
Jag Time
 AVID Folder Expectations
 Use folder daily
 Write homework, test, and project
assignments on calendar
 Reflection: How can staying organized in
school help you throughout the year?
Jag Time
Items in Brads
 Avid Letter
 Data Information
 Yellow Calendar
Assignments to Complete-Left Pocket
Assignments to Turn in-Right Pocket
Jag Time
 Calendar
 Write Homework, Test, and Project information
 Back page-Above Notes Section make parent
signature line
 Make notes, and write in assignment details for extra
 We will complete Reflection at the end of six weeks
 Teacher’s Corner- will check folder weekly and make
comments about folder
 Folder needs to be used daily
 Folder will also be monitored by administration
Warm-up-Grab Binders
Read and be prepared to answer question below.
Celebrate Freedom Week is a week designed to
emphasize the teaching of the country’s origins
with an emphasis on the founding documents.
The curriculum is taught from kindergarten
through the 12th grade. It is also celebrated during
the week containing September 17th which was the
date the U.S. Constitution was signed.
Why is it important to learn about our
country’s history?
An important document or primary source is the
Declaration of Independence?
What was the purpose of the Declaration of
Part of Celebrate Freedom Week is to recite part of the
Declaration of Independence.
Each school district shall require that,
during Celebrate Freedom Week or other
week of instruction prescribed under
subparagraph (A) of this paragraph,
students in Grades 3-12 study and recite the
following text:
"We hold these Truths ….
 "We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men
are created equal, that they are endowed by their
Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among
these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness-That to secure these Rights, Governments are
instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers
from the Consent of the Governed."
Quote from the Declaration of
rights do not
require proof
 "We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men
a gift
are created equal, that they are endowed by their
Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among
these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness-That to secure these Rights, Governments are
instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers
from the Consent of the Governed."
Agenda for Monday, 9-15
 Warm- up
 Reminders
 Geography Test
 Briefly Discuss Government Vocabulary
 Interactive Binder/Table of Contents
 Notes on American Government
 Progress Report go out this week.
 Article due tomorrow
Geography Test
Government Vocabulary
Interactive Binder and Table of
What is the purpose of the Interactive Binder?
The purpose of the interactive binder is to
enable you to be a creative, independent
thinker and writer. Interactive binder will be
used for class notes as well as for other
activities where you will be asked to express
your own ideas and process the information
presented in class.
Interactive Binder
The Right Side: Most of the Time
This side of the notebook is for lecture notes or other
information that I will ask you to keep. Your notes will be
structured so that key ideas are clear. Your highlighter will be
used to accent key ideas and facts that will be used in tests.
The Left Side: Most of the Time
This side will be used for a variety of activities, which will be
most of your homework assignments. Left side activities will
ask you to tie into your previous knowledge and to
demonstrate your understanding of new ideas.
Interactive Binder
How will my notebook be graded?
Binders will be checked periodically for accuracy,
neatness, and completed assignments. An
important part of your binder is its visual
appearance. It is a reflection of you and your
learning. It needs to be neat and well organized.
Each entry should be titled, dated, and have your
name. Keep in mind that your binder will count
as a daily grade every week. Put effort into it!
Interactive Binder
What happens if I am absent?
If you are absent for any reason such as illness, field
trip, or anything else that keeps you out of the
room, it is your responsibility to obtain binder
assignments from either a binder buddy or the
teacher. There will be a “teacher binder” which you
can refer to for missing assignments or activities.
The assignments are also posted on my website. I
will not remember that you were absent on a
particular day, so you must be the one to get the
assignments from me. Please do not say to me
when asked about a missing assignment, “I was
absent that day.” This will not be considered an
excuse for not completing the make up work.
Interactive Binder
Divider –
Unit 1 North America
Interactive Binder
Table of Contents
Government Vocabulary
Interactive Binder
Table of Contents
Government Vocabulary
Notes on American Government
What do you know about our
American Government
American Government
American Government
American Government
 The United States can trace its democratic
roots back to Ancient Greece.
 The British colonist brought the idea of limited
governments to North America including
Canada and Mexico.
 Our forefathers wrote the Constitution to
create a government in which we would elect
representatives to decide on our laws and how
to run our country.
 This type of democracy is called a
constitutional republic.
American Government
 It is a limited government because the leaders
cannot do whatever they want. They are limited
by the rules in place in our Constitution.
 The people are the basis of government in the
United States.
 The people elect the representatives to make
decisions. Voting in an election is our
responsibility as a citizen.
 One of the cultural contribution of the U.S. to
other cultures is democracy.
American Government
Cue Column
 Write a question you have about the notes
taken so far.
 Talk to your neighbor as see what questio
they have.
American Government
 Share two things you learned today.
American Government
 Write questions or key points to the left.
 Constitution Day
Wed. 9/17
 Warm-up
 Discuss Vocabulary
 Notes on American Government
 The Constitution: Bill of Rights
 Closure
American Government
 Write questions or key points to the left.
Thurs. 9/18
Thurs. 9/18
 Warm-up
 Primary and Secondary Sources
 Closure
Fri. 9/19
Fri. 9/19
 Warm-up
 Writing on Celebrate Freedom Week
 Closure