Ortel notes that while she was a trustee, Clinton - X

The War Against Adam
As I address you this evening, I am drawing from my thoughts over the past two weeks.
There has been a very strange vibration in the air. I found myself looking over my
shoulder and down the street before I walk away from a place of business or out of my
car. A special alertness has been present. I love to sit at outside café’s and eat or have
a coffee, but lately I have preferred the safety of my car or my plant site that is more like
a compound than an industrial park.
I have not carried a gun for 25 years, but now I have one in the console and a
Concealed Carry Permit. Not so much for me, but to have the constant presence that
protects the gun free zones.
Then, as I was working on my latest prototype electric truck, I heard on the radio that
ISIS had driven through the streets of Paris shooting café diners, and suicide bombers
splattered themselves in an effort to kill innocent people. I could practically see the
shooters standing on the balcony in the theater killing people without the least fear that
someone would shoot back. They were all unarmed and unable to defend themselves.
Appeasement will always get a person killed. That is where you lie on the floor with
your hands over your ears and your eyes tightly shut, so you aren’t deafened by the
indoor gunfire and the screams of those who know they are about to die. You lie there
with the hope they will shoot you last. Or maybe they will run out of bullets before they
get to you. Or maybe they will get bored with just shooting people who won’t run
around and try to hide.
This is a war that was created long ago in the fields of a world that had already had
entire races of people wiped from its surface. Adam was placed in the garden of Eden
and was tasked to name all the animals he saw. It must have been a long list, because
his species was alone on the Earth for entire Biblical day; one day or a thousand years
or an entire age makes no difference here.
Then, at the beginning of the next day, his rib was taken and a breedable female was
cloned from his DNA. Simple enough, except this woman was implanted in another
female, carried to term, delivered, raised, and then brought to Adam as a young adult
female. The two of them received a commandment to multiply and replenish the Earth.
Replenish? Oh yes, they were not the first human types to walk the Earth. There were
others, long dead and decomposed by then.
Didn’t work out, you know. They liked war too much. They developed weapons so
powerful as to nearly crack the precious planet into pieces, their hatred for one another
was so great. Scarcely a single year went by, while humanoid feet made prints in the
mud, that someone was not being killed by someone else out of jealousy, hatred, fear,
or greed. Each time, the entire race of humanoids were wiped out by a benevolent god
who just wanted his children to get along and love one another.
Perhaps this time would be different. Perhaps, if God started with one of the most
ancient souls, one He could trust with everything, it would be different. He would let him
live alone for a thousand years without another human to be jealous of. He would
integrate him with the planet and all living things on it, so that there would be the
leadership of harmony at the head of this new race. And, rather than bring a female
from another world, he cloned a perfect match for Adam. Surely this would be
But, Lucifer is everywhere. He knows the Plan. He watches carefully from a distance
and observes Adam in his body. He has known him for eons. He observes that not
much growth is taking place here on Earth with a single, immortal man who has no one
with whom to have a conversation, let alone an argument. But that will change. Lucifer
knows God too. Sooner or later, he will allow Adam something with which to breed. It
is the way.
When miss Eve shows up, also named by Adam—meaning the mother of all living—she
is like a new page in a book. She is only given one commandment. Do what Adam tells
you to do. The funny thing is that Adam doesn’t tell her to do anything. She goes her
way, and he goes his way. Neither of them can do anything about the commandment to
replenish the Earth, because they are immortal bodies, and they don’t have the
knowledge or carnality.
Now, it wouldn’t do much good for Lucifer to seduce Adam. That will come soon
enough. Males can always be tempted to have sex with males. That act is part of the
covenant he makes with men who will trade their souls for earthly power and wealth.
What Lucifer needed was a child to carry his genetics into the gene pool God had so
carefully built protein by proton by electron. A body with his genetics would more
readily accept a reward system built on lust and an instinctive, inner joy to inflict pain
and death on another person. Eve was the new target.
Lucifer approached Eve for years. Engaging into conversation. Talking about things.
Listening. And when Eve was ready to hear more, Lucifer supplied the knowledge of
good and evil, and the knowledge of how her physiology could gush forth hormones and
enzymes to create enormous feelings of passion and desire, the truest forces of
sentience. She would no longer be an animal gliding through the Garden like a barren
queen. She would be creating life and become creation itself. She would be like the
gods, knowing good and evil.
After learning sexual relations from Lucifer, she became pregnant with his child, Cain.
Then, she went to Adam and tore his holiness from him through the darkest of crafts.
She knew she would be cast out of the Garden when God returned on the 8th Day. So
did Adam. Adam could have let her be expelled and sent into the lone wilderness have
more children with Lucifer and perhaps even with her nearly genetically pure son, Cain.
He also knew that was not the Plan. Something had changed. He also was in love with
her. He loved her so much, he would sacrifice his immortality and a future for mankind
that God would now never share with him. There would never be a school of the 8 th
Day now. There would be a new path for them now. This was not going to turn out
God did return on the morning of the 8th Day. He made Adam confess, Eve confess,
and then Lucifer confess. Then, he cast them all out, cursed them all, and more than
likely spent the rest of the day tearing the Garden apart with his own hands in frustration
that His perfect design had once again been impregnated with evil by Lucifer. Adam
surrendered his seed to Eve, and she bore Able.
The next thing we know, Lucifer’s Cain rose up and slew Able out of jealousy, driven by
the dark and crafty counseling of his eternally evil father. Lucifer knew the game. God
couldn’t kill Cain. It was against the rules. Only beings can kill beings. Gods cannot do
such things, for then the whole universe would collapse. You can command. You can
bless and curse. But you cannot kill.
Cain survived, and the seed of Lucifer aggressively infected the human race. For
millennia the genetics tried to stay separate, but one was driven to breed with the other,
by force if necessary. It would not matter much what spirit came into that body
darkened by the seed of Lucifer. The genetics would fight the spirit every millisecond of
occupation. Like a foreign body, the flesh would battle against the spirit night and day.
And, sooner or later, that soul would be sought out and come in contact with another
captured soul. And the new soul would learn from the old soul, and mayhem would
ensue until the spirit hated his body so badly that the only solace would be to die.
Lucifer plans to have every one of his followers succumb to the ritual sodomy to ruin his
manhood, and then to seek death in battle against Adam’s seed or suicide to seal that
soul to him forever. And if death would not come to that tormented soul by another’s
hand, they were commanded to end their own lives as close to having murdered
innocent life as possible. Lucifer did not want that soul to have even one minute to ask
for God’s forgiveness.
It has been done this way on countless worlds, and God has lost nearly His entire
creation and nearly all His children to this plan of destruction.
The seed of Lucifer has, through appeasement, tolerance or conquest, grown to great
numbers on Earth many times throughout history. Then, Adam’s seed will rise up and
kill them off down to only a few, because complete genocide can only be ordered by
God, and in his mercy, or by nature of the mercy innate with the seed of Adam, a few
beings from Cain’s line remain with which to breed and capture the spirits of whomever
will surrender to the flesh. In a few hundred years, Lucifer nurtures his children to great
wealth and power through plunder and murder and secret combinations. He provides
them intelligence on how wealth works, and promises them power over other human
Friday, we watched the people in Paris appease the seed of Cain again. They lay on
the floor and waited to be shot. And they were. In perfect Luciferian style, they pulled
their triggers until their arms grew weary, and the adrenalin of the task burned low. They
were left alone with their own soul. Lucifer would betray them now, and the only choice
left would be to blow themselves up. Now would come the luscious reward. Now they
would no longer be hungry or tormented. Now they would enter the peace of Lucifer
and receive the bounty promised to them by the seed of Cain, their ancient human
father. And mere moment after innocent life was torn from this world at their hands,
they would take their own, sealing their crime to their souls forever with their own blood.
Many more planners, and bomb makers, and bankers, and government officials, and
Imams have a secret now that eats them alive from the inside, but feeds them with a
hatred so powerful eventually they will hate themselves as well. They will shoot nails
into their own foreheads to escape the pain. They will smile and leap from tall buildings
knowing that their bodies will no longer plague their spirit, but they are betrayed as their
breath leaves their bodies. Lucifer is there, waiting for them to walk through the door,
after their brief and tormented life, and join the trillions of other souls who gave up their
birthright for fleshly wealth and power.
We can express our anger and our silent pledge that we will never let that happen to us
or to protect those around us by carrying a gun or living in a good neighborhood. We
can elect men who promise to kill the seed of Cain down to the last man, and we can
hope that we live our short and short-sighted lives to a ripe old age before we see a
tank roll down our street. But Lucifer will still win. He will reap the wealth of this world.
He will reap the souls of the seed of Cain, either ones who actually do the killing, or
those who pray to Allah for the ones who do the killing, or the ones who do nothing to
stop the killing.
The lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life are too powerful for the
timid and weak spirit. The majority of humans have forgotten who they are, because
the other greatest trick was to teach them through their own churches and pastors and
priests that they never existed before this world. This is it for you. You don’t remember,
and so you have no ability to defend yourself or change the world into what it was
supposed to be from the very beginning.
That’s alright. The war on Adam and his seed through Able and his other sons is
almost over now. We are in the last days of it. You still have a choice, though, while
you are doing your best to stay true to your commitment not to harm innocent life or to
curse God. You can lie down on the floor and hope to be shot last. Or, you can stand
against the seed of Cain and change the current course of the human race in the
There were more than 139 people killed on Friday. We will not remember for very long
a single name of anyone who died. Why? Because not one single person made an
attempt to lead the victims to stop the gunmen. Three men killed more than a one
hundred, taking time to stop and reload dozens of times. If one person had stood up to
stop the seed of Cain, then we would know his name. If that person loved his fellow
man more than himself, and lived or died, he would be a hero and a symbol of courage
that might inspire others to do the same.
