Chapter 3 Wafer fabrication I

Chapter 3 Crystal growth, wafer fabrication and
basic properties of silicon wafers
1. Silicon crystal structure and defects.
2. Czochralski single crystal growth.
3. Growth rate and dopant incorporation for CZ method.
4. Float zone single crystal growth and doping.
5. Wafer fabrication.
6. Measurement methods.
NE 343: Microfabrication and thin film technology
Instructor: Bo Cui, ECE, University of Waterloo;
Textbook: Silicon VLSI Technology by Plummer, Deal and Griffin
Single crystal silicon
• Three types of solids - amorphous, polycrystalline, mono-crystalline (single-crystal).
• Semiconductor devices and VLSI (very large scale integrated) circuits require highpurity single-crystal semiconductors. Because:
o Difficult to control properties of amorphous or poly-crystals.
o By doping, electronic properties (carrier density, mobility, conductivity, carrier
lifetime) of a single crystal can be controlled more precisely.
• Amorphous silicon is used in photovoltaic cells, electronic displays (large-area).
• Polycrystalline silicon is used as a gate contact in MOSFETs (VLSI circuits).
Single crystal Si wafers
Diameters: currently up to 300mm
Wafer thickness: 650μm
Wafer purity: 150 parts/trillion
Impurities: 99.99999999% Si
Microstructure of electronic materials
gate oxide
Crystallography - introduction
Crystals are characterized
by a unit cell which
repeats in the x, y, z
Planes and directions are
defined using an x, y, z
coordinate system.
[111] direction is defined by
a vector having components
of 1 unit in x, y and z.
Planes are defined by Miller
indices - reciprocals of the
intercepts of the plane with
the x, y and z axes.
For the (110) plane, it has intercepts with x, y, z-axis of 1, 1,  (i.e. no intercept with zaxis). So its Miller indices are (1/1, 1/1, 1/)=(1,1,0).
For any plane (l, m, n), it is always perpendicular to the direction [l, m, n].
E.g. [111] direction is perpendicular to (111) plane.
Diamond Structure of Si
Silicon has the basic diamond crystal structure:
Two merged FCC cells offset by a/4 in x, y and z.
This website has a 3D structure at various viewing angles.
Defect in crystals
Point defects: vacancy, interstitial, substitutional, Frankel defects
Linear defects: edge and screw dislocations
Planar defects: stacking fault, grain boundaries, surfaces
Bulk defects: cracks and pores, precipitate
Point defects
Point defects.
a) Substitutional.
b) Interstitial.
c) Vacancy (Schottky defect).
d) Frenkel-type defect
(interstitial - vacancy pair).
Point defects dictate most dopant
diffusion mechanisms, and thus
determine the impurity profile.
Point defects: vacancies and substitutional
The number of neutral vacancies is
thermodynamically determined by,
where No is the density of atoms/cm3 and Ea is the
activation energy for the formation of the vacancy
(in silicon, No=5.021022/cm3 and Ea=2.6 eV)
Substitutional can be foreign unwanted
impurities, or intentionally introduced
You may want a dopant impurity to be
on a substitutional site, but you may not
want a heavy metal atom or other
unwanted impurity to be on a
substitutional site (harder to remove).
Point defects: interstitial
Interstitials can be foreign unwanted impurities,
intentionally introduced impurities, or
“misplaced” host atoms (an intrinsic defect, the
Dopant atoms diffuse through the
semiconductor faster as interstitials, but we
need to place them in substitutional sites to
make use of them (i.e. they act as dopants only
when in substitutional sites).
Energies involved for the atomic
diffusion of interstitial impurities
Line defects: dislocation
A missing line or additional line of atoms is called a dislocation.
Dislocations are either pure edge, pure screw or a combination of both types.
Screw dislocations
give a helical
structure to the
planes, often show
up in crystal growth
Dislocation move
Dislocation affects deformation properties - to slide upper block over lower now only
requires a line of bonds to break at a time, not a whole plane process of slip.
It causes low yield strength of solids.
Dislocation sources: by stress due to temperature gradient, due to agglomeration.
