Personality Disorders

Personality Disorders
Personality Disorders- Axis II
(less serious than Axis I disorders
Personality disorders – psychological disorders
characterized by inflexible and enduring
behavior patterns that impair social functioning.
Generally less serious than the other
psychological disorders (Axis II)
Types of Personality Disorders
Cluster A (Odd and Eccentric Cluster)
Cluster B (Dramatic, Emotional, Erratic Cluster)
Cluster C (Anxious and Fearful Cluster)
Odd and Eccentric Cluster
Paranoid Personality Disorder – patient displays a pattern of
persistent distrust and suspiciousness of others
Disorder is diagnosed by early adulthood
Patient has the belief that others are out to exploit or harm them without
evidence that this is true
Preoccupied thoughts of others lack of loyalty
Reluctant to confide in others
Disorder may be apparent in childhood and teenage years – social anxiety,
poor school performance, peculiar thoughts and language,
More commonly diagnosed in males
Prevalence - .5 – 2.5%
Odd and Eccentric Cluster
Schizoid Personality Disorder – person is socially withdrawn
and lacks feelings for others
Lack the desire for intimacy and to develop close relationships
Little satisfaction from social/family gatherings
Choose solitary hobbies where no interaction is required
Patients are not concerned with the acceptance of approval of others
Rarely give facial expressions or gestures (ex. failing to smile at something
funny or nod with approval)
Difficult time expressing anger
Those with schizoid personality disorder do not marry or have close
Diagnosed slightly more often in males
Dramatic, Emotional, Erratic Cluster
Antisocial Personality Disorder (formerly called a
psychopath/sociopath) – a personality disorder in which the
person, usually a man, exhibits a lack of conscience for
wrongdoing, even toward family members and friends. Inability
to empathize with others..pattern of violent, criminal,
exploitative or unethical behavior.
May be aggressive and ruthless or a clever con artist
Antisocial personality disorder is the most well-known and most important personality
Begins in childhood and continues into adulthood
Read about Henry Lee Lucas on page 654 in Myers
Those with APD, have less frontal lobe cognitive functions
Age 3-6 child is impulsive, uninhabited, unconcerned with social rewards,
displays low anxiety levels.
Lack of planning, organizing and inhibition
3% of men and 1% of women in the US are diagnosed with APD
Charles Manson interview in San Quentin Prison - YouTube
Antisocial Personality Disorder - The Low-Level
Psychopath (Direct Action & Less Manipulative)
– YouTube
Dramatic, Emotional, Erratic Cluster
Borderline Personality Disorder – A
personality disorder in which one has an
unstable self image, moods, relationships and
has a fear of abandonment.
Found in about 2% of the general population.
 Diagnose in predominantly women (75%)
 What is Borderline Personality Disorder? (Mental
Health Guru) - YouTube
Dramatic, Emotional, Erratic Cluster
Narcissistic Personality Disorder – A
personality disorder in which one
exaggerates self-importance and
achievements and needs constant
admiration. Personality appears exceedingly
 These individuals have the expectation
that others see them as superior or
 These individuals lack empathy.
 Envious of others or believe that others
are envious of them
 Display snobbish or patronizing
attitude. Narcissistic Personality
Disorder; The Social Network
 How To Spot Narcissists On Facebook
The Female Narcissist - YouTube
Dramatic, Emotional, Erratic Cluster
Histrionic Personality Disorder – pervasive
and excessive emotionality and attention-seeking
Uncomfortable when they are not the center of
 Appearances is often sexually provocative
 Emotional expression is shallow
 Easily influenced by others and by current fads
 histrionic personality disorder - YouTube
Anxious and Fearful Cluster
Avoidant personality disorder – A
personality disorder in which one is
irrationally fearful of rejection leading
to isolation.
General Population prevalence - .5 –
Often evident in childhood – shyness,
isolation, fear of new situations
Shyness increases during adolescence
Avoidant Personality Disorder YouTube
Anxious and Fearful Cluster
Dependent Personality Disorder – A
personality disorder in which one has difficulty
making decisions, are passive, dependent and
helpless. These individuals are preoccupied with
the fear of being alone and left to care for
This is the most frequently reported personality
 True Life Im Dependent - YouTube
Anxious and Fearful Cluster
Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder – a
preoccupation with orderliness, perfection and control
Excessively careful and prone to repetition
So involved in detail, they may not finish a project
Obsessed with work, exclude leisure
Reluctant to delegate tasks
Controlling, inflexible, excessively conscientious
Different from Ob-Com Disorder (where specific obsessions
and compulsions are evident and thus leading to anxiety)
Anxious and Fearful Cluster
Passive - Aggressive Personality Disorder –
People with this disorder will covertly
(secretively) commit an aggressive act against
others behind their back while smiling and being
friendly in their presence.
VIEW: Featured Article: The PassiveAggressive Personality.
Mother on Everybody Loves Raymond
Passive Aggressive Anger - YouTube