Character Analysis

Journal/ Pre-Write
 Describe yourself using 3 adjectives
(descriptive words: funny, silly, smart)
Pick 1 of the 3 words and list an instance
where you demonstrated (showed) this trait.
Ex: Ms. Clendenin- ditzy (flighty, thoughtless,
I once spent 10 minutes looking in, through and
around my car for my keys…which was especially
hard because I had to do it one handed. I couldn’t
use my right hand because they were
holding…my keys.
Reading way more into the work
than the author EVER intended!
Fun Fact: Mark Twain
 You know the man who looks
like Coronal Sanders? This was
written on the first page of his
Persons attempting to
find a motive in this
narrative will be
prosecuted; persons
attempting to find a
moral in it will be
banished; persons
attempting to find a plot
in it will be shot.
 Forgive us Mr.
 You will write a character analysis on one of the
characters from a piece of literature we have
Character analysis is a fancy name for an essay
that explains who the character is or why he/ she
did something specific.
 You will pick a character listed below :
 General Zaroff- “The Most Dangerous Game”
 Equality 7-2521- Anthem
 Odysseus- The Odyssey
 Mathilde- “The Necklace”
Now that you have your character…
(and absolutely NO desire to write this paper)
 You will create a flip chart to help you find
textual evidence or PROOF of 3 character traits
that your character possesses (similar to the
You will have all period to work on your chart and it
will be completed for homework.
It is due for a grade tomorrow (Wednesday) at the
beginning of the period!
Flip open that FLIP chart!
 Now that your flip chart is
completed you will begin to “flesh
out” your essay.
 Remember an essay is like a map
and I need instructions of where I
am going. So what is the first thing
you need for your essay?
 Remember your character analysis will
address 2 of the 3 character traits you have
picked out and found textual evidence for.
 Your job, with this essay, is to provide
evidence that these character traits are true
and how it effects the story.
 Ex:
Character: Rainsford
Traits: intelligent, arrogant, uncompassionate
Creating your Thesis
 EX: In Connell’s short story “The Most
Dangerous Game” Rainsford’s intelligence and
arrogance allow him to beat General Zaroff and
ultimately win the “game”.
Character= Rainsford
Traits=intelligence & arrogance
I am going to prove how these traits effected
the character and with him the plot.
Quotes! That’s what they said…
 So I need quotes that not only prove the traits but also
help to prove how these traits effected the story.
 Trait # 1: arrogance
Quote 1: “Be a realist. The world is made up of two
classes– the hunters and the huntees…” (60).
Quote 2: “He executed a series of intricate loops…Rest
brought him a new confidence and a feeling of security”
 Trait # 2: intelligence
 Quote 1: “” (22).
 Quote 2: “…seemed to suit his gloomy face and made
what had seemed at first an unsociable remoteness into
something forbidding” (60).
Format of the paper
2 Body paragraphs
(this is cake compared to research)
 Attention getter
Quote from the story
Rhetorical question
 Basic info.
Name the work, the author and a VERY
BASIC description of the short story/ novel.
 Thesis.
You should already have this written and
checked it with me…
Intro example:
 What is the difference between predator and
prey? In William Connell’s short story “The
Most Dangerous Game” this idea is explored
when an avid hunter, suddenly finds himself
the quarry in a deadly game. In Connell’s
short story “The Most Dangerous Game”
Rainsford’s intelligence and arrogance allow
him to beat General Zaroff and ultimately win
the “game”.
Body Paragraphs
 You need:
Topic sentence
 Integrated quote with citation (just the page #)
 2 sentences of commentary for each
 Integrated quote with citation (just the page #)
 2 sentences of commentary for each
 Concluding sentence
Making it NOT suck
 This is the place where you explain how your
trait and your quote relate to the overall idea
of the work.
 After Rainsford is forced to participate in Zaroff’s “game”
Integrated he tries to outsmart the General by, “[executing] a series
of intricate loops…Rest brought him a new confidence and
a feeling of security” (75). At the start of the story
Rainsford believes himself to be the most accomplished
hunter, and therefore exudes a feeling of overconfidence
despite the fact that he is being hunted for sport. It is this
confidence in himself and his abilities that keeps him
Commentary: alive for 3 days, where others would have given up or
2 sentences
been killed.
 Sum up the point of your paper. Make your
points again
 Restate thesis and make it final.
Ex: Golding’s theme of civilization vs savagery
is presented through Roger’s brutal
personality and menacing appearance.
Golding asks the question of man’s morality
and through the character of Roger the reader
gets Golding’s answer: Man at his most primal
degree will always choose the darkside.
Dorky Star Wars reference