Effective: July 1, 2007 § 132‑1.8. Social security numbers and other

Security Awareness
Protecting Sensitive Information
East Carolina University
ITCS/IT Security
Why protecting data is important
How data can be compromised
Describe some “best practices” for
keeping the data entrusted to us secure
Why Should You Care?
Universities hold massive quantities of
sensitive data
Universities are traditionally seen as easy
We must understand the types of data that
we hold, and the business processes that
surround it
Sensitive Data
Social Security Number (SSN)
credit card number
drivers license number
personally identifiable patient information
personally identifiable student information
proprietary research data
confidential legal data
proprietary data that should not be shared
with the public
The University is required to comply with Federal
and State Legislations regarding the way we
use and store sensitive information
• HIPAA- Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act
GBLA- Gramm-Leach Bliley Act
FERPA- Family Rights to Privacy Act
NC Identity Theft Protection Act
NC Identity Theft Protection Act
The Identity Theft Protection Act is designed to
protect individuals from identity theft by mandating
that businesses and government agencies take
steps to safeguard social security numbers and other
personal information
Identity Theft
Approximately 10 million ID theft victims nationally
per year – 19 people per minute
Identity Theft is now passing drug trafficking as the
number one crime in the nation-DOJ
In NC, identity theft reported to the FTC jumped from
1,656 cases in 2001, to 5,830 in 2005
The NC ID Theft Act and ECU
Effective: December 1, 2005
§ 132-1.8. Social security numbers and other personal identifying information.
Unless disclosure is necessary to perform clearly defined duties and
responsibilities or required by law the following is prohibited:
Collection of social security numbers
Failing to segregate social security numbers from the rest of the
Failing to provide Statement of Purpose when collecting social
security number
Use of social security number for other purpose not stated
Intentionally disclose to public
The NC ID Theft Act and ECU
Effective: July 1, 2007
§ 132-1.8. Social security numbers and other personal identifying information.
State and local government agencies should minimize the instances
where social security numbers and personal identifying information is
disseminated internally or externally.
No Agency of the State, or any agent or employee shall: (unless
exception is made)
Print or imbed social security numbers in a card required for
access to services
Require a person to transmit their social security number over
the Internet unless the internet is secured or the number is encrypted.
Require social security number to access and Internet Web site
without other authentication
Print and mail social security number, unless required by law
How is Information Stolen?
Stolen/Lost Computers
Social Engineering
A type of Social Engineering
The practice of acquiring personal
information on the internet by
masquerading as a trustworthy business
Usually installed onto a computer by downloading
other programs such as screensavers, games, and
“free” software
Trojans –malicious programs disguised or embedded
within legitimate software
What Can Malware Do?
Download other malware
Crash your workstation
Capture and send sensitive information from your
workstation to the hacker
Be used to perform attacks from inside our network
Social Engineering
A hacker’s favorite tool—the ability to extract
information from computer users without
having to touch a computer
Coercing people to give out information is
known as “social engineering” and is one of the
greatest security threats out there
Social Engineering
Social engineers prey on some basic human
• The desire to be HELPFUL
• The tendency to TRUST people
• The FEAR of getting into trouble
Social Engineering
Despite all our security controls, we are
wide open to an attack if an employee
unwittingly gives away key information in
an email, by answering questions over
the phone with someone they don't know
or failing to ask the right questions
Compromising a computer, server, or
network by means of software exploits or
operator negligence/ignorance
Lost/Stolen Computers
What could the loss of one laptop containing
sensitive information cost?
Thousands, maybe millions-WHY?
• Fines
• Public Relations Damage Control
• Class Action Litigation
Which Way did it Go?
Licensed cab drivers in London,
reported that 4973 laptops, 5939 Pocket
PCs, and 63135 mobile phones were left
in cabs over a 6 month period
What Can I Do?
Examine Your Business
WHO-has access to the data
WHERE- it originates, resides, goes
HOW-it gets where its going
What data, Where is it?
Search your workstation for sensitive data
• Can it be deleted?
• Can it be moved to PirateDrive?
If you MUST store sensitive information locally
Data Security
Data should not be copied or downloaded
from the university’s administrative systems to
a PC, PDA, Laptop, etc unless required by
your department
Piratedrive is a secure storage location which
meets the requirements for storing sensitive
information, it is available to individuals and
Data Security
Sensitive information should never be located on a
web server
Use a secure server to store sensitive data
Use an encrypted database, such as SQL or
Oracle to store sensitive information
Remove the confidential part of the information
from the data if this is possible (e.g., SSN)
Data Security
Be careful to whom you give sensitive
Do you know who they are?
Do they have a need to know?
Do they have the proper authorization?
Your PirateID and Passphrase
Never allow others to use your PirateID or
other logins –this includes your supervisor!
Use a strong passphrase on all your
computer systems and change them
Never give your passphrase out to anyone
Passphrase Security
Use a different passphrase on your
university and home workstations or
Avoid using the “auto complete” option to
remember your passphrase
Securing Your Workstation
Log off or lock your workstation when
you leave (ALT-CTRL-DEL)
Use a screensaver with a password
When you go home, turn the computer
Steer Clear of Malware
Avoid using Instant Messaging and Chat Software
Avoid using Peer to Peer file sharing software
Don’t download or install unauthorized programs
Keep your computer up to date with the latest A/V
definitions and security patches
Safe Email Practices
Don’t open unscanned, unknown or
unexpected email attachments
If you receive an email with a hyperlink, don’t
open it in the email –open a web browser and
type the link in manually
Email is not secure and should not be used to
send sensitive information. If you must use
email ALWAYS encrypt sensitive data
Practice a “Clean Desk” policy
Don’t leave unattended sensitive data on
your desk, FAX, printers or copiers
Keep sensitive data stored in a locked
desk, drawer or cabinet
Shred sensitive data for disposal
Basic Business Rules
If you don’t need it, don’t collect it
If you need it only once, don’t save it
If you don’t need to save it, dispose of it properly
If you have to save it, encrypt it, or lock it
Don’t give out information without positive
If You Suspect a Problem
Notify the ITCS Help Desk at 328-9866
IF you’ve been hacked, or think you have, change the
passphrase to ALL systems you have access to (and
not from the hacked workstation either)
If you have received a threat notify the
ECU Campus Police
Security Awareness mindset :
“I understand that there is the potential for some
people to deliberately or accidentally steal, damage
or misuse the data that is stored within my computer
systems and throughout our University. Therefore, it
would be prudent for me to stop that from
For More Information
Please visit the IT Security website at