Macromolecules and Our Health Monomer Polymer(s) Function(s

Macromolecules and Our Health
Food example
Nucleic Acid
Glycogen (2x)
Good vs Bad Carbohydrates
Monosaccharides (3x)
Polysaccharides (2x)
________________are the main source of energy in our diets. We can get carbohydrate polymers in our diet
in the form of ________________and ________________ (from plants) and ________________ (from animals).
Carbohydrate polymers are called ________________. We consume smaller chains of carbohydrates and
carbohydrate monomers (called ________________) when we eat sweet foods.
Eating too many monosaccharides and disaccharides in the form of corn syrup and sugar is very damaging to
our health. When we consume foods high in sugar, our bodies respond by quickly releasing lots of insulin to control
our blood sugar levels. Foods that have longer chains of polysaccharides do not cause this quick insulin release.
Polysaccharides must be broken down into ________________ before they can enter the blood, which occurs
slowly. Therefore, not a lot of insulin needs to be released.
Over many years of consuming lots of sugary foods and drinks, our bodies can stop responding to our own
insulin, preventing us from controlling our blood sugar. This condition is known as Type II diabetes. It can lead to
many complications such as blindness, heart attack, and death.
Athletes especially need lots of carbohydrates to create the stores of ________________ in their muscles
they need to compete. However, even athletes should avoid getting too many of those carbohydrates from
________________. Instead, they should eat ________________ from sources like oatmeal and whole grain bread.
Defending a Vegetarian Diet
Chemical reactions
amino acids (2x)
A lot of people ask how vegetarians can eat enough protein. Meat, fish, chicken, eggs, and dairy are all rich
sources of protein polymers, also known as ________________. Humans need all twenty different protein
monomers, called ________________, to live. Nine of these protein monomers are known as essential because they
must come from the food we eat (our bodies cannot make them). Animal proteins are called complete proteins
because they contain all nine essential ________________.
Vegetarians can very easily get all nine by eating different sources of plant proteins such as whole grains,
nuts, and beans. Vegans do not eat eggs or dairy, but vegetarians make use of these sources of protein.
Most people are especially skeptical of vegan/vegetarian athletes. They know protein is important for
building ________________. It also is necessary for ________________ and ________________. Vegetarians
seem to get all the protein they need because they live longer on average than meat eaters!
Less Fat Doesn’t Make You Skinny
Mono- and disaccharides
Fatty acids
Many people think that if they want to lose fat on their bodies, they need to eat less fat. This is not true!
Fats, also known as ________________, are an essential part of a healthy diet. In fact, you need to consume certain
fat monomers, called ________________, just like you must consume essential amino acids. ________________
are the fat polymers used for energy storage. ________________ are the fat polymer used in cell membranes.
Just because a food says “low fat” does not mean that it’s healthy! Often, low fat products have extra
________________ to make them sweeter. If you want to have a healthy diet, just listen to Michael Pollan: “Eat
food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”