P2 - iTeach

Unit 3 P2
What is the Marketing Mix?
The Marketing Mix is...
What is meant by “Product”?
A product is...
What are “Celebrations”?
Celebrations are...
What are the 4 different pricing strategies? (Penetration, Psychological, cost plus, Predatory)
Definition: One pricing strategy is...
Meaning: This means that...
Example: An example for this strategy is...
Do this for each pricing strategy
What are the pricing strategies used by Sainsbury’s & Celebrations?
The pricing strategies used by Sainsbury’s & Celebrations are...
Why do they use these strategies?
They use these strategies because...
Why is place so important in the Marketing Mix?
Place is important to the Marketing Mix because...
What is the Chain of Distribution for Celebrations? (include diagram!)
The chain of distribution for Celebrations is: (create diagram)
This is because...
Where can you buy Celebrations and why?
You can buy Celebrations in ......
They are available in all these places because...
Unit 3 P2
What does promotion mean?
Promotion means...
What is the purpose of Promotion?
Business try to promote themselves and their products because...
What is Advertising?
Advertising is...
What are the advantages of advertising?
An advantage of advertising is...
What are the disadvantages of advertising?
A disadvantage of advertising is...
What is Personal Selling?
Personal Selling is...
What are the advantages of Personal Selling?
An advantage of Personal Selling is...
What are the disadvantages of Personal Selling?
A disadvantage of Personal Selling is...
What is Sales Promotion?
Sales Promotion is...
What are the advantages of Sales Promotion?
An advantage of Sales Promotion is...
What are the disadvantages of Sales Promotion?
A disadvantage of Sales Promotion is...
What is Public Relations?
Unit 3 P2
Public Relations is...
What are the advantages of Public Relations?
An advantage of Public Relations is...
What are the disadvantages of Public Relations?
A disadvantage of Public Relations is...
What is Direct Mail?
Direct Mail is...
What are the advantages of Direct Mail?
An advantage of Direct Mail is...
What are the disadvantages of Direct Mail?
A disadvantage of Direct Mail is...
What is Sponsorship?
Sponsorship is...
What are the advantages of Sponsorship?
An advantage of sponsorship is...
What are the disadvantages of sponsorship?
A disadvantage of sponsorship is...
How does Mars promote Celebrations?
Mars promotes Celebrations by...
Why do they use these methods?
They do this because...
Unit 3 P2