I can tell you one thing. Freedom and Liberty exist for one reason only on Earth. That
is because an armed American was there to defend it. When America is dead, and the
convulsions of appeasement are already upon her, then liberty and freedom are gone
from this world forever.
I say, go forth fearlessly, and be alert and prepared. Do not lie down. Do not look
away. When you see something, say nothing. Act. Be swift and be true.
Paris Attacks are a Type and a Shadow of Things to Come
January 7-9, 2015, France: Two men armed with Kalashnikov rifles storm the Paris
offices of Charlie Hebdo, a weekly known for satirical caricatures of Islam and other
religions. They kill 12 people including eight cartoonists and journalists as well as two
police officers, before fleeing. A policewoman is killed just outside Paris the following
day in a shooting investigators later link to the Charlie Hebdo attack. A gunman takes
hostages at a Jewish supermarket, four of whom are killed. The Charlie Hebdo
attackers and the hostage-taker are killed in separate shootouts with police. These two
men were brothers and raised in one of the “no-go” zones in France. Up until January
7th, they were bottle chuckers. They were raised in the hatred of everything outside the
little Islamic world that had been created for them, and other young and strong Jihadis
like them, inside France. But what makes two brothers decide to die for the cause?
They knew they would not live more than 48 hours after they shot up the newspaper’s
office in the name of anti-defamation of Islam. What could have incited such rage that
they would give up their girlfriends and their future for a pine box? Perhaps it was
witnessing the bounty that befalls the family of a suicide attacker. They could see that
in their own community. It is a powerful recruiting tool, when the parents and children of
those who decide to die for their coward leaders are showered with praise and money
and status.
The attacks on Friday in Paris were organized in the sense that a half dozen locations
were hit simultaneously. It was not high tech. The weapons were low tech. The vests
with explosives are easy enough to make, but someone has to make them. The AK47’s are easy enough to buy, but someone had to buy them in a country where they are
forbidden. That makes them expensive.
In the hours after the attack, the 7 men—and now it is believed that one woman still at
large—were picked out by security cameras. They were followed backward throughout
their movement during the time before they got to their locations. Like rewinding a
timeline, the car they rented, the apartment from which they emerged from the night
before, and the placed the stopped for meals and fuel and ammunition were are
observed. Soldier police have already traced them to Belgium, where several arrests
have been made. The surveillance State has few holes in it in France. It rarely
prevents a crime from taking place, but it is vital to investigating one once it has taken
The holder of a Syrian passport found near the body of one of the gunmen who died in
Friday night's attacks in Paris was registered as a refugee in several European
countries last month, authorities said. Strange how attackers go into battle with their
passports. Even stranger that a little paper book can survive plane crashes and vest
bombs, but those pesky little booklets are tougher that they look, I suppose.
We now know that least two of the gunmen posed as refugees a short while ago.
The man, identified by Serbian authorities only by his initials A.A., came into Europe
through the Greek island of Leros, where he was processed on Oct. 3, Greek officials
said on Saturday. He was among 70 refugees who arrived on a small vessel from
Serbian authorities said on Sunday the same man had been registered at a border
crossing from Macedonia into Serbia a few days later.
The information is significant because if one or more of the Paris gunmen turned out to
have come into Europe among refugees and migrants fleeing war-torn countries, this
could change the political debate about accepting refugees. I would ask if we have
changed our political debate about the 10,000 young men of fighting age who arrived in
Louisiana yesterday with no identity or records to prove they are not Jihadis. They will
be interviewed and then shipped off in secret numbers to secret places to await orders
from someone to do their work of evil. Refugees. Sure.
"One of the suspected terrorists, A.A., who is of interest to the French security agencies,
was registered on the Presevo border crossing on October 7 this year, where he
formally sought asylum," the Serbian interior ministry said in a statement.
"Checks have confirmed that his details match those of the person who on October 3
was identified in Greece. There was no Interpol warrant issued against this person."
A spokeswoman for the Croatian interior ministry said the man was registered in the
country's Opatovac refugee camp on Oct. 8 and from there he crossed into Hungary
and then Austria.
"There was no (police) record about him at the time of registration and there was no
reason for us to stop him in any way," she said.
Austrian Interior Ministry spokesman Karl-Heinz Grundboeck said however the
assertion that the suspect attacker had passed through Austria had "no concrete basis."
"According to the latest information available, that is no more than conjecture and
speculation," he said.
Any identity documents and fingerprint records would have to be matched with the
remains of the attackers to establish whether they passed through various countries
posing as refugees, or perhaps bought or stole passports along the way.
Greek government sources said a second suspect attacker was also likely to have
passed through Greece.
Following the Paris bloodshed, populist leaders around Europe have rushed to demand
a halt to an influx of refugees and migrants from the Middle East and Africa. Poland said
it could not accept migrants under EU quotas without security guarantees.
Human Rights Watch's Emergency Director Peter Bouckaert said on Twitter the Syrian
passport found may have been fake, adding such fake documents are widely available
for sale in Turkey.
"The answer to the Paris attacks and the possibility that one of the attackers came by
rubber dinghy to Greece... is not to shut the door on those desperately fleeing war," he
said, calling for Europe to put in place a coherent asylum policy that would both help
those in need and address security concerns raised by uncontrolled flows.
Prosecutors in Brussels said today two vehicles used in the terror attack were rented
there and another dumped in Paris has Belgian plates
Belgian Justice Minister Koen Geens confirmed that the driver of a black Volkswagen
Golf linked to the attack is a suspected Paris cell member and the brother of a jihadi
fighter currently in Syria.
A black Seat Leon with Belgian plates used by the terrorists who murdered diners
outside the Casa Nostra pizza restaurant and the La Belle Équipe cafe has been found
abandoned in Paris with three AK-47s with five full magazines and 11 empty ones.
Officers are still hunting for two gunmen on the run and the bomb maker who made the
killer gang's suicide vests.
On the second day after the worst terror attack in French history it has emerged:
French police are hunting for two gunmen on the run after Friday's attacks and
an ISIS bombmaker likely to have made the suicide vests
The car used in drive-by shootings at two restaurants was found abandoned
containing three AK-47s with five full magazines and 11 empty ones
One of Bataclan suspects was found carrying a Syrian passport under the name
Ahmed Almuhamed who travelled to France as a migrant through Greece. Ferry
tickets reveal he travelled with another man named as Mohammed Almuhamed.
Frenchman Omar Ismaël Mostefai, 29, also named as a Bataclan suicide
bomber who was identified by his severed finger. Mostefai's father, a brother and
other family members have been held and are being questioned.
Mostefai said to have been radicalised by a Belgian hate preacher of Moroccan
descent said to have regularly preached at his mosque
Bataclan survivors claim that one of the four shooters was a woman
Seven people were detained in Belgium linked to the atrocities - three at the
border and four in Brussels
Moroccan-born gunman Khazzani, 26, lived with his sister in Molonbeek,
Brussels, weeks before his attempted attack on the Thalys train.
He stayed with his sister, who lives on the same road where two of the arrests
were made in relation to the Paris attacks.
Several people spotted El Khazzani in the area where his sister lives in SintJans-Molenbeek.
The sister was questioned by anti-terror detectives in Brussels. Now part of their
investigation is around whether El Khazzani and the suspects planned the
separate attacks.
A neighbour, who lives down the road where two of the arrests were made, said: ‘I
remember El Khazzani lived here for a time. I don’t know whether he knew these
men, but it’s certainly possible. This is quite a small community where everyone
knows each other.’
The Jewish Museum shooter Mehdi Nemmouche, who killed three people at the in
Brussels in 2014 also stayed in the district; as did one of those involved in the
Madrid bombings in 2003.
The alleged mastermind behind a plot to kidnap and behead a policeman in the
street-inspired by Lee Rigby murder- Abdelhamid Abaaoud -was from Molenbeek.
The plot was foiled by Belgian police in January.
Belgian Prime Minster Charles Michel admitted the Molenbeek area has been a
major security problem for many years.
He told VRT television today : ‘Almost every single time there’s a link with
Molenbeek' while Belgian Minister of Home Affairs Jan Jambon added: 'The
situation in Molenbeek is out of control.'
Yesterday the Belgian authorities swooped on three men in Molenbeek area at 5pm
yesterday – less than 19 hours after at least 129 innocent people lost their lives in
The arrests came after a black Volkswagen Polo with Belgian number plates was
seen parked outside the Bataclan theatre in Paris on Friday night – where more than
89 people were gunned down during an Eagles of Death Metal gig.
Intelligence officers found a parking ticket discarded in the vehicle which had been
issued by authorities in the Molenbeek district, prompting police to launch a number
of raids across the residential area of Brussels and arrest seven suspects thought to
be linked to a terror cell.
Yesterday Belgian authorities swooped on the men in the St Jans Molenbeek area of
Brussels at 5pm UK time yesterday – less than 19 hours after at least 129 innocent
people lost their lives when gunmen and suicide bombers stormed four restaurants,
a packed concert hall and a sports stadium in Paris.
There have now been a string of arrests in connection with the terror attacks across
central Paris locations on Friday. The arrests so far include:
Saturday afternoon: Three people are arrested at the French/Belgian border after
police trace their car after it was sighted in Paris at the time of the attacks.
Saturday evening: Police arrest seven people in the St Jans Molenbeek district of
Brussels after a discarded parking ticket found in the VW Polo seen outside the
Bataclan theatre led police there. It is confirmed two of the attackers live in Brussels,
with one from the Molenbeek area.
Saturday night: Suicide bomber Omar Ismail Mostefai, 29, is identified by his finger,
which was found among the carnage at the Bataclan concert hall, and confirmed as
one of the terrorists responsible. He killed himself in the attack but six of his family
members, including his father, 34-year-old brother and sister-in-law, are arrested in
France and their homes searched.
Incredible footage shows armed officers swarm on at least one man and force him to
kneel down as they detain him on a wall as shoppers look on.
