Branches of Science

Introduction to Science
The goal of science is to understand the world around you!
Scientists _______________ (gather) ___________ and __________________.
Using these __________, scientists try to explain what they see.
Then, scientists ___________ ____________________ to test their explanation.
Next, scientists may develop a _____________ (a logical explanation).
This ___________ is tested over and over.
Finally, if the theory survives the tests, it may become a __________.
(summary of observed experimental facts)
Branches of Science
Life Science/Biology
(Living things)
 Study of living things, the
parts, and how they work
Earth Science
(Earth and outer space)
 ___________________
 Deals with _________,
________, volcanoes,
earthquakes, _______,
 ___________________
 Usually includes
 ___________________
(living and non-living
things and how they
Physical Science
(matter and energy)
 _______________
(how substances behave
and combine/react)
 ________________
(Forms of energy)
(forces, motion, magnets,
electricity, electricity and
(stars, moons and
The branches of science most always overlap and work together!!!
Science-Chpt 1 Sect 1:3 Branches of Science
Directions: Decide whether each of the following questions would most likely be studied by a life
scientist (LS), an earth scientist (ES), or a physical scientist (PS). Write the correct abbreviation in the
space before each item. You can use your notes. DON’T ANSWER THE QUESTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
_______ 1. What are the characteristics of Jupiter’s moons?
_______ 2. What causes a firecracker to explode?
_______ 3. What are some of the most important characteristics of snakes?
_______ 4. How do sedimentary rocks form?
_______ 5. What causes earthquakes?
_______ 6. How is a crab similar to a spider?
_______ 7. Why does silver tarnish (change color)?
_______ 8. How much force is needed to stop a car traveling 90km/hr?
_______ 9. Which elements have properties similar to those of chlorine?
_______ 10. How does temperature and pressure of ocean water change with depth?
_______ 11. How do fronts and air masses affect weather patterns in an area?
_______ 12. How does a battery produce an electrical current?
_______ 13. How do different environmental factors produce various kinds of soil?
_______ 14. What type of acid is found in orange juice?
_______ 15. How are viruses different from bacteria?