Executive Director Greeting - Canadian Therapeutic Recreation

Feb 1, 2016
On behalf of the Canadian Therapeutic Recreation Association, I would like to extend greetings
to Recreation Therapists across Canada, during your TR Awareness Month celebrations.
Therapeutic Recreation Awareness Week has been promoted by CTRA since its inception in
1996. In the past, during the first full week of February each year, CTRA invited all of its
members to join in promoting and celebrating the role of Therapeutic Recreation in Canada. In
2012, TR awareness week grew by being simultaneously celebrated at an international level as
the American Therapeutic Recreation Association proclaimed February Therapeutic Recreation
Month. And this year, will be the fourth time in history that Therapeutic Recreation Awareness
Month is being celebrated internationally by the Canadian Therapeutic Recreation Association,
the American Therapeutic Recreation Association and the National Council for Therapeutic
Recreation Certification.
“Connecting Our Passion for Compassion” has been selected as this year’s TR Awareness
Month theme. CTRA has been busy this year “Connecting our Passion about Therapeutic
Recreation” and determining why we do what we do? Why are we passionate about
Therapeutic Recreation? Take a few moments to reflect, why you were inspired to be a
Recreation Therapist or work in the Therapeutic Recreation field. CTRA will be celebrating our
20th anniversary this year, and in doing so, hopes to continue to connect with our members
about what makes you Passionate to be a Recreation Therapist.
The 2016 TR Awareness Month theme and annual CTRA conference will serve as a source of
inspiration for us to connect our passion for Health, Leisure, Wellness and Compassion.
By taking an active approach to celebrating TR awareness month, our profession will benefit by:
Increasing support and appreciation of TR programs and services by our
colleagues and peers
Increasing recognition of the role of TR by the general public, our clients, family
members of our clients, colleagues, health care administrators and community
Increasing understanding of how TR treatment promotes wellness
Increasing membership of TR practitioners in professional TR organizations
Increasing communication and networking among TR professional across the
Promoting, developing and reinforcing relationships and links within the healthcare
community, education community, business community, therapeutic recreation
community as well as the general public
I would like to invite you all to consider joining our next joint webinar with TRO “Building a
Body of Canadian TR Knowledge for Our Practice and TR Future” Presented by Kim Lopez,
PhD c. and Carrie Bristoe PhD c on February 23, 2016 from 12:00 – 1:00 pm EST. As well
after you can connect with other colleagues via Twitter “Join the conversation” event
immediately after the webinar from 1-2 pm @ TR_ONTARIO #TRknowledge To register for
the webinar please visit: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/710445412287612930
or take some time to view one of our webinar recordings with colleagues during this
Therapeutic Recreation Month.
In closing, I want to wish everyone a wonderful, successful and happy Therapeutic Recreation Awareness Month!
Tanea Goncalves Forward
CTRA Executive Director