Phylum Chordata Notes

Characteristcs of Chordates:
all chordates have 4 characteristics in common at some point
in their life cycle:
dorsal, hollow nerve tube: in most adult chordates, the
posterior part develops into a spinal cord and the anterior
part develops into a brain
notochord: firm flexible tube just below the nerve
tube(backbone in vertebrates), where muscles can attach
gill slits: paired openings along the pharynx which
functions in filter feeding
post-anal tail: at some point during development, a tail
reaches beyond the anus
The Phylum Chordata Includes:
Subphylum Cephalochordata (=lancelets)
Subphylum Urochordata (= tunicates)
Subphylum vertebrata:
Class Agnatha - jawless fish
Class Amphibia
Class Aves – birds
Class Chondrichthyes - cartilaginous fish
Class Osteichthyes - bony fish
Class Reptilia
Class Mammalia
Characteristics of All Vertebrates
1. have a backbone, which surrounds spinal cord, is made
up of bony segments called vertebrae
2. an endoskeleton which has two main parts:
i. Axial Skeleton: made up of the vertebral column,
skull & rib cage
- supports body and protects spinal column,
brain & other internal organs
ii) Appendicular Skeleton: made of the appendage
bones and wide flattened girdles to which they are
- is attached to axial skeleton
- ex. arms, legs
3. Well developed brain & sensory organs
4. A closed circulatory system
5. Multi-chambered heart
6. Bilateral symmetry
7. Coelomates
8. Efficient respiratory systems
9. Only phylum to have bones
Inhabit nearly every type of
aquatic environment on Earth
Can be grouped into 4 classes:
Super Class Agnatha:
1. Class Myxini: hagfish
2. Class Cephalaspidomorphi:
3. Class Chondrichthyes:
cartilaginous fish (ex. Sharks &
 4. Class Osteichythes: bony fish
(ex. Swordfish, tuna, trout…)
Characteristics of All Fish
1. breathe using gills
as a fish takes water in through its mouth, water passes over the gills &
then out through slits at the side of the fish
2. have 2 chambered hearts
One chamber receives oxygen-poor blood from the body tissues
The other chamber pumps blood directly to the capillaries of the
gills, where oxygen is picked up & carbon dioxide released
3. reproduce sexually
Fertilization & development is external in MOST fishes
Eggs & sperm can be released directly into the water, or deposited in
more protected areas
4. highly developed sensory systems
Have eyes that allow them to see objects & contrasts between
light & dark in the water, but the amount of vision varies among fishes
jawless fish
lampreys & hagfish
have smooth, scaleless skin & long cylindrical body
most are parasites that hitch rides on their hosts, often killing
its host as it sucks out its victim’s body fluids
bottom dwellers that spend most of their time hiding in mud
& sand
scavenger that eats fish that are already dead or dying