The arrests came after a black Volkswagen Polo with Belgian number plates was
seen parked outside the Bataclan theatre in Paris on Friday night – where more than
89 people were gunned down during an Eagles of Death Metal gig.
Intelligence officers found a parking ticket discarded in the vehicle which had been
issued by authorities in the Molenbeek district, prompting police to launch a number
of raids across the residential area of Brussels and arrest seven suspects thought to
be linked to a terror cell.
Three people, including the Frenchman who hired the VW Polo used in the terror
attacks, were also arrested at the Belgian border as they tried to drive from France
to Belgium on Saturday.
Belgian Federal Prosecutor Eric Van der Sypt has explained the events leading up
to a string of arrests in the troubled Molenbeek area of Brussels over the past 24
Initially it was thought three suspects were arrested as they tried to cross the border
from France in the hours after Friday’s attacks. Mr Van der Sypt said two Belgianregistered cars linked to the Molenbeek area were used in the attack. One of the
cars, a grey Volkswagen Polo was identified near the Bataclan concert hall.
According to Der Morgen, Catherine De Bolle, commissioner general of the Belgian
Federal Police admitted her officers are unable to provide round-the-clock
surveillance of jihadi suspects who have returned from the Middle East.
She said: ‘There are 474 people linked to the conflict in Syria, about 130 of them
have returned, 77 have died and there are more than 200 fighters there.
‘Every warrior needs a different approach, we look at what measures we associate
with the warrior. We can not follow each returned jihadi around the clock.
‘There is a structured approach, but I obviously can not guarantee proof that there
can be no attacks. Also in Paris has been unable to prevent the attacks.’
Brussels Mayor Yvan Mayeur said jihadis are able to thrive due to the freedom of
movement within the European Union. He told RTBF.be: ‘Europe has become
borderless, so it is normal that they (the perpetrators of attacks) also benefit. But we
must ensure that we are no longer a base for those who go to war in Europe.’
The black Seat was used by the terrorists who murdered diners outside the Casa
Nostra pizza restaurant and the La Belle Équipe cafe in Paris, while the VW Golf is
thought to have been used by those who descended on the Bataclan concert hall.
Paris prosecutor Francois Molins said that gunmen armed with automatic weapons
pulled up in the Seat before opening fire, killing 15 people and injuring 10.
The discovery of the abandoned vehicle now means police have traced both of the
cars they were hunting in connection with the Paris massacre.
However, the discovery heightens fears that more of the attackers – or their
accomplices – are still on the run with police confirming they are now looking for at
least two men who are believed to have fled from the abandoned Seat.
Witnesses have said the car was used by attackers at multiple locations on Friday
night, and that several AK47 rifles of the sort used during the attacks were
discovered in the abandoned vehicle.
French Attack ISIS HQ
France launched "massive" air strikes on the Islamic State group's de-facto capital in
Syria Sunday night, destroying a jihadi training camp and a munitions dump in the city
of Raqqa, where Iraqi intelligence officials say the attacks on Paris were planned.
Twelve aircraft including 10 fighter jets dropped a total of 20 bombs in the biggest air
strikes since France extended its bombing campaign against the extremist group to
Syria in September, a Defense Ministry statement said. The jets launched from sites in
Jordan and the Persian Gulf, in coordination with U.S. forces.
Meanwhile, as police announced seven arrests and hunted for more members of the
sleeper cell that carried out the Paris attacks, French officials revealed to The
Associated Press that several key suspects had been stopped and released by police
after the attack.
The arrest warrant for Salah Abdeslam, a 26-year-old born in Brussels, calls him very
dangerous and warns people not to intervene if they see him.
Yet police already had him in their grasp early Saturday, when they stopped a car
carrying three men near the Belgian border. By then, hours had passed since
authorities identified Abdeslam as the renter of a Volkswagen Polo that carried hostage
takers to the Paris theater where so many died.
Three French police officials and a top French security official confirmed that officers let
Abdeslam go after checking his ID. They spoke on condition of anonymity, lacking
authorization to publicly disclose such details.
Tantalizing clues about the extent of the plot have emerged from Baghdad, where
senior Iraqi officials told the AP that France and other countries had been warned on
Thursday of an imminent attack.
An Iraqi intelligence dispatch warned that Islamic State group leader Abu Bakr alBaghdadi had ordered his followers to immediately launch gun and bomb attacks and
take hostages inside the countries of the coalition fighting them in Iraq and Syria.
The Iraqi dispatch, which was obtained by the AP, provided no details on when or
where the attack would take place, and a senior French security official told the AP that
French intelligence gets these kinds of warnings "all the time" and "every day."
However, Iraqi intelligence officials told the AP that they also warned France about
specific details: Among them, that the attackers were trained for this operation and sent
back to France from Raqqa, the Islamic State's de-facto capital.
The officials also said that a sleeper cell in France then met with the attackers after their
training and helped them to execute the plan. There were 24 people involved in the
operation, they said: 19 attackers and five others in charge of logistics and planning.
None of these details have been corroborated by officials of France or other Western
intelligence agencies.
All these French and Iraqi security and intelligence officials spoke with the AP on
condition of anonymity, citing the ongoing investigation.
New Orleans is on High Alert After Accelerated Refugee Schedule
Web sites and social media lit up on Saturday with claims that 10,000 Syrians had arrived
virtually overnight in New Orleans -- reports that had a foundation in an announcement weeks
earlier by the White House, which paved the way for an increase in the number of Syrian
refugees that would be allowed into the country.
An image purported by some to show dozens of Syrian men in New Orleans was actually taken
in Hungary, adding to the confusion.
Syrian refugees are coming to the United States in growing numbers.
In September, President Barack Obama directed federal agencies to "scale up" the number of
Syrian refugees admitted in the coming fiscal year, which began on Oct. 1.
White House officials said the country would accept at least 10,000 over 12 months, with 180
cities coast-to-coast taking part in the resettlement effort.
Groups like Catholic Charities, which has worked for decades to assist refugees, are coordinating
with the government, which said it would screen all those coming into the country.
The 10,000 Syrians would be part of an overall 75,000 worldwide refugees accepted into the
United States between Oct. 1, 2015, and Sept. 30, 2016. That is the cap set for the current year.
Secretary of State John Kerry has indicated the administration may seek to expand the total
number of worldwide refugees to 100,000 for the following fiscal year.
A total of 1,500 Syrian refugees were brought to the United States between 2011, when the
conflict in Syria erupted, and September 2015, according to CNN. It was expected several
hundred more would arrive in the final three months of this year -- part of the 10,000 expected
by October 2016.
At least two families settled in the greater New Orleans area last month. Neither Catholic
Charities nor government agencies reached by WDSU on Saturday could provide updated
figures, but Gov. Bobby Jindal sent a letter to the president following the Paris attacks
demanding information regarding the program and suggesting that more refugees arrived in the
past few weeks.
The letter notes that New Orleans "began receiving its first wave of Syrian refugees," and
continues: "I demand information about the Syrian refugees being placed in Louisiana in hopes
that the night of horror in Paris is not duplicated here."
Jindal asks for details on background screening and the process through which resettled Syrians
will be monitored.
The two men who seek to succeed Jindal on Saturday also staked their positions on resettlement.
Sen. David Vitter, a Republican, said, "while it is absolutely important to help those in need, I
have serious concerns about the protocols regulating who comes into our country. We need to
make sure those entering the United States are exactly who they say they are -- not ISIS
State Rep. John Bel Edwards, a Democrat, called for a "pause (in) the influx of refugees flowing
into our state without more information on the security measures in place."
Officials in Paris said a Syrian passport was found on one of the men believed to be responsible
for Friday's attacks, and that the document may have allowed that individual into Europe.
The death toll, as of late Saturday, climbed past 150 in the deadliest incident in France since the
end of World War II. The AK-47 is far easier to acquire in the US and takes only minutes to
convert to fully automatic operation with a few dollars worth of stock parts. Gun sales in the
Southern US States have been at record numbers every year that Obama has been president,
making him the greatest gun salesman the nation has ever known. Thousands of gun stores are
making good profits, online sales of guns and ammunition are at all-time highs, and tens of
thousands of people practice on a weekly basis for war at indoor gun ranges across the country.
Sweden Descends into Anarchy
Sweden Descends into Anarchy, The Gatestone Institute, Ingrid Carlqvist, November
13, 2015
(Might a bit of “anarchy” be better than a gross excess of multiculturalism? — DM)
“You have to understand that Swedes are really scared when an asylum
house opens in their village. They can see what has happened in other
places.” — Salesman for alarm systems.
Since Parliament decided in 1975 that Sweden should be multicultural and
not Swedish, crime has exploded. Violent crime has increased by over
300% and rapes have increased by an unbelievable 1,472%.
Many Swedes see the mass immigration as a forced marriage: Sweden is
forced to marry a man she did not choose, yet she is expected to love and
honor him, even though he beats her and treats her badly. Her parents (the
government) tell her to be warm and show solidarity with him.
“Are the State and I now in agreement that our mutual contract is being
renegotiated?” — Alexandra von Schwerin, whose farm who was robbed
three times. Police refused to help.
Once upon a time, there was a safe welfare state called Sweden, where people
rarely locked their doors.
Now, this country is a night-watchman state — each man is on his own. When the
Minister of Justice, Morgan Johansson, encourages breaking the law, it means opening
the gates to anarchy. Mr. and Mrs. Swede have every reason to be worried, with the
influx of 190,000 unskilled and unemployed migrants expected this year — equivalent to
2% of Sweden’s current population. The number is as if 6.4 million penniless migrants
who did not speak English arrived in U.S. in one year, or 1.3 million in Britain.
And the Swedes are preparing: demand for firearms licenses is increasing; more and
more Swedes are joining shooting clubs and starting vigilante groups. After a slight dip
in 2014, the number of new gun permits has gone up significantly again this year.
