Chapter 6 -


Chapter 6

Article 1

Article 2

Population and Community Ecology

Natures Exists in Several Levels

Individual, population, community, ecosystem, biosphere

Population is all the same members of the same species in a given area.

This is the unit of evolution

Community is all the populations. Looks at species interactions.

Communities can be grouped together to form biomes

Ecosystem looks ate energy and matter flow, biotic/abiotic

Biosphere is all earth’s ecosystems (anywhere life occurs)

Population Characteristics

Population size is the total number of individuals within a defined area at a given time.

Population density is the number of individuals per unit area at a given time.

Used to set hunting/fishing laws, wildlife boundaries, etc

Larger organisms usually have smaller density due to less resources

High density = easy to find mates, but more competition and disease

Population distribution is how individuals are distributed in respect to one another

Random – no pattern (solitary animals with large territories) (least common)

Uniform – individuals evenly spaced out (territorial animals, competition)

Clumped – large groups of organisms (fish, birds). Enhances feeding opportunities and protection (most common)

Population sex ratio is males vs. females. Usually close to 50:50. Helps predict future populations

Population age structure is dispersion of how many individuals fall in certain age groups. Most important is how many individuals fall in reproduction age

Factors That Influence Population Size

Biotic potential is how a population would grow if there was unlimited resources (reproductive characteristics)

Density dependent factors influence an individual’s probability of survival and reproduction in a manner that depends on population size

 Limiting resources – a resource a population cannot live without and occurs in quantities lower than the population would require to increase in size

(food, water, shelter, nutrients, competition)

 Carrying capacity is the max population an ecosystem can support. It can overshoot, then birth rates decrease and death rates increase

Density independent factors have the same effect on an individuals probability of survival and reproduction at any population size

 Natural disaster, weather, temp, habitat destruction

Growth Models

Natural population growth rate  growth rate = birth rate – death rate

Intrinsic growth rate is maximum possible growth rate

Actual population growth rate  (Crude birth rate + immigration rate) –

(Crude death rate + emigration rate)

Exponential growth model – N t

= N

0 e rt (j curve) e=natural log, t=time, N t r=intrinsic growth rate

=future population, N


=current population,

Population grows very rapidly (lots of food/space and little comp)

Density independent

Logistic growth model starts off exponential, but slows as population approaches carrying capacity (s curve, density dependent)

Variations of the logistic say a population can overshoot the carrying capacity

 You have just been offered a job that will last one month. You have 2-salary options. You can either receive $10 a week with a

$5 per week raise every week, or you can receive one penny for your first day on the job, and then double the previous day’s pay for each of the remaining days. Calculate which option would be better. How does this compare to the two different types of population growth?

 $70 vs 10,000,000

You decide to invest $1000 in a savings account. Your investment will grow at a rate of 10% each year. Assuming that you reinvest the interest each year, how much money will you have in 30 years?

Doubling Time and the Rule of 70

The doubling time or Rule of 70 is a useful tool for calculating the time it will take for a population (or money) to double. The rule of 70 explains the time periods involved in exponential growth at a constant rate. To find the approximate doubling time of a quantity growing at a given annual percentage, such as 10%, divide 70 by the percentage growth rate.

Remember, the Rule of 70 is an approximation, the actual Rule is 69.3.

So the doubling time for the $1000 investment with an annual percentage rate of 10% is

70/10 = 7 years

The actual Rule of 69.3 is

69.3/10 = 6.93 years

Here is an example of a similar AP multiple-choice question that asks student to calculate doubling time using the Rule of 70.

Example: If the population of rabbits in an ecosystem grows at a rate of approximately 4 percent per year, the number of years required for the rabbit population to double is closest to a. 4 years b. 8 years c. 12 years d. 17 years e. 25 years

Solution: 70/4 = 17.5 years, the closest answer to 17.5 would be “d” 17 years.

Reproductive Strategies and Survivorship Curves

K-selected species population grows slowly until the carrying capacity

R selected species have a high intrinsic growth rate (reproduce early and often)


Life span

K-selected species


Time to reproductive maturity Long

Number of reproductive events Few

Number of offspring Few

Size of offspring

Parental care



Population growth rate

Population regulation

Population dynamics


Density dependent

Stable, near carrying capacity

R-selected species








Density independent

Highly variable

Population cycles

Boom and bust cycle (common in r-strategists)

Rapid increase in a population, then a rapid drop off

More predictable (temp or nutrient changes)

Strategy is “get it while it is good”

Predator prey cycle

If the prey reproduces successfully due to ideal conditions, the predator will soon have success as well

Predator’s population shortly trails preys population change

Species Interactions

Competition – when individuals struggle for the same limiting resource

Members of same species compete of niches overlap

Direct vs. indirect

Competitive exclusion principle – two species competing for the same limited resource cannot coexist (one will be driven out)

Reduce competition by hunting at different times, using different habitats, and evolution of body shape/size (finches)

Predation – the use of one species as a resource by another species.

Does not always result in death

 True predators consume and kill their pray

Herbivores consume plants, but don’t usually kill them

Parasites live in or on host, but only consume a small piece without usually killing host. Pathogens make host sick

Parasitoids lay eggs in host, and they eat their way out killing the host


Mutualism – both species benefit from one another (birds/pollination, humans/bacteria, coral/algae, lichens)

Commensalism – one species benefits, and the other is neither helped nor harmed (fish/sharks, tree branches as perches for birds)

Commensalism, mutualism, and parasitism are all examples of symbiotic relationships , ones where two species live in close association with one another

Keystone and Indicator Species

Most ecosystems can exist without the presence of one of its species

A keystone species is one that is disproportionately important to the community

 Typically occur in small numbers (sea star example)

Ecosystem engineers are create or maintain the habitat for other species

(grizzly bear)

Indicator species are used as the standard to evaluate the health of an ecosystem

 Typically sensitive to change, so they can give warning signs (trout and poll)

Indigenous species are ones that naturally live in an area

Invasive species are ones that are introduces to a new ecosystem (zebra musssles)

Primary Succession

Ecological succession is the gradual replacement of species over time

Primary succession occurs on abandoned or new land masses where there is no soil

 Rock is covered by lichens and mosses (don’t need soil)

They secrete an acid that breaks down rock to create soil

Lichen and mosses die and add organic matter to soil

Soil gets deeper so grasses move in

If climate favors, trees will follow

Secondary succession occurs in areas that have been disturbed, but still have soil and nutrients

Often after natural disasters

Grasses/flowers usually arrive within a year ( pioneer species )

Seeds come by wind, and trees quickly follow and compete for sun

When everything is in balance, called climax community

Aquatic Succession

Factors That Influence Species Richness



Four majors factors

Latitude – angular distance north or south of the equator. Further away from equator, less variety of animals because cold and little sun

Time – more time allows for more species to evolve



Habitat size – larger habitats typically means more species because dispersing species land here, can support more species, and a wider range of environmental conditions

Distance from other communities

Theory of Island Biogeography

 Theory of island biogeography- the theory that explains that both habitat size and distance determine species richness.
