
Rules for
Rules book review
 Catherine
She is ten. She has a little brother who is autistic. She
also enjoys making rules for David like: Don’t put toys
in the fish tank.
 David
He is eight. He is autistic. His sister is Catherine.
 Kristi
She is a new girl that moves across from Catherine.
Catherine tries to be her friend.
 Jason
He is in a wheel chair. He is David and Catherine’s
More characters
 Ryan
He is a kid that convinces Kristi that he is nice. He
likes to laugh and tease David.
 Mom
She is Catherine and David’s mom. She is very
protective of David.
 Dad
He is Catherine and David’s dad. He enjoys gardening.
Favorite character
My favorite character is Catherine because she is very
nice to her brother and treats him well. She is also
very nice to Jason. Catherine's likes to play with
Jason like wheel him around the parking lot.
 The plot is very funny. BEGINING: It starts out
with David wanting to go to the video store. Then
Catherine finds out that a girl (Kristi) is moving right
across from her. And David puts toys in the fish
 MIDDLE: A bunch happens in the middle. First
David puts even more toys in the fish tank!
Catherine try’s to be Kristi’s friend. Catherine meets
Jason! She meets him by drawing a picture of Kristi’s
house and giving it to Jason.
 END: I can’t tell you. 
Problem (s)
 A new girl moves in next to Catherine. Her name is
Kristi. Catherine try’s to be Kristi’s friend.
 Catherine wants Jason to have word card in his
communication book. (He can’t talk, but he can
hear.) She wants him to have cards that make full
sentences. And not like: Do. You. Need.
Something. (They do that in the book.)
 I can’t tell you, you will have to reed the book. 
 Catherine asks Jason’s mom if he can have a stack of
cards to make full sentences like: Do you need
Main events
 A new girl named Kristi moves next to Catherine and
 Catherine meets Jason.
 Ryan plays a mean trick on David. (The gum trick.)
Rules for David
 Chew wit you’re mouth closed.
 Say, “thank you,” when someone give you s present even if you don’t
like it.
When someone says, “Hi,” you say, “Hi,” back.
If you want to get out of a question distract that questioner from
another question.
Not everything worth keeping has to be useful.
If the bathroom door is closed, KNOCH! (Especially if Catherine’s
friend is over.)
Sometimes people laugh because they are you’re friends or to hurt
Sometimes you have to work with what you have.
Say, “Excuse me,” after you burp.
More rules for David
 Don’t stand in front of the TV when other people are watching it.
 You can yell on the playground but not at the dinner table.
 A boy can take of his shirt to swim but not his pants.
 You can hug mom, but not the clerk at the video store.
 Pantless brothers are not my problem.
 Sometimes people don’t answer because they didn't hear you
sometimes they don’t answer because the DIDN’T WANT to hear
 If you want to get away from some one check you're watch and say,
“Sorry! Gotta go!”
 If you say something over and over again they'll might give in to
you shut you up.
More rules for David
 Looking closer can make some one beautiful.
 Keep you’re pants on unless Mom, Dad, or the doctor tells you to
take them off.
If you want to get away with something don’t announce it first.
If you don’t want to say, “Hmm.. I’ll think about it,” and maybe the
asker will for get about it.
Late does not mean not coming.
Don’t use two words when one is good.
If you don’t have the words you need barrow some one else’s.
Open closet doors carefully, things might fall out.
(But not here.)
Book by: Cynthia Lord
Power point by: Hannah McGraw
Pictures from: Google and Clip art