According to police statistics, there are 1,901,325 licensed guns, owned by 567,733
people, in Sweden. Add to this an unknown number of illegal weapons. To get a gun
permit in Sweden, you need to be at least 18 years old; law-abiding; well-behaved, and
have a hunting license or be a member of an approved shooting club. In 2014, 11,000
people got a hunting license: 10% more than the year before. One out of five was a
“There is also a high demand for alarm systems right now,” says a salesman at one of
the security companies in an interview with Gatestone.
“It is largely due to the turbulence we are seeing around the country at the moment.”
People have lost confidence in the State, he added. “The police will not come anymore.
Truck drivers say that when they see a thief emptying the fuel tank of their trucks, they
run out with a baseball bat. It is no use calling the police, but if you hit the thief, you can
at least prevent him from stealing more diesel. Many homeowners say the same thing:
they sleep with a baseball bat under the bed. But this is risky: the police can then say
you have been prepared to use force, and that might backfire on you.”
The salesman, who asked to remain anonymous, also spoke of Sweden’s many
Facebook groups, in which people in different villages openly discuss how they intend to
protect themselves: “Sometimes you get totally freaked out when you see what they are
writing. But you have to understand that Swedes are really scared when an asylum
house opens in their village. They can see what has happened in other places.”
One blog, detailing the consequences for the local population when an asylum facility
opens, is aptly named Asylkaos (“Asylum Chaos”). There is a list of companies the
reader is prompted to boycott; the blog claims these businesses encourage the
transformation of Sweden to a multicultural society, and are therefore considered
“hostile to Swedes.”
At another security company, a salesman said that every time the Immigration Service
buys or rents a new housing facility, his firm is swamped with calls. “The next day,” he
said, “half the village calls and wants to buy alarm systems.”
Ronny Fredriksson, spokesman of the security company Securitas, said that the
demand for home alarm systems first exploded about six years ago, when many local
police stations were shut down and police moved to the main towns. This, he said,
could result in response times of several hours. “More and more people now employ the
services of our security guards. Shopping malls and stores in the city come together
and hire guards. We are kind of like the ‘local beat’ cops of old.”
Even though Securitas makes big money from the increased need for home security
alarms and security guards, Fredriksson says they also are worried about the effect on
“The problem is that we too need the police. When our guards catch a burglar or a
violent person, we call the police but the response times are often very long.
Sometimes, the detainees get violent and quite rowdy. On occasion, the police have
told us to release the person we have apprehended, if we have his identity, because
they do not have a patrol nearby.”
Even before the massive influx of migrants in the fall of 2015, Swedes felt a need to
protect themselves — and with good reason. Since the Parliament decided in 1975 that
Sweden should be multicultural and not Swedish, crime has exploded. Violent crime has
increased by more than 300%, and rapes have increased by an unbelievable 1,472%.
The politicians, however, ignore the people’s fear completely. It is never discussed.
Instead, the people who express concern about what kind of country Sweden has
become are accused of xenophobia and racism. Most likely, that is the reason more and
more people are taking matters into their own hands, and protecting themselves and
their families to the best of their ability.
All the same, some people do not settle for that. It seems some people are trying to stop
mass immigration to Sweden. Almost every day there are reports of fires being set at
asylum houses. So far, miraculously, no one has been hurt.
These fires are set not only by Swedes. On October 13, a 36-year-old woman living in
Skellefteå was convicted of setting fire to the asylum facility in which she herself
resided. The woman claimed she lit a candle and then fell asleep. Yet forensic evidence
showed that a combustible fluid had been doused throughout the room, and the court
found beyond a reasonable doubt that she herself had ignited the fire.
The number of violent incidents at Sweden’s Immigration Service facilities is now skyhigh. In 2013, according to Dispatch International, at least one incident happened every
day. When Gatestone Institute recently acquired the incident list for January 1, 2014
through October 29, 2015, that number had risen to 2,177 incidents of threats, violence
and brawls — on average, three per day.
The Swedish government, however, would apparently rather not talk about that. Foreign
Minister Margot Wallström conceded, in an interview with the daily Dagens Nyheter that
garnered international attention, that Sweden is, in fact, heading for a systemic
“Most people seem to think we cannot maintain a system where perhaps 190,000
people will arrive every year. In the long run, our system will collapse. This welcome is
not going to receive popular support. We want to give people who come here a worthy
Symptomatic of Swedish journalists, this statement was tucked away at the end of the
article. The headline was about how the political party that is critical of immigration, the
Sweden Democrats Party (Sverigedemokraterna), is responsible for the asylum-housing
fires. But foreign media, such as The Daily Mail and Russia Today, picked up
Wallström’s warning about a systemic collapse and ran it as the urgent news it actually
Nevertheless, in official Sweden, the imminent collapse is ignored. Instead, journalists
exclusively focus on attacks by supposedly “racist” Swedes on refugee centers. To
prevent new fires, the Immigration Service decided on October 28 that from now on, all
asylum facilities would have secret addresses. And meager police resources will now be
stretched even further — to protect asylum seekers. Police helicopters will even patrol
refugee centers. But considering there are only five helicopters available, and that
Sweden’s landmass is 407,340 square km (157,274 square miles), this gesture is
effectively empty.
At a meeting with the Nordic Council in Reykjavik, Iceland, on October 27, Sweden’s
Prime Minister, Stefan Löfven, was questioned by his Nordic colleagues about the
situation in Sweden. Löfven had recently said that, “We should have the option of
relocating people applying for asylum in Sweden to other EU-countries. Our ability, too,
has a limit. We are facing a paradigm shift.” That comment led a representative of
Finland’s Finns Party (Sannfinländarna) to wonder, with a hint of irony, how mass
immigration to Sweden, which for years Swedish politicians have touted as being so
profitable, has now suddenly become a burden.
Another Finns Party representative, Simon Elo, pointed out that the situation in Sweden
is out of control. “Sweden has great abilities, but not even the Swedes have abilities that
great,” Elo said.
When Löfven was asked how he is dealing with the real concerns and demands of the
citizenry, his answer was laconic: “Of course I understand there is concern,” Löfven
said. “It is not easy. But at the same time — there are 60 million people on the run. This
is also about them being our fellow men, and I hope that viewpoint will prevail.”
The daily tabloid Expressen asked Löfven about the attacks on asylum facilities. He
replied, “Our communities should not be characterized by threats and violence, they
should be warm and show solidarity.”
As if such behavior can be forced.
Many Swedes see mass immigration as a forced marriage: Sweden is forced to marry a
man she did not choose, yet she is expected to love and honor him even though he
beats her and treats her badly. And on top of that, her parents (the government) tell her
to be warm and show solidarity with him.
More and more Swedish commentators are now drawing the same conclusion: that
Sweden is teetering on the brink of collapse. Editorial columnist Ivar Arpi of the daily
Svenska Dagbladet, wrote an astonishing article on October 26, about a woman named
Alexandra von Schwerin and her husband. The couple lives on the Skarhults Estate
farm in Skåne in southern Sweden; they have been robbed three times. Most recently,
they were robbed of a quad bike, a van and a car. When the police arrived, von
Schwerin asked them what she should do. The police told her that they could not help
her. “All our resources are on loan to the asylum reception center in Trelleborg and
Malmö,” they said. “We are overloaded right now. So I suggest you get in touch with the
vigilante group in Eslöv.”
What the police had called a “vigilante group” turned out to be a group of private
business owners. In 2013, after being robbed more or less every night, they had
decided to come together and start patrolling the area themselves. Currently, they pay a
security firm to watch their facilities.
“On principal, I am totally against it,” von Schwerin said. “What are the people who
cannot afford private security to do? They will be unprotected. I’m sure I will join, but
very, very reluctantly. For the first time, I feel scared to live here now. Are the State and
I now in agreement that our mutual contract is being renegotiated?”
Commenting on the police’s encouraging people to join vigilante groups, social
commentator and former Refugee Ombudsman Merit Wager wrote:
“So, the Swedes are supposed to arrange and pay for their own and their families’
security and keep their farms from being subjected to theft, even though that has up to
now been included in the social contract — for which we pay high taxes, to have police
we can count on to protect us and apprehend criminals?! When did the social contract
expire? October 2015? Without any notice of termination, since the tax-consuming party
is not fulfilling its part of the deal? This should mean that our part of the deal – to pay
taxes for public, joint services — has also become invalid? If the social contract is
broken, it is broken. Then it is musical chairs (lawlessness, defenselessness, without
protection), and that means that each and every one of us should pay less taxes.”
Ilan Sadé, lawyer and social commentator, wrote about the refugee chaos at Malmö
Central Train Station on the blog Det Goda Samhället on October 27: “The authorities
no longer honor the social contract.” He described four large signs on display around
the station that read “Refugee? Welcome to Malmö!” in four different languages.
“It is unclear who the sender of the message is, or, for that matter, who is in charge of
the reception facility — a number of barracks by the old post office in the inner harbor.
Everything is utterly confusing. It could be Malmö City or the Immigration Service, but it
might as well be ‘Refugees Welcome,’ or possibly a religious community. I think to
myself that a government agency could not reasonably write like this, a correct and
pertinent sign would say something like: ‘Asylum seekers are referred to the barracks
for information and further transport.’ But I am probably wrong; Malmö City is the chief
suspect communicant. … The signs in and around the Central Station are symptoms of
something incredibly serious: Role confusion and the decay of the constitutional state.
And thus, that our authorities no longer honor the social contract.”
In a post called Anarchy, blogger Johan Westerholm, who is a Social Democratic Party
member and a critic of the government, wrote that the Minister for Justice and Migration,
Morgan Johansson, is now urging authorities to “be pragmatic” about laws and
regulations (concerning asylum housing for so-called unaccompanied refugee children).
Westerholm stated that this is tantamount to the government “opening the gates to
“Our country is founded on law; Parliament legislates and the courts apply these.