Planar defects: stacking faults
Volume defects: precipitates
A stacking fault is a disruption in the stacking of layers in the crystal.
It is terminated by dislocation.
Precipitates are three dimensional defects that have a different chemical makeup
from the host lattice.
They can result from an impurity exceeding the maximum solubility of the crystal
(much like super-saturation of sugar in water).
Chapter 3 Crystal growth, wafer fabrication and
basic properties of silicon wafers
1. Silicon crystal structure and defects.
2. Czochralski single crystal growth.
3. Growth rate and dopant incorporation for CZ method.
4. Float zone single crystal growth and doping.
5. Wafer fabrication.
6. Measurement methods.
Raw material preparation
Economical value
Metallurgical grade silicon
Quartzite (sand, SiO2) is placed in a hot (1800oC) furnace with carbon releasing
materials, and reacts as shown, forming metallurgic grade silicon (MGS):
2SiO2(solid) + 2C(solid)  Si(liquid) + 2CO(gas)
Metallurgical grade silicon (~98% pure) production and typical impurity levels.
Over 50% MGS is used to make Al alloys.
The fraction used for semiconductors is very small.
Electrical grade silicon (polycrystalline)
Basically, the solid Si is first converted into a liquid form (SiHCl3) for purification, then
converted back into solid Si.
Both reactions occur at high temperatures.
Metallurgical grade silicon is treated with hydrogen chloride to form trichlorosilane:
Si + 3HCl  SiHCl3(g) + H2(g) (use catalyst)
SiHCl3 is liquid at room temperature, boiling point 32oC. Multiple distillation of the liquid
removes the unwanted impurities (99.9999% pure).
The purified SiHCl3 is then used in a hydrogen reduction reaction to prepare the
electronic grade Si (EGS):
SiHCl3(g) + H2(g)  Si(s) + 3HCl(g)
(this is the reverse reaction of the above reaction)
EGS is the raw material for Si single crystal production.
Si single crystal growth
Two methods used: Czochralski (CZ) and float zone (FZ).
Jan Czochralski (cho-HRAL-skee) (1885 - 1953) was a
Polish chemist who invented the Czochralski process,
which is used to grow single crystals and is used in the
production of semiconductor wafers.
He discovered the Czochralski method in 1916 when he
accidentally dipped his pen into a crucible of molten
tin rather than his inkwell. He immediately pulled his
pen out to discover that a thin thread of solidified
metal was hanging from the nib. The nib was replaced
by a capillary, and Czochralski verified that the
crystallized metal was a single crystal.
Czochralski method (CZ)
It is widely employed for Si, GaAs, and InP.
The EGS is broken into small pieces and placed in an SiO2 crucible.
In an argon ambient, the crucible is heated to just above 1417oC.
Dopant is added to the melt to intentionally dope the resulting crystal.
A single crystal seed is then lowered into the melt (crystal orientation and wafer
diameter determined by seed orientation and pull rate), and withdrawn slowly.
Melt flows up the seed and cools as crystal begins to grow.
Seed rotated about its axis to produce a circular cross-section crystal. The rotation
inhibits the natural tendency of the crystal to grow along certain orientations to
produce a faceted crystal.
Long ingots (boules) 100 kg, with very good circular cross-section are produced.
The oxygen and carbon (from graphite furnace components), contribute about 10171018/cm3 contaminants.
Czochralski method (CZ)
Czochralski growth of silicon
A commercial CZ puller
Early in the growth process
Later in the growth process
Oxygen and carbon in CZ silicon
• The CZ growth process inherently introduces O (from SiO2 crucible) and C
(from graphite susceptor/supporter).
• Typically, CO ≈ 1018 cm-3 and CC ≈ 1016 cm-3.
• The O in CZ silicon often forms small SiO2 precipitates in the Si crystal
under normal processing conditions.
• O and these precipitates can actually be very useful: provide mechanical
strength, internal gettering.
Figure 3-25 Point defect and
diffusion mechanisms that
contribute to the growth or
shrinkage of SiO2 precipitates in
Critical size is about 1nm: stable
precipitates above 1nm, may
shrink and disappear below 1nm.