World History – Renaissance/Reformation Test Review

Final Exam Review
Mr. Williamson
Somerville HS
World Studies
Test Schedule
 Period 4 – Monday, 9:45-11:45am, Room 202
 Period 6 – Tuesday, 9:45-11:45am, Room 202
 Period 8 – Wed., 9:45-11:45am, Room 213
 Period 9 – Thursday, 7:35-9:35am, Room 213
Test Format
 150 Scantron Questions – ½ Each
 10 Map Identifications – Middle East/Far East
 68 Multiple Choice Questions
 72 Matching Questions
 Political Cartoon Analysis – You choose 2 out of 4,
2-3 sentence response
 Essay – You choose 1 out of 3, 3 paragraphs
Essay Topics
 The policy of appeasement was a difficult decision made by Britain
and France at the Munich Conference. Describe Germany’s growing
aggression leading up to appeasement. Was Britain and France
justified (were their actions reasonable) in using the policy of
appeasement to Hitler. Explain in full detail citing examples from the
 Discuss the reasons for the escalation in tension and aggression
leading up to World War I. Specifically, how did militarism,
nationalism and the alliance system lead to this large-scale conflict?
What motivated the United States to become involved in this war?
 Explain the dynastic cycle of China. How did the Mandate of Heaven
explain the rise and fall of ruling families? Lastly, what were the
primary reasons for the fall of the dynastic system in China?
Final Exam Review
 Directions: Each group selects 2 questions that
are you may not know or maybe confused on.
 Place them neatly on the board with your name
above the question so it can be addressed directly.
Question #1
 What is the primary goal of the majority of
Palestinians and Israelis?
 A. To have their own separate nation
 B. To control the holy land within this region of
the world
 C. To live harmoniously together and call a
 D. None of the above
Question #2
 OPEC was formed to
 A. Increase the amount of oil exported from the
Middle East
 B. Compete with the United States who
produced 2/3 of the world’s oil
 C. Form a monopoly and raise prices of oil
 D. Produce more oil because of the high demand
in the 1970’s
Question #3
 Why did the distribution of new weapons during
WWI cause the war to last longer than expected?
 A. Because new weapons led to trench warfare,
which led to a stalemate
 B. Because there was not enough new weapons
to arm the millions of soldiers
 C. Because advances in radar technology made
bombers almost useless
 D. Because both sides wanted to avoid the
deaths of too many soldiers
Question #4
 In general, the provisions of the Treaty of
Versailles focused mainly on:
 A. Increasing Germany power
 B. Punishing Germany
 C. Decreasing American influence
 D. Strengthening the Ottoman Empire
Question #5
 A major economic problem in the late 1920s was
 A. The uneven distribution of wealth (wealthy get
wealthier while poor get poorer)
 B. Severe inflation (prices going up)
 C. A high unemployment rate
 D. All of the above
Question #6
 Why did Japanese forces attack Manchuria?
 A. Because their emperor ordered them to do so
 B. To keep Manchuria from attacking Japan
 C. To gain control of its rich natural resources
 D. To stop terrorist activity in the region
Question #7
 Why did Ming & Qing emperors decide to isolate
 A. They thought European weapons might cause
peasants to rebel
 B. They were disappointed with the tribute
gained from Marco Polo on his voyages
 C. They did not want to divert people’s attention
from building the Great Wall
 D. They disliked the influence of Europeans, felt
they could survive on their own, and sought to
preserve China’s traditions
Question #8
 Why did Britain begin exporting opium to China?
 A. To prevent opium from going to British
 B. To change the balance of trade in favor of
 C. To make colonization of China easier
 D. To improve the health of Chinese citizens
Question #9
 An area in country where a foreign power has
exclusive trading rights is known as:
 A. Extraterritorial rights
 B. Civil service
 C. Sphere of Influence
 D. Self-Sufficient
Question #10
 One of the most important ideas of Confucianism
was that
 A. Trade should be the basis of any economy
 B. The family was central to the well-being of the
 C. Women and men should be equal under the
 D. Government leaders should rule with an iron
 What name did Siddhartha Gautama assume?