Morgan Johansson’s statement and his otherwise passive approach are testimony to
how this, our kind of democracy, may fade into a memory very shortly. He now laid the
first brick in the building of a state that rests on other principles. The principles of
If anarchy really does break out, it would be good to remember that there are nearly two
million licensed firearms in Sweden. Sweden’s shooting clubs have seen a surge in
interest; many are welcoming a lot of new members lately.
Cold sun rising
Sam Khoury
Special to The Nation
November 11, 2015 1:00 am
New studies flip climate-change notions upside down
The sun will go into "hibernation" mode around 2030, and it has already started to get
sleepy. At the Royal Astronomical Society's annual meeting in July, Professor Valentina
Zharkova of Northumbria University in the UK confirmed it - the sun will begin its
Maunder Minimum (Grand Solar Minimum) in 15 years. Other scientists had suggested
years ago that this change was imminent, but Zharkova's model is said to have nearperfect accuracy.
So what is a "solar minimum"?
Our sun doesn't maintain a constant intensity. Instead, it cycles in spans of
approximately 11 years. When it's at its maximum, it has the highest number of
sunspots on its surface in that particular cycle. When it's at its minimum, it has almost
none. When there are more sunspots, the sun is brighter. When there are fewer, the
sun radiates less heat toward Earth.
But that's not the only cooling effect of a solar minimum. A dim sun doesn't deflect
cosmic rays away from Earth as efficiently as a bright sun. So, when these rays enter
our atmosphere, they seed clouds, which in turn cool our planet even more and
increase precipitation in the form of rain, snow and hail.
But that's not the only cooling effect of a solar minimum. A dim sun doesn't deflect
cosmic rays away from Earth as efficiently as a bright sun. So, when these rays enter
our atmosphere, they seed clouds, which in turn cool our planet even more and
increase precipitation in the form of rain, snow and hail.
Solar cycles
Since the early 1800s we have enjoyed healthy solar cycles and the rich agriculture and
mild northern temperatures that they guarantee. During the Middle Ages, however,
Earth felt the impact of four solar minimums over the course of 400 years.
The last Maunder Minimum and its accompanying mini-Ice Age saw the most consistent
cold, continuing into the early 1800s.
The last time we became concerned about cooler temperatures - possibly dangerously
cooler - was in the 1970s. Global temperatures have declined since the 1940s, as
measured by Pacific Decadal Oscillation. The PDO Index is a recurring pattern of
ocean-atmosphere climate variability centred over the Pacific Ocean. Determined by
deep currents, it is said to shift between warm and cool modes. Some scientists worried
that it might stay cool and drag down the Atlantic Decadal Oscillation with it, spurring a
new Ice Age. The fear was exacerbated by the fact that Earth has been in the current
inter-glacial period for 10,000 years (depending on how the starting point is gauged).
If Earth were to enter the next Ice Age too quickly, glaciers could advance much further
south, rainforests could turn into savannah, and sea levels could drop dramatically,
causing havoc.
The BBC, all three major American TV networks, Time magazine and the New York
Times all ran feature stories highlighting the scare. Fortunately, by 1978 the PDO Index
shifted back to warm and the fear abated.
Climate science vs the sceptics
By the 1990s the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) had formed
the "97 per cent consensus". The consensus was that Earth was warming more than it
should, not just due to natural causes but also human activity. This was termed
Anthropogenic Global Warming. The culprit was identified as carbon dioxide generated
from the burning of fossil fuels.
CO2 is a greenhouse gas and its increase in the atmosphere could be dangerous, the
panel claimed. Some of these scientists, particularly those working at the US National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Nasa's Goddard Institute for Space
Studies and Britain's Meteorological Office, have gone so far as to declare CO2 as the
primary driver of climate on Earth. This modern "climate science" has stirred
unprecedented controversy in the field. Sceptics, clinging to more traditional
approaches, say the science has been corrupted by the billions of dollars in government
funding for climate-change research and agencies and industries that claim to be
"fighting climate change". The counter-argument is that the sceptics are backed by the
oil, gas and coal industries or are affiliated with conservative political groups.
The biggest bone of contention between the two groups is how the data are assessed.
In the United States, the recorded temperature data go back to 1880, and elsewhere not
even that far. Those data have to be "stapled on" to the ice-core data used to determine
temperatures in earlier times. This has led to controversial representations, such as the
infamous "hockey stick" graph released by the IPCC that gave the impression the world
is hotter now than ever. Many scientists slammed the graph as wholly unrealistic,
insisting that previous eras, such as the medieval warm period and the Holocene
maximum were warmer than today.
Another issue is the urban "heat island" effect. Black asphalt roads and concrete
structures absorb heat from the sun. Roy Spencer, a climatologist at the University of
Alabama and former IPCC alumnus, charged in 2013 that the NOAA was "warming up"
readings at rural temperature stations to match the urban ones rather than the reverse.
A spokesman for the NOAA responded but stopped short of denying it.
In the 2009 "climategate scandal", e-mails and documents from IPCC-affiliated
scientists were leaked that indicated they had manipulated data and reports to jibe with
the AGW theory. References were made to "hiding the decline" through the use of
"tricks". Then in 2012 Anthony Watts, a meteorologist and self-described whistle-blower,
caught the NOAA changing temperature data from the 1930s to make the decade
appear colder than it had been. Another whistle-blower, blogger Tony Heller, although
clearly aligned with conservative groups like the Heartland Institute, has amassed
impressive data. He claims that, since 1997, the world has actually been getting colder
and Goddard and the NOAA are committing "climate fraud". The NOAA has declined to
Global cooling?
Around 2000, the PDO Index started to blow cold again, possibly causing global
warming to "pause", as the mainstream scientists describe it. IPCC-affiliated scientists
as well as Nasa and the NOAA attribute the pause to other factors. This is when the plot
Solar cycle 24 - two cycles prior the cycle that's expected to bottom out into a Maunder
Minimum - was weak. In 2013-14 it reached its maximum far below average. Meanwhile
extreme cold-weather anomalies have occurred around the world. Last year "polar
vortices" slammed into the central US and Siberia as a third hovered over the Atlantic.
All 50 US states, including Hawaii, had temperatures below freezing for the first time in
recorded history. Snowfall records were broken in cities in the US, Canada, Italy, New
Zealand, Australia, Japan and elsewhere. Southern American states and central
Mexico, where snow is rare, got heavy snow, as did the Middle East.
This past summer the cold didn't let up, with more temperature records across the US
and rare summer snows seen in Canada, the US and China. Birds have migrated early
in the last two years. Antarctic sea ice set a new record in 2013 and it was broken again
in 2014.
Not even Thailand was immune. In 2014 Bangkok hit its coldest low in 30 years, while
63 lives were lost in the North.
Scientists at the Climate and Environmental Physics and Oeschger Centre for Climate
Change Research at the University of Berne in Switzerland have recently backed up
theories that support the sun's importance in determining the climate on Earth. A paper
published last year by the American Meteorological Society contradicts claims by IPCC
scientists that the sun couldn't be responsible for major shifts in climate. Judith Curry,
chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of
Technology, rejected IPCC assertions that solar variations don't matter. Among the
many studies and authorities she cited was the National Research Council's recent
report "The Effects of Solar Variability on Earth's Climate".
Other researchers and organisations are also predicting global cooling - the Russian
Academy of Science, the Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Scientists,
the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism Russia, Victor Manuel Velesco Herrera at the
National University of Mexico, the Bulgarian Institute of Astronomy, Dr Tim Patterson at
Carleton University in Canada, Drs Lin Zhen at Nanjing University in China, just to name
a few.
For now nevertheless, the IPCC and other authoritative agencies are sticking to their
CO2-dominant climate-forcing theory. They attribute the cold spells to a disruption in the
jet stream caused by Anthropogenic Global Warming. Some of their theories have
heads being scratched, for instance the "pause" in global warming they attribute to heat
being absorbed deep into the oceans. When Antarctic ice reached record levels in
2013, scientists were "baffled" because the water beneath the ice was warm, they
claimed. In climate science old and new, nothing is certain.
We conclude with a bit of good news, though. Recent research has determined that the
famous Stradivarius violin owes its unique, esteemed sound to the last Maunder
Minimum. The solar condition changed the texture of the trees that provided the wood
from which the instrument was crafted. So lovers of classical music can place their
orders for the next generation of incomparable violins, coming - giving the trees time to
mature - in about 100 years.
The Clinton’s Billion Dollar Foundation Scam is About to Crash
NEW YORK – As the Clinton Foundation faces a deadline of Nov. 16 to refile audited
statements of a spinoff charity that were admitted to be error, Wall Street analyst and
investor Charles Ortel is demanding the foundation’s accounting firm,
PricewaterhouseCoopers, answer questions he has posed to the firm since May.
Ortel, who has conducted an extensive investigation of the Clinton Foundation,
explained to WND that the admission of error by the Clinton Health Access Initiative has
opened up a can of worms for auditor PricewaterhouseCoopers, PWC, that extends
back to the formation of the Clinton Foundation in 2001.
“To meet legally binding reporting requirements regarding 2014 and 2013, the Clinton
Foundation, with PWC or with a replacement auditor, must amend and explain multiple
years of false and materially misleading historical disclosures to the general public and
to government authorities,” Ortel explained.
He referenced a new set of exhibits examining Clinton Foundation financials that he is
posting on his website. You should check out this link, because it has a copyrighted
report by Ortel that is substantial and contains details you should know about your
Democratic presidential choice.
“Diversion” “Diversion”
84,973,897 115,397,489
129,348,206 108,868,409
56,432,000 105,665,622
566,085,592 553,214,238
12,691,354 301,431,480
In a reversal of its position, Clinton Health Access Initiative spokeswoman Maura Daley
said the key Clinton Foundation organization would refile Form 990s for 2012 and 2013.
