R1 Note 1: With court cases, you abbreviate “versus” with only a “v

Note 1: With court cases, you abbreviate “versus” with only a “v.,” NOT “vs.” (It’s not a UFC match.) In a case
between Ms. Ottenberg and Dakota Fanning, the case would be referred to as “Ottenberg v. Fanning.”
Note 2: If you are going to refer to the Supreme Court as just the “Court,” then you capitalize. If you see
“Court” in your notes, it means the Supreme Court.
Note 3: SCOTUS = Supreme Court of the United States.
#3: The Evolution & Development of Federalism
The ___allocation____, or division, of powers in our federal system has
____changed___ dramatically over the years.
The Supreme Court, in its role as ____interpreter___________of the Constitution,
has been a major player in the _redifinition____________ of the federal system.
Some early cases that addressed federalism include:
o __McGulloch v. Maryland (1819)____________
o __Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)________________
o ___Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857)___________
McCulloch (1819): was the first major decision by the Supreme Court under Chief
Justice ____John Marshall______ about the __relationship____________between
the states and the national government.
o The Court ___upheld__the power of the national government to establish a
__national bank_____________ and ___declined____ the right of a state to
__establish_______ the national bank. “The power to tax is the power to
o The Court’s __broad interpretation__________________________________
of the necessary and proper clause (or “needed and appropriate”) paved the
way for later rulings ___upholidng expansive federal powers_______.
The Gibbons (1824) case also focused on the relationship between the states and
the powers of Congress.
o Could New York grant a __license__________________ of
_______navigation_________________ to a company on the Hudson River?
o The Hudson River forms part of the ___border_________ between New York
and New Jersey.
o U.S. __Congress____ had also ___licensed_______ a ship to sail the
o The main __constitutional ____ question in Gibbons was about the
__scope__________ of Congress’ authority under the ____________
__commerce clause_____________________ (Article I, Section 8, clause 3:
“to regulate commerce with foreign nations, and __amoung_____________
the several __states_____________, and with the Indian tribes.”)
o In Gibbons, the Court upheld ___broad_____________ congressional power
over ___interstate commerce_____, giving __ultimate____________
authority to grant an operational license to Congress.
Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857): The Supreme Court ____of the United States
(SCOTUS) favored__ the idea of ______dual federalism______in which separate
but equally powerful __________ of government is preferable, and the national
government _______exceed its enumerated powers.
The Court held that Mr. Scott was not a U.S. citizen, nor were any people of African
descent, and therefore not entitled to sue in federal court and Scott remained _a
Chief Justice Roger Taney also wrote that Congress had no power to
__abolish______________ slavery in the territories and slaves were ______private
property __protected by the _____5th_________ Amendment: “…no person…shall
be deprived of life, liberty, or ___property_________, without due process of law.”
This was a _____narrow __interpretation of the power of the federal government.
The Civil War and Beyond:
__Dual Federalism________________ remained the framework for federalism in
Reconstruction and Progressive Eras. States actually believed they could
_nullify_________________ (void) federal laws they disagreed with.
Dual federalism finally ended in the 1930s and ____cooperative federalism_____
began when the crisis of the Great Depression
demanded __powerful____actions from the federal government. The federal
government needed the States_______________ to
__implement_______________ numerous New Deal policies and so the
relationship changed. _States____________, in turn, needed
__help_____________ from the federal government.
Post FDR- Today:
__Cooperative______ Federalism replaced the idea of _dual_________ federalism.
Because of New Deal policies, the federal government became more __involved___
in domestic __policies_____ and ____ecomomics__.
States are required to carry out, or implement, laws and therefore, they rely on the
federal government for money.
Cooperative federalism is sometimes referred to as __marble cake_______
federalism. The federal government, states, and even _cities___________ have
roles that overlap and __mix______ together.
Grants-in-aid money flooded states for _public_____ works projects, work
___programs______________, relief agencies, and ___entitlements___ programs.
(For instance: _social security, unemployment, food stamps, veteran’s benefits.)
Creative (Regulated) Federalism; 1960s-1970s
General _Revenue___ Sharing (they can choose where to spend the money) &
_block____ grants (money for a specific purpose, like schools or roads) were
general, _broad__________ funds that gaves states money for their needs (i.e.
education, transportation, urban development, etc.), but the _Vietanam
War_______ and _military____________ expenses of the Cold War, as well as
__social projects________ under President Lyndon B. Johnson (“LBJ”) caused the
government to become more _strict_________ about how states used money.
They had begun to ___spend__ more _money_________ than they brought in
(_deficit___ spending).
Increase in __categorical____ grants: allocation of federal _money_________ to
the states for a __specific____ purpose (i.e. aid to parents with dependent children,
airports, highways, technology in schools)
Federal leadership saw these grants as a way to __compel____, or force, individual
states to __behave_______ in ways _desired______________ by the federal
government. If the states __refuse_________ to _cooperate___with the federal
government, it would __withhold______funds (e.g. interstate highway funds and
speed limit or drinking age)
New Federalism
Drastic ________________ in federal _______________ programs and income
taxes in an attempt to ______________ the ______________ of the states. For the
first time in thirty years, federal aid to state and local governments
___________________. The idea was that federal government had gotten
_______ big. States should have more ________________ and
Today, this trend has _________________ to some degree. ___________ and
_______________ components of categorical grants are more common and
_______________, or legislation requiring states to carry out certain measures, are
another way for the federal government, to put responsibility on the states
#4: Federalism & SCOTUS
By the early 1900s, _______________ polls reported that Americans began to think
that the _________________ government was too ___________, too
___________, and too ________ to understand their concerns or meet their needs.
SCOTUS, once again, played a role in __________ the ideas surrounding
They took more cases involving ____________, gun control, the environment, and
the use of the ____________.
Rehnquist Court- Reinterpreting Federalism:
Generally, under Chief Justice Rehnquist, SCOTUS gave ___________ power to
the _______________; the ________________ of power swung in power back to
the states.
Webster v. Reproductive Health Services (1989) and Planned Parenthood v. Casey
(1992): states can pass _________________________ measures on
U.S. v. Lopez (1995): federal government ___________________ pass Gun Free
Drug Free School Zone Act based on _____________________________;
___________________ and safety laws have traditionally been left up to the states.
U.S. v. Morrison (2000): federal government ___________________ pass Violence
Against Women Act based on interstate commerce clause; __________ ________
dealing with assault have been in the states’ ____________________.
Expressed, Enumerated,
Example (picture or
or Delegated powers
Implied Powers
Interstate Commerce
Example (picture or
Example (picture or
Dual Federalism or Layer
Example (picture or
Cake Federalism
Cooperative Federalism
or Marble Cake
Example (picture or