WWI DBQ - Doyle

Conor Doyle
Document 1
What is Emile Zola’s main point?
The main point of Emile Zola’s document is that nation’s need to be strong to survive. Zola’s
makes it apparent that if a country is no longer ready to fight to defend their nation they will lose it.
Do you think that Zola has been influenced by Charles Darwin and his ideas about survival of the fittest?
Yes, Zola has been influenced by Charles Darwin’s ideas about survival of the fittest. Zola is
talking about a form of Social Darwinism. If a country is not strong enough to hold the power that it is
trying to assert it will crumble. There needs to be a backing of the power that is shown. If there is
nothing to back up statements or enforce the rules set in place then the power is not effective.
Can this kind of belief become an underlying reason for going to war?
This kind of belief can become an underlying reason for war because countries want to assert
dominance and prove that they are superior to other countries. In Europe Germany wanted to become a
power and felt that they needed to have what all the other countries had, like colonies.
Document 2
What do these three quotations have in common?
These three quotations are all about the upcoming war, and they all have a happy tone to them.
People are excited for the war. They view it as something that they can enjoy.
Do these three statements suggest an underlying reason for World War I or are they just providing
context? Explain your thinking.
These statements suggest that the citizens of Europe wanted a war. They were not against it at
all. They were still thinking about the ways wars went in the 1800s where most of the people returned
from war, but they did not expect the causalities that were part of WWI. It also gave reasons for leaders
to want a war. For them to gain popularity in the eyes of the people they needed to do what the people
generally wanted, and at that time it was war.
Document 3
What were the two great alliances in Europe in the summer of 1914 and which nations belonged to
In Europe there was the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente. The Triple Alliance was among
Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. The Triple Entente was among France, Russia, and the United
Document 4
What is the source and date of this cartoon? Who is the cartoonist?
This cartoon is from the Chicago Tribune on August 5, 1914. The cartoonist is John T.
What are the different countries doing in the cartoon?
The countries are all pointing the finger at someone else. They are putting the blame on a
country other than their own.
Note the hand. Who or what is the cartoonist saying is the cause of “the greatest crime of the century”?
The cartoonist is saying that the death of peace in Europe is the “crime of the ages”.
Document 5
Are the two songs in the document militaristic? Explain.
These two songs are militaristic. The first song is about how the tsar of Europe is the strongest
man in the world and how no one can defeat him. The second song is about how Britain will never be
conquered by anyone. It is also about how they are the kings of the sea.
What do “The Star Spangled Banner,” “God Save the Tsar,” and “Rule Britannia” have in common?
All of these songs have to do with war. While the Russian and British anthems are about being
victorious in any confrontation, the American anthem was written during the Revolutionary War. All
three songs are also all about pride in one’s country.
Document 6
What was the Black Hand and what was its objective?
The Black Hand was a secret society on Serbia founded by Colonel Dragutin Dimitrevic. The
objective of the Black Hand was to separate itself from the Austrian-Hungarian empire.
Is the objective of the Black Hand in any way connected to the songs in Document 5? Explain.
The objective of the Black Hand is similar the the songs from document 5 because of the pride
that the Black Hand shows in its country.
Document 7
What are armaments? Give three examples.
Armaments are weapons or equipment that are used by military forces. Tanks, guns, and
missiles are armaments.
Between 1910 and 1914, which nation increased its military spending at the fastest rate?
Germany increased its military spending at the fastest rate.
Which nation spent the greatest percent on their navy?
Great Britain spent the greatest percent on their navy.
Why would the nation do this?
Great Britain is an island. With a navy they can more easily access other lands.
Document 8
What does Prince von Bulow mean when he says that he would rather be a hammer than an anvil.
Prince von Bulow means that he would rather be the nation striking down with its power than
being the one being struck down.
Document 9
In this cartoon, who is the fool and what is his folly?
Germany is the fool, and his folly is the fact that it wants to be all powerful in Europe, not a
thriving economic country. Germany increased its military spending, taking it away from more
potentially beneficial things.
Recheck Document 7 to see the expenditures on armaments by Great Britain and Germany. Was this
British cartoonist justified in his viewpoint?
I think the British cartoonist was justified in his viewpoint due to the massive increase in
spending by Germany. Though I don’t think the cartoonist has the right to judge Germany, because of
the fact that Great Britain also had a high military expense amount.
Based on documents 7,8, and 9, do you believe that militarism was an underlying cause of WWI?
I believe that militarism was an underlying cause of WWI. If one country is strengthening its
military forces in an already tension filled region, the other countries are going to want to strengthen
their forces as well. This is shown in document 7. The majority of the countries had increased their
military expenses to some degree by 1914.
Do you think German militarism should be included as an underlying cause of the war?
Yes, Germany’s militarism was like a domino effect all throughout Europe. Once Germany
started to increase its military power so did other powers of Europe.
Document 10
What country is the source of the cartoon? What country is the target?
The source of the cartoon is from Germany. Great Britain is the target of the cartoon.
What is the main idea of the cartoon?
The main idea of the cartoon is that Great Britain has its hands everywhere. The cartoon is
trying to increase German pride in Germany. It is to make Germans ask the question, “Why not us?”
Document 11
What is a short definition of colonialism?
Colonialism is obtaining and maintaining colonies.
Which European country controlled the largest colonial area?
Great Britain controlled the largest colonial area.
Which European country controlled the largest colonial population?
Great Britain also controlled the largest colonial population.
Do you understand the concern of the German cartoonist in Document 10? Explain.
I feel that the concern of the German cartoonist comes from the fact that Great Britain has the
potential for a vast empire that could potentially control the world. Germany needed something that
would be able to hold against such a vast empire. The economic benefits that come from colonies were
also very high, and something that could give Germany a gain of power.