QF0212SA006 - Queer Foundation

A view from an average gay teen.
Lily Allen’s song Fuck you. Is a wonderful song about a girl talking to a guy saying
pretty much F You, one of the lines are “So you say It's not okay to be gay Well I think you're
just evil You're just some racist who can't tie my laces Your point of view is medieval” The
quote talks about people being medieval and hating a group of people for being who they are, but
why do people hate and how can we get them to stop the hate gays? The reason people hate are,
they were taught the hate and its all they know, they are afraid of people finding out there secret,
or they are just going with the crowd. These are the three major reasons, sometimes it can be a
mix and there are a few other reasons, but these are the major umbrellas of a hateful persons
mind. But we always have to remember these people that are so full of hate are human, so
remember there feelings and never raise your voice or shout or get angry, for then that justifies
everything they stand for.
The first reason, they were taught the hate and it’s all they know. These people when hate
is all they know have bad history with gays, weather they were molested as a kid and have
blamed gays for it, mostly focused on guys, or if their parents are so hateful that it rubbed off on
them. These people are difficult to work with, but can be changed for the better over a bit of
time, the best way to try and work with them is by talking to them, day after day, sanding down
the hate. When it comes to the hate thru a situation like molest the reason they hate is for it is
what they think that group is all about, they blame the gay population for what that older man did
to them as a young boy. They project this hate on to the LGBT community for those are the
major group of people that have “obscured sexual behavior” once they meet gay guys and talk to
them there hate will subsided rather quickly. In the movie Precious Gabourey Sidibe plays a
black girl that had an abusive home situation and is trying to better herself. In one scene
Precious’s teacher has let her stay the night and is helping her get her life together, her teacher is
a lesbain, precious has an inter monolog saying “Mama say homos is bad peoples ... But homos
not who rape me, homos not who let me sit up in school 16 years and learn nuffin and homos not
sell crack to peoples in Harlem.” This girl precious has grown up in hate. But once she actually
meets a lesbian couple, she knew there was nothing wrong with gays. That is how we deal with
these type of people that hate. We give them our kindness let them meet us and soon they will
feel like their hate was immature before.
The people that are afraid of people finding out there secret, what this is referring to are
the people in the closet that have the consent fear of someone knowing there gay, in case of
bullying or harassment, these people want to be normal for popularity or just want to make their
family happy, there are many levels of people like this. The range goes from, just making
comments about people being a queer or a fag to full on trying to beat openly gay men/women or
even men/women that are mildly feminine/masculine. These people you can’t really debate with
or argue points with for their ideas are not based on bias or be blamed on being uneducated it’s
based in fear of their deepest secret. The most we can do is have LGBT support groups and have
media show them it is okay to be gay. Have safe places for them to talk and be who they are,
they have to come out when they are ready. We have to show them when they are ready we will
be here to show them love, compassion, friendship, a sense of community, and a pride. Matthew
fox said “Evil is the shadow of angel. Just as there are angels of light, support, guidance, healing
and defense, so we have experiences of shadow angels. And we have names for them: racism,
sexism, homophobias are all demons.” These people are part of these “shadowed angles”. But
they are the saddest kind of shadow for they’re a crippling shadow on the beam of hope, and love
that is there community the gay community. Sooner or later they will realize this and come out
but for now, like stated before we most show them how to come out. Lead with example and
after all the homophobia subsided they will help pay their dues to the LGBT community, but
until then we shall pick up the slack for them.
They people that are just going with the crowd. This crowd, the “in group”, the general
population, this is what way the people that are on the fence generally go, “If you want to survive
a war, do business with the side that's gonna win.” This quote was stated by Patrick Dempsey in
the third transformer movie. This quote really helps to highlight how people shy away from
being on the losing side, or being out cased, it is talking about how if you don’t want to die go
with the strongest group of people. LGBT’s rights is viewed kind of in the same way, people
how are on the fence, how don’t care either way it goes will general just choice the side that
everyone around them is on or they view as the biggest group of people. These people minds are
the easiest to open and to get them to support the LGBT sides of the argument, all we have to do
is get them motivated to believe not giving someone all their rights is wrong, and that’s what
happening by not allowing gays to marry and adopted, they probably will never get up and make
speeches, or stand on a soap box. But it is one less person that might vote the other way in any
important law changing rulings. All we must do for these people is talk, get them informed about
the issues show them that supporting LGBT is the right thing to do, after that they will be
supportive and able to start changing minds of those around them. They may not make a huge
change to the world, but always think, it’s one more voice.
In conclusion, peoples’ minds can be changed and need to be. And we must realize that
for some it may take a day, but for others it may take a year or more or us to enlighten them.
Slowly but surely we can get the support we need, and if you really think about it we are almost
there, the best way to deal with people how don’t like gays is figuring out why first, second step
is talking to them and either, making them realize gay people aren’t sex addicts and perverts, and
just work on each person till they are an excepting person. Always remember no matter how
made you get, just stay calm, if you freak out on a person, in their mind they win and it will only
make everything worse in that situation. So stay collected and let them have a fit.