Mollusk Articles Summary Questions

Mollusk Article Summary Questions
Use the articles to answer the following questions.
1. Where is a mollusk shell formed?
2. What does the epidermis secrete?
a. What is this secretion item used for?
3. Which pearls are the most commercially important?
4. What is the radula used for?
5. True/False Some mollusk teeth contain poison.
6. Where does gas exchange (carbon dioxide and oxygen) occur?
7. What color is oxygenated blood?
8. Which mollusks (list all three) have the highest degree of sensory organ development?
9. Is mollusk reproduction sexual or asexual?
10. How do oysters breathe?
11. How many chambers does an oyster heart have?
12. True/False You can always tell the difference between male and female oysters by examining
their shells.
13. When/Why does an oyster produce a pearl?
14. True/False Oysters should never been eaten on months that contain the letter “r”.
15. Why are oysters one of the most nutritionally balanced foods? (Give two reasons why)
16. Who should avoid eating oysters? WHY?
17. How many living species of mollusks are there?
18. Give 5 examples of mollusks.
19. How many classes of mollusks are there?
20. What are the three classification groups of oysters?
21. Which classification group of oysters is a “best seller in restaurants”?
22. Who paid for oysters with gold?
23. What have oysters always been linked with?
24. Who used to start a meal eating 12 dozen (144!!!) oysters?
25. How big (length AND weight) was the largest squid that’s ever been found?
26. How big are the eyes of the giant squid?
27. What do giant squid eat? (List all possibilities!)
28. True/False Giant squid have been found in all of the world’s oceans.
29. How much does the giant clam weigh?
30. Where is the giant clam found?