Jesus in the New Testament Syllabus

Jesus in the New Testament
Mr. Dau
Office hours: Mon-Thurs 2:30-3:00, by appointment, in room 235.
Course Description
This course studies Jesus the Christ, the center of our faith. Students analyze the literary,
historical, political, cultural and religious dimensions of the New Testament era utilizing
modern methods of scriptural interpretation. The course also explores the development of
Christology in the early church.
Skill outcomes
Students will…
Reflect and write about their own faith.
Apply the teachings of Jesus to their own circumstances.
Learn how to use footnotes and cross-references in the Bible.
Recognize, compare, and evaluate different interpretations of Scripture.
Examine the Bible in light of the culture and time in which it was written.
Practice different forms of prayer, both individually and as a group.
Develop their “religious imagination” through art, creative writing, debates, class
presentations, and group activities.
The Preventative System:
This course, along with the other courses offered at our school, makes use of the
Preventative System developed by St. John Bosco as an invaluable aid in the education of
the whole person. The objective of this method of teaching is to keep students on the
right path by anticipating potential problems, taking steps to remove temptation, and
guiding students back to where they should be if they should stray.
Through Reason the instructor will endeavor to appeal to the student’s innate sense of
reason and inform his conscience. He will set clear expectations, and will offer sound
and logical reasons why these expectations are beneficial to the student. The instructor
will himself be reasonable and will strive to model the values that he teaches.
Through Religion the instructor will remind students that the number one goal of Salesian
education is the salvation of souls. St. John Bosco sought this end by pursuing a school
culture of prayer, thanksgiving, reconciliation, respect, integrity, and joy.
Through Loving Kindness the instructor will adopt an attitude towards students that is at
once friendly, brotherly, and paternal. He will take an active interest in the well-being of
the student both inside and outside the classroom. He will also be vigilant in creating a
positive and safe learning environment.
Basic Class Rules:
 Respect yourself and others.
 Follow all class procedures.
Observe all school policies as outlined in the student/parent handbook.
Obediently follow instructions given by Mr. Dau or any other faculty member.
Consequences and Discipline:
 Profanity in the classroom is not tolerated. Students using profanity will receive
an automatic disciplinary assignment.
 Likewise, theft is not tolerated. Students caught stealing from other students,
even just a pen, will receive an automatic after school detention.
 Furthermore, disrespect and name calling of other students is totally unacceptable.
Students engaging in harassment of other students in the class will receive an
automatic phone call home, or other disciplinary steps if warranted by the
 Moreover, there will be zero tolerance for vandalism. Students are not to write on
or otherwise deface their desks, books, or anything else in the classroom.
 Students may not use cell phones during class without express permission. Any
cell phones, or other electronic devices will be taken away and turned in to the
front office.
 Students disrupting others will receive one verbal warning. After this warning,
students will receive a note home to their parents.
 Students are expected to promptly obey direct instructions given by the instructor.
Insubordination will receive an appropriate consequence.
Required Class materials:
Textbook: Encountering Jesus in the New Testament
Black or blue pens.
A three ring notebook
A Bible
Green scantrons for tests
Number 2 pencils for tests.
Participation 10%
Outreach project 10%
Class Work 25%
Tests and quizzes: 25%
Class projects 10%
Final exam 15%
Mass participation 5%
Homework Policy:
 Students who are absent from class, are still responsible for all assignments,
unless the student misses class because of a suspension, in which case the missing
work may not be made up.
 Late homework will only be accepted for full credit if the student is absent on the
day that the assignment is due, or in the event of serious life circumstances.
 Late homework will be accepted only with a parent note asking that the work be
accepted late, and may be scored lower because it is late.
 Adequate time will be given for finishing assignments.
 Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. A student who is caught cheating will
receive an immediate academic referral, and will receive no credit for the
Jesus in the New Testament Course Content
Q1, 2011-12 Mr. Dau
Course overview, Methods of Biblical
Who is Jesus?, Christian and non-Christian views
about Jesus, Similarities and differences among
Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestant Christians
Historical evidence for Jesus’ existence, nonChristian historical writings, the Bible as a
document of history, the formation of the Bible,
the reliability of the Gospels.
Catholic Biblical interpretation, classical
hermeneutics (The Four Senses of Scripture),
modern hermeneutics (source criticism, historical
criticism, form criticism, redaction criticism,
textual criticism), footnotes and cross-references.
The Holy Land, language and dialects, Jewish
customs and beliefs, the political climate of Jesus’
time, people, parties, and sects in the New
Testament world of Jesus.
Mary's place in the Catholic tradition
The infancy narratives of Matthew and Luke, ,
Jesus' baptism and temptation.
Jesus the teacher and Jesus the miracle worker.
The Gospel of Mark and the Paschal Mystery.
The Gospel of Matthew, the Sermon on the
Mount, and Jesus' the reformer.
Notes on contextual and
literal interpretation, 3
paragraph response on how
the student understands
"Personal Creed"
assignment, Introduction
review questions on pg. 5,
8, 11, 15, and 19,
introduction test.
Synod of Rome simulation,
Chapter 1 review questions
on pg. 27, 34, and 39.
Chapter 1 review questions
on pg. 48, footnotes and
cross-references worksheet,
chapter 1 test
Chapter 2 review questions
on pg. 59, 61, 63, 67, 70,
74, and 76, Political Party
Simulation. Chapter 2 test
Comparison of the
announcements of the birth
of John and Jesus, Triduum
week reconciliation service.
Chapter 3 review questions
on pg. 91.
Chapter 3 review questions
on pg. 97 and 103. Chapter
3 test. Creative or academic
class project assigned.
Chapter 4 review questions
on pg. 112, 120, 123, and
132. Chapter 4 test.
Chapter 5 review questions
on pg. 145, 155, and 157.
Chapter 5 test. Creative or
academic class project due.
Dear Parents and Guardians,
On behalf of the St. John Bosco faculty and staff, I would like to welcome you and your
sons most cordially to this class! I hope that you have had a great beginning to the school
year, and I look forward to working with you during your son’s sophomore year!
This course will challenge students to articulate their own faith while learning more about
Jesus Christ and the Catholic Community of St. John Bosco High School. While the class
does not measure a student’s individual faith, students will be evaluated on their ability to
think critically and reflectively on the course content. My goal will be to facilitate a
learning experience that will meet the needs of students who have a strong background
in their faith, along with students who may have little or no previous instruction in
religious studies.
Please take some time to review and discuss this course syllabus with your son. Once
you have reviewed it, please sign below acknowledging that you have read the
requirements and course expectations. If you have any questions for clarification or
comments, feel free to email me at, and I will reply within one business
If you can make it to back to school night, I look forward to meeting you on August 24 at
6:30 p.m. If you are unable to make it to this event, but would still like to meet, feel free
to contact me to set up an appointment.
May the Lord Bless you as He has used you to bless your sons!
Most Sincerely,
Brian Dau
Religion and English teacher
St. John Bosco Class of 1992
Student Name:_______________________________
Parent Signature:_____________________________