Ch.7 Poster Notes - Lancaster City Schools

Ch. 7 Poster Note Sheet - The Revolutionary War
1. Americans Divided p. 195-196
At the beginning of the Revolution, historians estimate
that Americans were divided at approximately
Loyalists 20-30%
Patriot 40-45%
Neutral 25-40%
Evaluation – explain how the Revolution caused divisions
among the population:
It divided Americans between those who wanted independence from
Britain & those who remained loyal to the king.
2. Preparing for War p. 197-198
Washington’s main goal was to:
• Keep the Revolution alive
• Avoid a crushing defeat
2. and his strategy was to:
• Win small battles, keep an
army in the field
3. Washington’s frustrations included
a. • Small number of men
5. the British faced problems
preparing for war because
Trouble recruiting
b. British people didn’t
support the war
6. To fill out the ranks of its army, the British
• Hired Hessian (German)
b. • Lack of supplies, food, weapons
& ammunition
4. Women helped the army by:
• Cooked, laundry, nursed the sick & wounded; some disguised themselves
to fight
Evaluation – 1) Summarize why each side had trouble raising an army:
Washington had trouble getting men to enlist for more than a year; many
British avoided enlisting for life
3. War in the Middle States pp. 198-199
1. The British wanted to occupy coastal cities
So its navy could land troops &
4. The effect of Washington’s
surprise attack & victory
on Christmas day at
Trenton was:
- proved that Washington
2. Washington was forced to evacuate what major port city was better than thought
& suffer defeats as he retreated through New Jersey:
- attracted new recruits
New York City
3. What was the purpose of Thomas Paine’s pamphlet,
The American Crisis?
To inspire Patriots to keep fighting
Evaluation – Explain how Washington reversed a series of defeats
He scored a major defeat of the British at Trenton by a surprise attack
4. Britain’s Northern Strategy & Saratoga pp. 199-201
1. Why did the British want control of the Hudson River?
To cut off New England from the other states &
crush the rebellion there
3. After a series of battles
with limited supplies &
an exhausted army,
Burgoyne was forced to
surrender at:
2. As British General Burgoyne marched south from Canada,
to Albany, New York, what impact did Americans militias have on
his progress
They slowed his advance by blocking his route with trees;
used guerilla tactics to attack his troops
Evaluation – Why was the American victory considered a “turning point” in the war?
- Prevented Britain from isolating New England
- Convinced Europeans nations to assist America in the war
5. Help from Abroad pp. 205 - 207
1. Why did the French help the Americans fight for independence &
how did they do it?
- The French were still bitter after their defeat in the French & Indian War
2. What effect did France & Spain joining the war have on Britain’s
war effort?
Forced the British to fight a number of enemies on land and sea;
spread out their resources
Evaluation – Underline the reasons why France & Spain entered the
Britain had been their enemy for many years & it would force Britain to
spread out their resources over many fronts
6. Winter at Valley Forge pp. 207 - 209
1. After retreating from Philadelphia, Washington was forced
to spend the winter at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania in 1777-78.
List the hardships faced by his army:
- Harsh weather, lacked food, clothes, shoes, diseases
2. What effect did German officer, the Baron von Steuben have
on the American army?
- He trained them to handle weapons properly; how to fight the formal
battles favored by the British
Evaluation – Box in the statement that describes how Valley Forge
transformed the American army:
- Despite hardships, they became a well-disciplined fighting force.
Washington’s determination led his men through a difficult time.
America, the Story of Us:
Ch. 7 Poster Note Sheet - The Revolutionary War
7. Frontier Fighting & War on the Waves pp. 216 - 219
1. In 1775, what frontiersman help build the
Wilderness Road into Kentucky?
- Daniel Boone
2. How did George Rogers Clark expand the
war into the frontier?
By attacking the British & their native
allies & forcing them to spread resources over
a vast territory
3. Describe some of the tactics used in the
frontier fighting:
4. Because the American
navy was small & weak,
the Continental Congress
encouraged Privateers to:
Attack and capture British
merchant & supply ships
5. The Continental Navy scored
several sea victories. In 1779,
what daring officer led an
inspiring battle & victory
against superior forces off
- scalping, guerilla fighting, cruelties
the English coast?
against enemies
- John Paul Jones
Evaluation – Underline the reasons why the war spread to the frontier & sea:
Attacked British forts & force them to spread out over a vast territory. The
use of privateers to attack British merchant & supply ships
America, the Story of Us:
8. The War Moves South pp. 213 - 216
List the reason the British moved their
war effort to the southern colonies:
Believed loyalists & slave would
support them
3. Why did the British army have a
difficult time in the southern
rebel sympathizers
- Rebel guerillas
2. What effect did losses at Charles Town
& Camden have on the American army?
American spirits fell to a new low
4. What was the American
strategy in the South?
Guerilla fighting
wear out the British
Evaluation – 1) Check mark the statements that explain what happened when the
British shifted the war to the south:
Many Americans thought to be loyalists, were in fact Patriots; Americans used
guerilla tactics
9. the End of the War & Why America Won pp. 216 – 219
Why did Cornwallis set up base
at Yorktown, Virginia?
3. Considering all the American
advantages that became
apparent as the war progressed,
explain why the British were not
prepared for a popular uprising:
Could not fight a civilian population
to receive supplies
Why was the French navy important
at the Battle of Yorktown?
it blocked the Chesapeake Bay
4. List two main reasons why the
Americans won the war:
Motivation, popular support, leadership,
foreign allies, communications & supplies,
troop strength
Evaluation – Underline statements that
explain how Cornwallis was trapped
at Yorktown.
2) Circle ideas that explain why the
Americans won the Revolution.
10. Costs of the War & Treaty of Paris pp. 223 – 226
How many Americans died?
British deaths?
2. How did the American government
pay the soldiers?
land in the west
4. Where did most of the Loyalists emigrate?
5. What was a main outcome from the
Treaty of Paris, 1783?
U.S. independence & official borders
3. What was the American debt from the war?
$27 million
Evaluation – Circle the items that identify what America gained from the
Treaty of Paris:
11. Creating a New Nation pp. 226 - 228
1. Why did powers around the world fear
the outcome of the Revolution?
That it would inspire other revolts
2. The new state governments established
by the colonies guaranteed what two
democratic ideals?
Representative government
3. How did many Americans view slavery
after the Revolution?
Saw a conflict between slavery & the
ideal of liberty
4. What did James Madison & Thomas
Jefferson mean by “separation of
Church and state?”
government should not be involved in
religious affairs
b. Individual rights & liberties
Evaluation – Circle the ideals that emerged from the American Revolution:
America, the Story of Us: