Faculty of Business and Community Studies

CATS Projects in Management
Project 3:
Developing a flexible credit-based
curriculum in the area of business,
Louise Reynolds
 Original project:
1) Develop a model of delivery, assessment, verification, accreditation
and transfer of credit for level 3 students preparing for level 4
2) Develop teaching and learning resources for level 3 teachers and
learners to prepare them for prepare them for HE.
 Project after initial feasibility study:
1) Develop teaching and learning resources for level 3 teachers and
learners to prepare them for HE.
 Students studying on year 2 of the level 3 Extended Diploma in
Business were chosen for the project.
 The level 3 Business Ethics unit was identified because its
‘Distinction’ task closely matches one of the learning outcomes
from the level 5 unit ‘business ethics’.
 This gives the level 3 students the opportunity to carry out a
series of tasks that mirrors the sort of activities that would be
expected of them on an HE course
 Higher level skills incorporated into task:
 Effective communication using business media e.g. Preparation and
presentation of business reports
 Effective use of ICT for business applications
 Ability to conduct research into business and management issues
(‘Higher level skills’ – Edexcel HND Business spec, 2012)
 Key teaching/learning resource – a study pack that incorporates
a fully worked example of a research paper, short formal report
and PowerPoint presentation handout.
 The study pack includes a step by step guide to conducting
internet research, writing the research paper, report and
 Students to produce same in order to achieve a Distinction grade
in the Business Ethics unit
 Measuring the impact of the project. The project will be a
success if the students themselves consider their participation to
be useful to them.
 Short term – participating students to fill out a questionnaire asking
them to make judgements about their experience of the project
 Longer term – production of a qualitative case study drawing on the
experiences of a number of students once they have been studying
at university for one semester
 Dissemination – CPD sessions in July to colleagues with a view
to rolling out the programme across the level 3 vocational
The project including marked student work was last week seen by
Ofsted who thought it was a good example of stretch and challenge
and a progression activity.