However, she backed away from foundation spokesman Craig Minassian’s assurances
to Reuters in April that multiple years of foundation and CHAI filings were under review,
beginning with 2010, the first full year in which Hillary Clinton was secretary of state.
As WND has reported since last spring, Ortel has concluded through an extensive
investigation that the Clinton Foundation has illegally enriched its namesakes, Bill,
Hillary and Chelsea Clinton.
WND reported that Ortel has urged criminal investigations of a group formed in
conjunction with the Clinton Foundation’s work for which Bill Clinton serves as honorary
chairman. “Since July 2002, the worst known example of flagrant and unpunished
abuses by a U.S. domiciled, public charity is the record of voluminous flawed,
inaccurate, false and misleading public disclosures made by representatives of the Bill,
Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation (the “Clinton Foundation”), as trustees,
executives and agents illegally solicited across state, and national boundaries and
raised close to $2 billion from donors who were either willingly or unwillingly duped,”
Ortel alleges.
‘False and misleading PWC audit’
Ortel said that beginning in May 2015, PWC was alerted to apparent material
irregularities in its audit of consolidated Clinton Foundation financial results for calendar
years 2013 and 2012.
“Unlike other accounting firms that may have audited the Clinton Foundation financial
statements and assisted with filing public disclosure forms inside and outside the United
States concerning calendar years 2001 through 2012, PWC had and still has robust
global auditing resources and should, itself, have been able to spot numerous red flags
arising in historical disclosures and through work done, from the inside, auditing books
and records,” Ortel said.
He said the Little Rock, Arkansas, office of PWC “evidently did not exercise required
professional skepticism,” particularly regarding 2013 financial statements.
“Instead, a false and materially misleading PWC ‘audit’ was issued past the final IRS
deadline in December 2014,” he said.
Ortel said that if PWC is still auditing the consolidated books and financial records of the
Clinton Foundation for 2014, the firm will have to complete its audit so that it can be
attached to the Clinton Foundation Annual Report owed to the IRS and in key U.S.
states by midnight Nov. 16.
“Moreover, PWC will have to reconcile whatever approach it takes concerning 2014 with
the approach PWC took concerning 2013,” he said. “If a replacement auditor is now
performing work, this firm will also wish to get answers to these and related questions.”
Why Ortel’s questions must be answered
In conclusion, Ortel stressed to PWC that since Dec. 31, 2013, the Clinton Foundation
has actively solicited contributions for its annual operations and for an endowment fund,
continuously holding out PWC’s audit as independent certification of its financial results
for 2013.
“What specific steps has PWC taken in 2015 to revisit its audit of the 2013 financial
statements for the Clinton Foundation?” Ortel asked PWC.
“If PWC stands by its original work, without modification, please confirm this to be the
case,” he said.
“If PWC intends to adjust its work product and its conclusions, please explain why and
please tender a thorough and fully vetted amended set of consolidated financial
statements for 2013, together with complete and explicit footnotes, as well as all
relevant consolidating financial statements,” he requested finally.
In his second email to PWC, Ortel wrote:
This is my final communication to you before contacting appropriate authorities,
including the Internal Revenue Service, the Federal Trade Commission, the Attorney
General of the State of Arkansas, the Attorney General of the State of New York, and
representatives of foreign donor governments, including the following
nations/organizations: Australia, Canada, Denmark, the Dominican Republic, France,
Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Nations, UNITAID, the United
Kingdom, and the World Health Organization.
Hillary Clinton served as a trustee of the Clinton Foundation, she cannot escape legal
responsibility for the erroneous statements the Clinton Foundation now admits having
filed with the IRS. He contends she also is responsible for inconsistent, incomplete,
materially misleading and outright false financial filings that invalidate audited financial
statements since the foundation’s inception.
Ortel alleges that while Clinton served as trustee, from 2013 through April 2015, the
Clinton Foundation “procured independent audits of financial statements and submitted
public filings to government authorities that were false, materially misleading, and
fraudulent, while actively soliciting donations across state and national boundaries.”
He charges that during Hillary’s tenure as trustee, the Clinton Foundation filed false and
misleading financial forms concerning calendar years 2010 and 2011. Also, the Clinton
Health Access Initiative, CHAI, aimed at combating HIV/AIDS in third world countries,
filed amended financial forms for 2012 and 2013. Ortel takes that as an admission CHAI
initially filed erroneous financial forms in apparent violation of state and federal law.
Ortel notes that while she was a trustee, Clinton never demanded any reexamination of
Clinton Foundation financial filings for the years 2002 through 2013. He has concluded
the audited statements for the Clinton Foundation for those years were inconsistently
consolidated “in gross violation of relevant accounting standards and of applicable state,
federal and foreign laws that require production of wholly accurate, truthful, and
complete informational returns.”
The Presidential Library and Palace
It is a widely known and publicized fact that Barack Hussein Obama wants a legacy.
Well, okay, let’s really put the cards on the table face up. He wants a library. After all,
he has been the greatest president in history, cutting the federal deficit to all-time lows,
creating hundreds of thousands of jobs per month driving unemployment to nearly
record lows. He has withdrawn from every major war front and sworn to convert the
country to green and renewable energy resources that will keep our oceans from rising.
He needs a really fine library to explain this legacy to the millions of people who will visit
each year. He knows there are millions, because he is also the all-time champion at
data mining for people who would support at least one part of his vast catalog of great
He also knows that the greatest president needs the greatest library, and this will cost
an estimated $1 billion. Who will pay for it? Well, you have as a taxpayer because all
the money he has raised so far for it has been tax free. Like the Clintons before him, he
has learned how to raise money for such things. Of course, Hillary is raising money in
exchange for whet she is going to do as president for those wonderful contributors.
Obama must collect on the favors he has already done.
As with African-Americans, Islam holds a special place in the heart of the president of
the United States. Obama bows to the king of Saudi Arabia and supports the policy of
the ruthless Arab kingdom that only allows temporary work visas for non-Saudi citizens
(many of them white) while forbidding Christianity and free speech: two pillars America
has rested upon since the nation was founded 240 years ago.
That is of no consequence to Obama.
And while consumers are enthusiastic about oil prices sitting just above $40 per barrel,
it is just part of the long-term strategy of Saudi Arabia, which, with Obama’s consent,
has flooded the world’s markets, driving prices down from over $100 per barrel 18
months ago. The tragic result is that the flourishing North American oil and oil shale
industries are being gutted. The cost of the Saudi/Obama oil conspiracy is that billions
of dollars in new investments and hundreds of thousands of high-paying oil patch jobs
are disappearing.
The litmus test for the health of the nation’s petroleum industry since 1944 has been the
Baker Hughes rig count. As you can see in the chart below the number of active rigs
drilling for petroleum has fallen from more than 2,100 to 800. That is just a statistic until
you consider the human cost.
As was reported last July, nearly 50,000 U.S. energy jobs have been lost in the past
three months on top of 100,000 employees laid off since oil prices started to fall. Initial
rounds of layoffs were blue-collar jobs such as roughnecks, fracking crews. More
recently, engineers and scientists are being let go, which is an indication the oil patch
doesn’t think there will be a recovery in petroleum prices for at least two years.
I live in Alberta, Canada, where 35,000 industry jobs have disappeared provincewide.
The oil business cannot turn on a dime. And Saudi Arabia is sitting on more than $1
trillion tucked in its war chest. Once it decides to shut down some of its spigots, thereby
sending crude prices back to the $100 barrel range, its high-cost competitors will take
years to ramp up old and abandoned projects.
This is exactly what happened in 1985. I know because I was at an emergency OPEC
meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, when Saudi Arabia executed this same policy to shut
down high-cost oil producers by flooding world markets with oil. The benchmark price of
crude fell to $10 per barrel. The North American oil industry didn’t recover for than more
a decade.
And so it goes again, but this time Saudi has an important ally: the president of the
United States.
World prices are falling, as you can see in the chart below. But Saudi and other Arab oil
exports to the United States are rising. For the president, these energy policies kill three
birds with one stone:
1. They satisfy Obama’s commitment to make America weaker.
2. They help his legacy with the Greens.
3. They guarantee millions in Saudi money to build his presidential library and
finance his version of the Clinton Foundation.
According to former Sen. Joe Lieberman, no other country has penetrated Washington
as deeply and powerfully as has the Saudi lobby. Lieberman, a former candidate for
vice president, has complained that when it comes to Saudi links to Islamic terrorists,
“The FBI and maybe other parts of our government have seemed to want to almost
defend the Saudis, or not be as aggressive as they should be about the Saudis.”
Obama’s Greatest Ally: ISIS
A small but steady flow of money to ISIS from rich individuals in the Gulf continues, say
current and former U.S. officials, with Qataris the biggest suppliers. These rich
individuals have long served as "angel investors," as one expert put it, for the most
violent militants in the region, providing the “seed money” that helped launch ISIS and
other jihadi groups.
No one in the U.S. government is putting a number on the current rate of donations, but
former U.S. Navy Admiral and NATO Supreme Commander James Stavridis says the
cash flow from private donors is significant now and was even more significant in the
early fund-raising done by ISIS and al Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria, the al-Nusrah Front.
A small but steady flow of money to ISIS from rich individuals in the Gulf continues, say
current and former U.S. officials, with Qataris the biggest suppliers. These rich
individuals have long served as "angel investors," as one expert put it, for the most
violent militants in the region, providing the “seed money” that helped launch ISIS and
other jihadi groups.
No one in the U.S. government is putting a number on the current rate of donations, but
former U.S. Navy Admiral and NATO Supreme Commander James Stavridis says the
cash flow from private donors is significant now and was even more significant in the
early fund-raising done by ISIS and al Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria, the al-Nusrah Front.
