STRC 1111 Speech 5 Outline Format (Comparative)

Speech 5: Proposition of Policy
Comparative Advantage
Using this approach, you will compare either the existing policy (status quo) to a potentially new
policy or two new potential policies. If you choose the first approach, you will need to use evidence to
argue that your new policy is better than the existing one. If you choose the second approach
(comparing two completely new policies), you will need to use evidence to argue that one is superior
to the other. Whichever approach you use, you have three options from your research: use an existing
solution, create your own solution, or present a modified solution (using an existing solution one as the
basis). What are the essential parts of your solution? How is it different from the current policy?
I. Introduction
A. Attention Gaining Device
B. Term Topic Question and Preview
1. You need to restate and answer your term topic question.
2. Provide a preview of your main points.
II. Body
A. Solution #1: This main point may be either a review of the existing policy (status quo) or an
overview of a new policy.
1. Sub-point 1: Provide an overview of the existing policy (status quo) or a new policy. You
should focus on three or four relevant parts of the policy.
2. Sub-point 2: Using your research point out the benefits and/or limitations of this policy.
B. Solution #2: In this section, you need to provide a brief overview of your second proposed
solution that would solve the problem.
1. Sub-point 1: Provide an overview a new policy. You should focus on three or four relevant
parts of the policy.
2. Sub-point 2: What evidence to do have to support your proposed solution? Do you have an
example of some place (city, state, country) where your proposed (or a similar) solution has been
enacted? You must provide at least three pieces of evidence supporting your proposed solution?
* You may also argue that the status quo—not changing anything—is a possible solution.
III. Conclusion
A. Provide a brief review of your main points.
B. Provide an appeal to action: Outline at least two specific steps or actions that your audience may
take to help enact your solution. These may include actions that enact the solution at a policy level
(contacting an elected representative or organization, sending a letter or email, calling an official,
donating to a cause/campaign/organization) or at a personal level (some specific actions or changes
a person can take in his or her own life).
C. Final Thought: Summarize your thoughts on your term topic for the semester. What do you want
the audience to remember?