edition APA writing style.
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Assignments are due at the start of class on the designated date. If handed in late or within
one/two days late, there will be a 10% deduction on the score. If handed in between three and
six days late, there will be a 20% deduction. If you have extenuating circumstances, please talk
with the instructor ahead of the due date or as soon as possible thereafter in case of emergencies.
Grades will be based on the following scale:
90 - 100= A
80 - 89 = B
70 - 79 = C
60 - 69 = D
Less than 60 = F
9. Academic Integrity
All students are expected to uphold the Academic integrity policies and procedures of the University at
Buffalo. Cheating, plagiarism, and other acts of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated.
10. Special Needs/Accommodations
Any student who has special need for assistance (i.e. learning disability, physical disability, etc.) which
could influence a student’s ability to carry out course requirements or requiring accommodations needs
should advise the instructor of the specified needs during the first two weeks of class. Guidelines as
established by the Office of Disability Services will be followed.