Final Exam Study Guide: AP World History

Final Exam Study Guide: AP World History
Fall-Winter 2013-14
The following concepts and principles will be on the final exam:
 Jared Diamond’s theory on the development of civilization as it relates to the
geographic suitability of agriculture.
 The importance of cultural diffusion in World History
 Criteria of civilization in World History
 Political concept of kingship in Ancient Civilization
 Political organization in Ancient:
o China
o Indus Valley
o Mesopotamian Civilizations
o Egypt
 Cultural achievements in Ancient:
o China
o Indus Valley
o Mesopotamian Civilizations
o Egypt
 Comparison: Judaism and Hinduism
 Comparative Analysis between Ancient Civilizations
 Political frameworks of the classical world
o Athens
o Rome
o Persia
o Qin China
o Han China
 The concept of Empire in World History
 Comparative Analysis between Classical Civilizations
 Rome’s transition from Republic to Empire
 Religious transformation of the Classical Period in:
o Mediterranean
o South Asia
o East Asia
o Southwest Asia
 Fall of Rome and Han China
 Chinese Philosophy
o Confucianism
o Legalism
o Daoism
 Social comparison of the Classical Period: India and China
 Social comparison of the Classical Period: Rome and Greece
Peasant rebellions in Chinese history
Importance of Silk Road commerce
Types of commerce along the Silk Road
Variance in Silk/Sea/Sand Road commerce
Consequences of cross-cultural interaction
Chinese history during the era of regionalism following the Han Dynasty
Golden Ages in China
o Tang
o Song
Chinese tributary system
Longevity of Byzantium
Impact of the Crusades in European History
Political unity after the fall of Rome
Characteristics of the Middle Ages in Europe
Foundation of Islam
Shia/Sunni split in Islam
Foundations of Empires within Islam
Islamic traditions in
o India
o Anatolia
o West Africa
Trade networks and the spread of religions during the post-classical age
Characteristics of Mongol conquest in Persia, China, and Russia
Impact of Mongolian conquest in History
Don’t forget to review the thinking skills!
Chapters 2-6, 8-12 are the focus