File - Mr. Baker 6th Grade Social studies

6th Grade Social Studies
The Ancient World
Elsinore Middle School
2014-2015 School Year
Mr. Baker
Room 212
(951) 674-2118 ex: 3212
Dear Students and Parents,
Welcome to 6th Grade History: The Ancient World at Elsinore Middle School! I am extremely
excited about this school year and I am confident that you are also. This course is organized into seven
major units that are based on the California History-Social Science Content Standards aligned with
recently adopted Common Core Standards. The units are:
Unit 1: Early Humans
Unit 2: Mesopotamia
Unit 3: Egypt/Kush/Israel
Unit 4: Ancient India
Unit 5: Ancient China
Unit 6: Ancient Greece
Unit 7: Ancient Rome
Focus will be on the historical, cultural, geographic, and political aspects of these
ancient civilizations.
Instruction in this course includes lectures, interactive group activities, class work,
individual assignment readings, discussions, art projects, and research-based projects. Below is
a detailed outline of the materials, procedures, discipline policy, attendance, and grading
policy. Please review this syllabus with your student.
For this class you will need:
History Alive!: The Ancient world textbook
History Alive!: The Ancient World Interactive Student Notebook
2 Sharpened Number 2 pencils
A set of colored pencils
4 ballpoint pens (2 in black ink, 2 in blue ink)
A self-contained pencil sharpener
A ruler
In this class we will:
Use the interactive student notebook provided with the History Alive!: The Ancient World
textbook. This notebook includes reading, questions, and group activities that we will complete
as a class and paste into our single subject spiral notebooks.
In addition to the interactive student notebook, students will be required to organize
the work completed in this class in a single subject spiral notebook. We will paste important
information and handouts, take notes, and complete classwork in this single subject spiral
notebook. This notebook will prove to be an excellent study tool throughout the course of the
class as well as during task performance time in April. The Performance task will be given to you
this year as 6th Graders via virtual interface.
Projects and Presentations are an important component of this course. Students will be given
the opportunity to use their creativity in completing research based and historical study
Grading: Notebooks will be checked and graded every 2-4 weeks. Each page will be worth
10 points (2-3 pages a day). The assignment must be fully complete to get the 10 points. If
anything is missing half credit will be given. If the student did not do the assignment or the
work is minimal, zero credit will be given. There is no reason to not have the classwork
finished by the time the notebooks are checked. Students will be given 1 week notice to
make sure their notebook is up to date.
A= 90-100%
B= 80-89%
C= 70-79%
D= 60-69%
F= 59% and below
As 6th graders, this class will be challenging. It is meant to be that way in order to prepare
you for the rigorous coursework of 7th, 8th grade and beyond. Work hard and you will have
no problems. If you need help in understanding the material do not hesitate to ask me: I
am here to help you succeed.
ONLINE ACCESS: Grades will be updated on the web at Students will receive login information by the second
week of school. In the mean time, please visit the class website Here you and your student will be able
to leave me a message, access jupiter grades, print notebook checklists, find
absent work, have class discussions, view the PowerPoint notes, turn in
research papers and more!
Infinite Campus will be used ONLY to post progress reports and semester
grades: Daily assignments, projects, quizzes
and tests will be recorded on
Attendance Policy:
Students are expected to come every day on time, prepared for the day’s lesson, and willing
to learn. Absolutely no late work is accepted unless it is due to an absence. STUDENTS are
responsible for making-up work that they missed during his/her absence. Please check the
assignment section on the board, as well as Jupiter, for missing work. A student has the
amount of time they were absent to turn in absent work for full credit. After that time
period late work will NOT be accepted. Ask a reliable friend for any lecture notes. Tardies
to class WILL NOT be tolerated. If the student was absent on a day which a test or quiz was
given, make-up tests must be coordinated with Mr. Baker immediately upon return. Makeup tests will only be given at break, lunch or after school, NEVER during class time. If you
neglect to take your make-up test at the appointed time you will not be able to reschedule
and therefore will have a 0 grade for that test.
Discipline Policy:
Every student has a right to an education. In order to provide a positive classroom
environment conducive to learning, students will be expected to abide by the classroom
rules and the discipline policy of the school:
1. DO NOT be tardy: Be on time and quietly in your seat before the class bell rings.
2. Respect the teacher, respect yourself, respect others, and respect school.
3. Raise your hand when you want to speak, do not interrupt others when they are
4. Come to class prepared and ready to learn with the proper materials (paper, pencils,
notebook, etc.)
IMPORTANT: 1. Food, drinks, candy, and gum chewing are not allowed in our classroom. A
water bottle is permissible. 2. As your teacher I dismiss the class NOT the bell.
Behavior Consequences:
Students are responsible for their actions. Any student in violation of the listed discipline policy
will have to deal with the following consequences:
1st offense: Verbal warning (moved seat, refocus or other)
2nd offense: 20 minute lunch detention and parent contact
3rd offense: 1 hour after school detention and parent contact
4th offense: Referral and parent conference
*An immediate referral will be given to the student if the behavior in question is severe.
Student Name (please print)
Parent/Guardian (please print)
Student signature
Parent/Guardian signature
TELEPHONE NUMBERS: ________________
Email address: _______________________
Visit the class website and submit your name for 5 points extra credit!