"These rich Arabs are like what 'angel investors' are to tech start-ups, except they are
interested in starting up groups who want to stir up hatred," said Stavridis, now the dean
of the Fletcher School of Diplomacy at Tufts University. "Groups like al-Nusrah and ISIS
are better investments for them. The individuals act as high rollers early, providing seed
money. Once the groups are on their feet, they are perfectly capable of raising funds
through other means, like kidnapping, oil smuggling, selling women into slavery, etc."
Stavridis and other current U.S. officials suggest that the biggest share of the individual
donations supporting ISIS and the most radical groups comes from Qatar rather than
Saudi Arabia, and that the Qatari government has done less to stop the flow than its
neighbors in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. One U.S. official said the
Saudis are "more in line with U.S. foreign policy" than the Qataris.
Groups like ISIS and al-Nusrah employ fundraisers who meet with wealthy Sunni Arabs.
Most of the Arab states have laws prohibiting such fundraising, but U.S. officials say the
Qataris do not strictly enforce their laws.
The U.S. believes ISIS is taking in about $1 million a day from all sources. The largest
source of cash now, say U.S. officials, is oil smuggling along the Turkish border, with
ISIS leaders willing to sell oil from conquered Syrian and Iraqi fields for as little as $25 a
barrel, a quarter of the going world price. Other previously lucrative sources, like
kidnapping for ransom, are not what they once were. As one U.S. official put it, "there
are only so many rich Syrian businessmen." Similarly, there are fewer banks to loot.
Adm. Stavridis, author of the forthcoming book "Accidental Admiral," suggests that the
U.S. must cut off as much funding as it can, calling cash flow the "fourth front" in the war
against ISIS, along with helping the Kurdish Peshmerga and the Iraqi military and
carrying out a bombing campaign.
As long ago as last March, before ISIS's military advances, a senior Treasury
Department official spoke publicly about "permissive jurisdictions" that were allowing
fundraising on behalf of ISIS and other groups.
"A number of fundraisers operating in more permissive jurisdictions -- particularly in
Kuwait and Qatar -- are soliciting donations to fund extremist insurgents, not to meet
legitimate humanitarian needs,” said Daniel Cohen, undersecretary for terrorism and
financial intelligence. "The recipients of these funds are often terrorist groups, including
al Qaeda’s Syrian affiliate, al-Nusrah Front, and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
Feds Grab ISIS Wannabes
David Phillips, a former senior advisor to the State Department on Iraq and now director
of the Program on Peace-building and Human Rights at Columbia University, said the
bottom line, financially and politically, is that "wealthy Arabs are playing a dirty double
game. “
“Their governments claim to oppose ISIS,” he said, “while individuals continue funding
terrorist activities."
On Wednesday, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Zarif, in comments to the
Council of Foreign Relations, said it was not realistic to expect those who have helped
fund ISIS and other groups to now oppose them.
Zarif called the recently convened Paris conference on fighting ISIS a "coalition of
repenters" who are only now seeing that they have created a monster. The Gulf states
were among the countries attending the summit.
"Most participants in that -- in that meeting in one form or another provided support to
ISIS in the course of its creation and upbringing and expansion, actually at the end of
the day, creating a Frankenstein that came to haunt its creators," Zarif told the CFR. "So
this group has been in existence for a long time. It has been supported, it has been
provided for in terms of arms, money, finances by a good number of U.S. allies in the
In an interview earlier the same day with Ann Curry of NBC News, Iranian President
Hassan Rouhani was just as emphatic, asking a string of rhetorical questions.
"Who financed them? Who provided them with money? It's really clear -- where do the
weapons come from?" asked Rouhani. "The terrorists who have come from all the
countries, from which channel [did they enter], where were they trained, in which
country were they trained? I don't think it is somehow difficult to identify this
The Obama Connection
Dr. Mohamed Mokhtar Gomaa and other Egyptian scholars have explained that while
ISIS is publicly hostile to the MB, they share identical goals. Last August, the Ministry
illuminated those goals. “They are both waging a war against their homelands with
vandalism, destruction and murder—murder on behalf of the enemies of the state who
fund them,” read a published statement.
Other similarities include the exploitation of women to further their agenda, and the
reality that both groups use “lying and deception in the name of religion,” and both have
“ignorant and lying” leaders who “use religion to play with the minds of the public,” the
statement explained. “The main commonality between the two groups is their terrorist
acts,” it added.
A month later, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi, who pledged to support the
Obama administration’s war against ISIS, urged the president to recognize the bigger
picture of Islamic extremism that extends beyond the borders of Iraq and Syria. He cited
terrorist threats in Libya, Sudan, Yemen and the Sinai Peninsula as examples of
identical danger posed by ISIS. “We can’t reduce the danger lurking in the region to ISIL
(ISIS). We have to bear in mind all the pieces of the puzzle,” he insisted. “We can’t just
limit the confrontation to checking and destroying the Islamic State.”
Unfortunately for his nation, Al Sisi’s prescience proved correct: 21 Egyptian Christians
were beheaded by ISIS in Libya, where they have established another presence. Such
an opportunity was made possible by the Obama administration’s determination to
topple Muammar Gaddafi—followed by its refusal to help the new U.S.-backed Libyan
government train their police and military. As a result Libya is in complete chaos.
Moreover the administration’s political pettiness has allegedly reached a new
low: according to Oliver North, Obama denied both Egypt and Jordan targeting
information on ISIS in Libya and Syria, despite the decapitation of the Egyptian
Christians and the incineration of Jordanian pilot Muath al-Kaseasbeh.
The administration’s behavior in this context runs completely counter to the reality
illuminated by Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shukr. “Ultimately this extremist
ideology is shared by all terrorist groups. We detect ties of cooperation between them
and see a danger as it crosses borders,” he explained.
Part of that mix includes Hamas, also spawned by the MB. Writing for the Times of
Israel, Ryan Mauro, National Security Analyst for the Clarion Project, wonders why the
world agrees that ISIS is morally repugnant even as Hamas gets a pass. “Both
implement sharia governance, deliberately target civilians, have genocidal beliefs and
seek the establishment of a caliphate,” he writes. He further explains that ISIS’s
determination to exterminate Iraq’s Yazidi population is “no more egregious” than
Hamas’s determination to eliminate millions of Jews. And the only difference between
the MB, Hamas and ISIS is in regard to their method of achieving the same goal. The
MB and Hamas wish to establish a Muslim caliphate incrementally, while ISIS is willing
to do anything and everything to bring one about as quickly as possible.
Moreover, the MB’s and Hamas’s desire to eliminate the Jews is nothing new. The MB
was established in 1928 by Hasan al-Banna, who admired Hitler and wrote to him
expressing his desire to collaborate with the Nazi Party. During World War II, the MB
made good on that desire. Its members spied for Hitler in the Middle East and formed
two Muslim Waffen-SS Handschar Divisions to fight for the Nazis. Following the war, the
MB was supported by the West, who saw them as a counterweight to the Soviet Union’s
Middle East aspirations. And while some MB members eschewed violence and built
schools and medical clinics, others continued to promote violence that included two
failed assassination attempts against Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser. Hamas
was spawned in 1987 by the MB in Israel.
Two years later, the MB’s Mujahedeen army repelled the Soviets from Afghanistan and
then split into two groups—one of which was Al Qaeda. And as Americans are now fully
aware, MB-educated Osama bin Laden became their leader. Both groups, along with
other Sunni Islamists, were inspired by al-Banna’s successor Sayyid Qutb. In his 1964
manifesto, Milestones, he insisted that governments not based on Sharia Law are
apostate, making them legitimate targets of jihad.
ISIS has ideological roots that trace all the way back to the Wahhabist strain of Islam
founded by Muhammad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab during the 16th century in Saudi Arabia.
Like ISIS, al-Wahhab believed in a strict and conformist form of Islam. Those who
dissented were to be killed, their property confiscated, and their wives and daughters
violated. The essential rift between the two groups arises from Wahhabism’s “One
Ruler, One Authority, One Mosque” doctrine that refers to the Saudi king, the absolute
authority of Wahhabism, and its control of the mosques and their teachings. ISIS rejects
this doctrine, which explains why Saudi Arabia feels as threatened as anyone else by
their rise, even as much of the kingdom still embraces Wahhabism. With the rise of
Saudi oil wealth, the West preferred to look at the kingdom’s modernization, even as
they ignored the Wahhabist part of the equation.
ISIS’s modern roots can be traced to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian street thug
who arrived in Afghanistan too late to fight the Soviets. After a return to Jordan, he went
back to Afghanistan a decade later, meeting bin Laden in 1999, but refusing to join al
Qaeda. When the Taliban fell in 2001 he fled to Iraq, and in 2003 he set up ISIS’s
precursor, Jama’at al-Tawhid w’al-Jihad (the Party of Monotheism and Jihad). It was
comprised mostly of non-Iraqis, and al-Zarqawi’s primary targets were Iraq’s Shi’ite
Muslim majority. By 2004 his campaign of suicide bombings in that nation made him a
jihadist superstar, earning Bin Laden’s endorsement in the process. Al-Zarqawi returned
the favor by rebranding his group al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI).
Yet by 2005, al Qaeda began to have misgivings about AQI’s brutality towards civilians.
The American troop surge, coupled with Sunni Iraq’s own disenchantment with
Zarqawi’s strict sharia rules gave birth to the “Awakening” that allowed the U.S. to
prevail in Iraq—until the deadly combination of a Shi’ite-dominated Maliki government
looking for payback after years of Sunni Ba’athist domination, coupled with the Obama
administration’s precipitous troop withdrawal in 2011, laid the groundwork for ISIS’s
current rise.
In 2011, AQI was being run by current ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and had
become a largely Iraqi organization. Another rebranding took place as these “Sons of
Iraq” became ISI, until their ranks were swelled by former commanders and soldiers in
Saddam’s military. With the addition of new troops, Baghdadi opened a second front in
Syria, once again targeting Shi’ite Muslims and their Shia sub-sect Alawite rulers led by
Bashar Assad. When Syrian became part of the equation, ISI became ISIS.
