Keep Your Eyes on the Ball

Keep Your Eyes
on the Ball
Testicular Self-Examination
• What is Testicular Self-examination?
– Testicular self-examination is an examination of the testicles.
The testicles (also called the testes) are the male reproductive
organs that produce sperm and the hormone testosterone. They
are located in the scrotum under the penis.
How the Test is Performed
– Perform this test during or after a shower. This way, the scrotal
skin is warm and relaxed. It's best to do the test while standing.
Gently feel your scrotal sac to locate a testicle. Firmly but gently
roll the testicle between the thumb and fingers of both hands to
examine the entire surface. Repeat the procedure with the
other testicle.
Testicular Self-Examination Cont.
• Normal Results
– Each testicle should feel firm, but not rock hard. One
testicle may or may not be lower or slightly larger
than the other.
– Always ask your doctor if you have any doubts or
• What Abnormal Results Mean
– If you find a small hard lump (like a pea), have an
enlarged testicle, or notice any other concerning
differences from your last self-exam, see your doctor
as soon as you can.
Testicular Biopsy
• What is Testicular Biopsy?
– Testicular biopsy is surgery to remove a piece of tissue from the
testicles for examination under a microscope.
• How the Test is Performed
– The biopsy can be performed in many ways. The method used
depends on the reason for the biopsy and the patient's and doctor's
– Open biopsy may be done in the health care provider's office, a
surgical center, or at a hospital. The skin over the testicle is cleaned
with a germ-killing (antiseptic) medicine. The area around it is
covered with a sterile towel. A local anesthetic is given to numb the
– A small surgical cut is made through the skin, and a small piece of the
testicle tissue is removed. A stitch is used to close the opening in the
testicle. Another stitch closes the cut in the skin. If necessary, the
procedure is repeated for the other testicle.
Testicular Biopsy Cont.
• Normal Results
– Sperm development appears normal.
• What Abnormal Results Mean
– Abnormal results may mean a problem with sperm or
hormone function. Biopsy may be able to find the
cause of the problem.
– If the sperm development appears normal in the
testicle, but semen analysis shows no sperm or
reduced sperm, there may be a blockage of the tube
through which the sperm travel from the testes to the
urethra. This blockage can sometimes be repaired
with surgery.
• What is a Orchiectomy?
– A Orchiectomy is a relatively minor surgical procedure
to remove a testicle. The procedure is generally
performed by a urologist. Often it is performed as
same-day surgery, with the patient returning home
within hours of the procedure.
– A 6 cm incision is made above the pubic bone on the
side corresponding to the testicle to be removed. The
testicle is then pulled up through the inguinal canal,
the spermatic cord is clamped off in two places and
cut between the clamps.
Lance Armstrong
• Lance Edward Armstrong born on September
18, 1971 is an American professional road
racing cyclist who rides for UCI ProTour team
Team RadioShack. He is also the founder and
chairman of the Lance Armstrong Foundation
for cancer research and support.
• He won the Tour de France a record-breaking
seven consecutive years, from 1999 to 2005.
Lance Armstrong
• Cancer and Recovery
– On October 2, 1996, at age 25, Armstrong was
diagnosed with stage three testicular cancer. The
cancer had spread to his lungs, abdomen and brain.
On that first visit to a urologist in Austin, Texas, for his
cancer symptoms he was already coughing up blood
and had a large, painful testicular tumor. Immediate
surgery and chemotherapy were required to save his
life. Armstrong had an orchiectomy to remove his
diseased testicle. After his surgery his doctor admitted
that he had had less than a 40% survival chance.
Lance went on to beat the disease. Following his
treatment he won the Tour de France a record
breaking 7 times in a row.
Stay Fit
• Remember to stay healthy and fit
• Get daily exercise. A 30 minute cardio is always
• Try to fit a healthy snack into your daily routine
• Get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep
• Pay attention to your body and its signals
• Remember always have an annual
The American Cancer Society's most recent
estimates for the United States:
• about 8,400 new cases of testicular cancer will
be diagnosed during 2009.
• about 380 men will die of testicular cancer
• a man's lifetime chance of developing
testicular cancer is about 1 in 300.
• the risk of dying from this cancer is very low:
about 1 in 5,000.
Want to know more!!!
• If you want to learn more about LIVESTRONG
or about Testicular Cancer then go visit these
Here is how I did it!
Created by:
Manuel E. Esquivel
University of the Incarnate Word
Avoca A 101
San Antonio, TX
Sources used