Brief Biography of Louise Erdrich

Tracks Journal 1
Find and copy a passage (1-3 sentences) from
Chapter 1 (p. 1-9) that contains an example
of one of the following:
a. Hardships Native Americans faced
b. Magic/superstition
c. Figurative language/details that appeal to the
Sketch a simple drawing showing what the
passage describes.
Explain why the passage is important and/or
Tracks Journal 2
Who is a person you look up to and admire
like Pauline admires Fleur?
What makes that person admirable to you?
3. What makes Fleur admirable to Pauline?
Tracks Journal 3
Explain how these pictures relate to main events from Chapter 3.
Tracks Journal 4
► What
makes two people become attracted to
each other? List some factors that may
influence romantic attraction.
(Please be mature and school-appropriate.)
► In what ways are those factors present in
Tracks Chapter 4?
► Read
Tracks Journal 5
the following passages from Chapter 5.
Then, explain what concerns/worries Nanapush.
Nanapush to Eli: “I helped you with this woman
you couldn’t handle, who scares off sensible men. I
taught you how to get her on your own without
medicine. I gave you certain items by which I
remembered my last wife. I took you in. And
before long, you’re so bored you cannot resist a
Morrissey, and so stupid you imagine your wife is
pregnant when she’s not” (Erdrich 108).
Nanapush: “…the feud that would divide our people
down the middle, through time. It started with Eli
and Sophie. But it spread from the slough to our
politics, just like that” (Erich 109).
Tracks Journal 6
In order to atone for her sins and become worthy of being a
Catholic nun, what does Pauline do to make herself suffer?
List the ways Pauline punishes herself as penance.
“I put burrs in the armpits of my dress and screwgrass in my
stockings and nettles in my neckband. Superior forced me to
turn my shoes the right way around, but I let my toenails
grow until it ached to walk again” (Erdrich 152).
•Starves herself
•Tries to abort her baby
•Wears potato sacks as
•Wears shoes on the wrong feet
•Uses bathroom only 2x per day
•Leaves pins in headpiece
•Wears rope around neck
•Sleeps only on back with arms
•Breaks ice with bare hand
•Drinks only hot water
•Takes thinnest cut of bread
•Doesn’t bathe
Tracks Journal 7
Explain how these pictures relate to main events from Chapter 8.