Study Guide Test One POLS 304 The test is made up of Scantron

Study Guide
Test One
POLS 304
The test is made up of Scantron questions including matching, Multiple Choice and T/F, Fill in the Blanks,
Short Answers/Listing, What’s the Difference (define then compare and contrast terms) and Draw and
Describe. (Hmmm, wonder what that one could be?)
Here are some things to be sure of:
1) Have you done your readings? (There are a 8 reading questions out of 80+.)
2) Have you checked the notes on the website? Did you update them during class?
3) Did you briefly review your mental notes from the jail visit? (Not a high level of detail here, but there
will be a few obvious questions.)
4) Do you know the names and or dates associated with a concept? If it was in the notes or the
textbook, you should.
For example:
EOP- Roosevelt, Brownlow Committee, 1939;
Incremetalism – Lindblom (no date given, so no date needed)
Key Concepts (This is NOT a complete list):
G.K. Chesterton’s Fence
Federalism, 3 ways governments relate, and Institutional Structures
The eight models presented in Chapter 2
The Systems model (from lecture 5) and how it relates to our Policy Cycle
The Public Policy Making Cycle –understand each step (including the new steps at the beginning) and
where in the cycle it occurs
The development of the role of Staff
The Brownlow Committee and the EOP
Cabinets and Commissions
Thinks Tanks such as RAND
Four Theories of Crime and Punishment
Cesare Becarria
Court decisions relating to Civil Liberties of the Accused –general knowledge, thumbnail sketch,
importance of Justice Warren
Violent Crime Rates/Victimization Rates and what impacts them
Supremacy Clause (What is it, and where is it in the Constitution?)
Reserved Powers (What does that mean, and where is it in the Constitution?)
Unitary/Confederation/Federal System
The McCulloch v Maryland case (And which components of the Constitution does it relate to?)
The Gibbons v Ogden case (And which component of the Constitution does it relate to?)
Poverty and welfare definitions
Poverty Line
Prevention vs Alleviation
AFDC and TANF; Welfare reform
Medicare and Medicaid, plus SCHIP
In-kind vs. Income assistance
Social Security insures against