And while all of this was occurring, Obama not only ignored the metastasizing threat,
but used his 2012 presidential campaign to assure the American public that al Qaeda
had been “decimated” and terror was “on the run.” More accurately, ISIS has been on
a roll, seizing large swaths of both Iraq and Syria, along with billions of dollars, courtesy
of bank seizures and oil revenue that make them the richest terrorist organization in the
history of the world.
Moreover despite the “conventional wisdom” that al Qaeda and ISIS are enemies, the
terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo indicates there was at least some indication that al
Qaeda on the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and ISIS worked together to perpetrate that
On 25 December, Egypt declared the MB a terrorist organization, with the Egyptian
courts dissolving nearly all of its institutions, organizations and charities. By contrast on
Feb. 4, Obama hosted a meeting at the White House with 14 Muslim leaders, including
Azhar Azeez, President of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), and Hoda
Elshishtawy of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC).
Both groups were founded by members of the MB.
Former congressman Pete Hoekstra was incensed. The Michigan Republican insisted it
was “absolutely outrageous” for Obama to invite “the Muslim Brotherhood into our
government to meet with the White House.” “These are people who are committed to
destroying our way of life,” the Michigan Republican warned. “The policy failures go on
and on and on, and that’s how we need to be addressing this president and challenging
him that his policies are just not working.”
Such challenges will have to overcome that complicity, as well as the grim
determination by this administration not to link terror with Islam. Both challenges are
epitomized by the Summit on Countering Violent Extremism beginning today. As the
AP explains, the Summit will “highlight domestic and international efforts to prevent
extremists and their supporters from radicalizing, recruiting and inspiring others,
particularly disaffected young people.”
The words “Islamist” or “terror?” Nowhere to be found. As for complicity, one of the
Summit’s attendees is the Islamic Society of Boston (ISB) an organization with
extensive ties to terror, including former Cambridge mosque worshipper Ahmad
Abousamra who is currently ISIS’s top propagandist, as well as the Tsarnaev brothers
who carried out the Boston Marathon bombing. The Cambridge mosque, ISB’s first
house of worship was founded in 1982 by Abdulrahman Alamoudi, currently serving a
23-year prison term for his conviction as an al Qaeda fundraiser. Yusuf Qaradawi, the
spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, was a founding trustee at the ISB’s second
mosque in Roxbury.
One of the Obama administration’s ostensible ideas for preventing recruitment and
radicalization? State Department spokesperson Marie Harf,epitomized their enduring
recklessness, insisting we cannot “kill” our way to victory against ISIS. “We need, in the
longer term, medium and longer term, to go after the root causes that lead people to join
these groups, whether it’s lack of opportunity for jobs,” she declared.
Jobs? Twenty-one Egyptian Christians went to Libya in search of jobs. ISIS decapitated
every one of them.
The Obama administration is morally bankrupt. And as the history of the MB-ISIS
connections presented here suggests, it is only a matter of time before Americans pay
an unconscionable price for that bankruptcy.
The Most Clever Propaganda
There has been little notice of the president’s insistent use of the acronym “ISIL” to
describe the Sunni forces currently rampaging across Iraq, executing Iraqi military and
creating a new massive refugee population in an already unstable area.
With the exception of Reuters and now the Associated Press, most news organizations
have not referred to ISIL until President Obama began using the term, which stands for
the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. But when Obama used the term 5 times on
June13, and 16 times in his commencement speech at West Point on June 19th, he was
using his bully pulpit to make a point.
Most, like this publication, continue to use the widely accepted acronym ISIS, the
Islamic State of Iraq and Syria or al-Sham, but both describe the same murderous
organization. The difference is that the Levant describes a territory far greater than
simply Iraq and Syria. It’s defined as this: The Levant today consists of the island of
Cyprus, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, and part of southern Turkey.
Why would Obama prefer ISIL? An “army” of that territorial magnitude takes the focus
off the two countries that many believe define Obama’s continued failure in the Middle
East. Most likely, he would rather eliminate the connection between the chaos in Iraq
with his inaction in Syria. Better that the upheaval in a country to which we committed
so much blood and treasure remain the fault of George W. Bush. The president has
already been tarred with having failed to secure a Status of Forces deal with Prime
Minister al-Maliki, which would have allowed a contingent of American troops to stay in
Numerous critics warned that sectarian hostilities were inevitably going to worsen under
the openly partisan Shiite government; they argued that only by arranging a continuing
presence in Iraq would the U.S. have any opportunity to moderate Maliki’s divisive antiSunni regime. Instead, the minute U.S. troops left in 2011, Maliki began to shut down
and marginalize Shia and Kurd voices, arresting opponents, including Iraqi Vice
President Tariq al-Hashimi.
Numerous sources have claimed that Obama purposefully undermined the negotiations
over a SOFA, suggesting he wanted to score political points by getting our troops out,
no matter the long-term consequences of an overly hasty exit.
Not only has the worsening of sectarian hostilities encouraged the current Sunni
uprising, Maliki has also permitted shipments of weapons from Iran to al-Assad’s
government in Syria through Iraqi airspace. The Obama administration had early on
denied that Maliki was providing this assistance, undermining U.S. interests, until
Secretary of State Kerry went to Bagdad to demand an end to such transfers.
Presumably, a U.S. presence would have prohibited such access.
President Obama is also criticized for refusing to arm moderate factions in the early
days of the Syria uprising, a hesitation Hillary Clinton now says she opposed. Because
he dithered, the U.S. lost the opportunity to engage with the less extreme opponents of
Bashar Al-Assad. Our absence arguably created a vacuum, into which streamed AlQaeda linked extremists, helping create the alliance between Islamic terrorists in Syria
and Iraq. Now, across the Middle East, there is fear that extremists will ultimately control
President Obama was clever to announce that our military advisors would soon be
helping Iraq confront the insurgent ISIL; Americans might not be so forgiving about
sending more of our best and bravest to help push back ISIS. It’s all in the “message.”
The Chinese Yuan joins Dollar as Reserve Currency
China has ticked most of the boxes set by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to
grant the yuan reserve-currency status, prompting many banks to predict approval this
month. Membership of the IMF club would be a crowning achievement after three
decades of breakneck growth that saw the Chinese economy take its place as the
world's second-largest after the US.
Here's a look at what the IMF, in an August 3 staff report, asked China to do, and how
the nation has fared so far. The People's Bank of China, the central bank, welcomed on
Saturday a statement made by IMF chief Christine Lagarde recommending inclusion of
Chinese yuan in Special Drawing Right(SDR) currency basket.
Lagarde said in a statement that the staff experts, in their report to the IMF board, ruled
the yuan or renminbi (RMB) now "meets the requirements to be a 'freely usable'
The yuan failed to be included in the SDR in 2010 when the IMF said the currency did
not meet the "freely usable" criteria, which was deemed as a key hurdle to the yuan
joining the basket.
Seen as the leading currencies of international trade, the SDR basket is currently made
up of the dollar, euro, Japanese yen and the British pound. Here are a few reasons why Zhou wants the yuan in:
1. Global Prestige
While China has become the world’s second-largest economy, its currency has lagged
behind in international stakes.
SDR status “will be recognition of China’s rise,” said Xi Junyang, a finance professor at
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.
2. Lower Borrowing Costs
A reduction in regulations on capital flows accompanying China’s SDR push will result
in an internationalized yuan. That may help Chinese companies venture abroad and cut
their borrowing costs.
“A more open capital market can better meet domestic firms’ financing needs,” HSBC
Holdings Plc analysts including chief China economist Qu Hongbin wrote in a note.
“Capital account convertibility and associated reforms are well aligned with China’s
longer term financing needs.”
3. A Multi-Polar World
China’s strategic view is for a “multi-polar” world where the U.S. is just one player rather
than a hegemon. In the past, Zhou has called for expanded use of the SDR as an
alternative to the dollar. Globally recognized reserve status makes that a step closer, at
least on the currency front.
4. Price Setter
The yuan’s use to settle cross-border trade and investment has been rising, but the
currency isn’t used to set prices of international commodities from oil to iron ore.
“It may help to make the yuan a pricing currency,” said Shanghai University’s Xi.
That means more influence in setting global commodity prices and helps remove
currency volatility from the equation.
More than half of businesses surveyed by HSBC this year expect to increase their
cross-border trade with China in the next 12 months, according to the bank’s RMB
internationalization study released Tuesday.
5. Yuan Demand
More than 60 central banks currently invest in the yuan, according to an estimate by
Standard Chartered Plc. A move into the SDR basket would lure more official buyers.
“One of the key practical implications is that all central banks around the world would
become holders of RMB exposure overnight,” said Jukka Pihlman, global head of
central banks and sovereign wealth funds at Standard Chartered. “But even more
significant thing is the automatic acknowledgment of ‘Official Reserve Currency’ status,
which would remove the remaining impediments from several central banks wanting to
invest in RMB.”
6. Reform Driver
To win the SDR prize, China will have to press on with plans to open its capital account
-- a reform that stands to shake up industries and the way Chinese companies do
“It will make Chinese officially more confident in, say, pushing forward full yuan
convertibility,” said Li Jie, head of the foreign-exchange reserve research office at the
Central University of Finance and Economics in Beijing.
7. IMF Recognition
For PBOC Governor Zhou, SDR status would represent endorsement from the IMF for
his reform efforts that have also included steps to liberalize interest rates and ease the
so-called financial repression of savers subsidizing investment-led growth.
Over the past three years, China has duplicated nearly all financial infrastructures that
the West uses to run the global financial system. And with several more keys pieces
nearly ready to go online by the end of the year, or in early 2016, the battle is now on for
supremacy over who controls the world's reserve currency, with the IMF's approval
today only adding to the Yuan's luster.